Python vs JavaScript: Key Differences You Must Be Aware Of

Python and JavaScript are the two primary languages that are most popular and powerful, but they do have key differences.

To understand that specific differences, we’ve come up with an article that depicts the difference between Python vs JavaScript. You’ll come across the basics of Python & JavaScript before we deep dive into their differences.

Key Takeaways

  • Python is a general-purpose programming language that is often used for scientific computing, data analysis, and web development. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a programming language that is primarily used for web development.
  • Python has a simpler and more readable syntax compared to JavaScript. Python code is easier to write and debug, which makes it a popular choice for beginners.
  • JavaScript is a more versatile language compared to Python because it can be used both on the client-side and server-side of web development. Python is mainly used on the server-side.
  • Python has a larger number of libraries and frameworks compared to JavaScript, which makes it easier to develop complex projects quickly.
  • JavaScript, however, has a large number of open-source libraries and frameworks that make it easier to develop front-end web applications.
  • Python has better support for scientific computing and data analysis, while JavaScript is better suited for building interactive web applications.
  • If you are developing a web application that requires dynamic features, then JavaScript is a better choice. If you need to develop a machine learning model or a data analysis tool, then Python is a better choice.
  • Python has a shorter learning curve, which makes it easier to learn for beginners. JavaScript, however, has more job opportunities and a larger community, which makes it easier to find support and resources.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is an ideal choice for rapid application development. With its built-in data structures and dynamic functionality of data binding, Python occupied the ffourth position in the list of most used programming languages among Python developers.


[Image Source: Statista]

If I talk about the top features of Python, the list is huge. However, let’s highlight the prime features of Python Programming language.

  • Easily build web-based servers and applications.
  • Python allows you to create Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence apps easily.
  • Python uses custom runtime patterns to enhance the application speed.
  • Python is completely object-oriented programming language.
  • It’s entirely compatible with leading platforms, databases, products, and programs.

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What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that makes it easy for businesses to implement complex features on web pages smoothly. In simple words, I can say that for every web page visit, it does more than simply displaying static information for you.

What you can do with JavaScript?

  • Displaying timely content updates
  • Creates interactive web pages with integrated maps functionality
  • Performs animated 2D/3D graphics
  • Scrolling video jukeboxes and many more

With its lightweight feature, JavaScript allows you to create more dynamic interactions when developing dynamic web pages, applications, servers, and or even games.

However, you can efficiently use JavaScript alongside HTML and CSS to make your business application more responsive. With the help of JavaScript, implementation of web, mobile application, and game development is much more easier.

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Python vs JavaScript: Detailed Comparison

After looking at the basics of Python and Javascript, it’s high time to highlight the difference between Python VS JavaScript in various terminologies.

JavaScript Is Best In Terms of Speed & Performance

Python is a programming language that is well-known for its CPU-intensive tasks. On the other hand, JavaScript works the best for creating web applications and real-time interactions.

JavaScript is solely responsible for enhancing the  speed of business application and also plays a vital role in improving user engagement. And it is made possible with the help of Node.js framework. 

And if I talk about Python, its the best for processing huge data files, CPU-intensive projects, and large-scale applications. And if you’re using Cython or NumPy tools for performing Python source code optimization, it will definitely provide you with the best application performance.

Difference between Python & JavaScript

And if I talk about Python, its the best for processing huge data files, CPU-intensive projects, and large-scale applications. And if you’re using Cython or NumPy tools for performing code optimization, it will definitely provide you with the best application performance.

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Python Has Gained Huge Popularity

As we are comparing the two big back-end technologies like Python and Javascript, Python and JavaScript are popular one for developers and business owners. In terms of popularity, both technologies are the best, but to be precise, compared to Javascript, Python is the winner.

As per the recent survey by Statista, JavaScript has occupied the 4th position in the most commonly used functional programming language.

Python app development is usually fluctuating with lot of ups and down. And according to the TIOBE Programming Community Index 2022, Python has secured the top position, beating Java, C, and JavaScript.

Apps Developed With JavaScript Language are More Scalable

JavaScript is a programming language that typically supports multithreading features, while Python is a language that allows you to deal with only a single thread at a time.

If you want to build an application for your business that scales well, you should move ahead with Node.js development services. The primary reason behind it is that it is built specifically on JavaScript language. 

Simply put, the applications developed with JavaScript allow you to easily increase the number of threads and scale apps as and when needed. On the other hand, Python actively uses GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which does not include concurrent programming paradigms support.

Moreover, Python makes it challenging to utilize multiple processors with threads. This simply states that application scaling works best for JavaScript programming language.

JavaScript Has a Steeper Learning Curve

JavaScript is one such programming language that is usually not easy to learn, and thereby I can surely say that it supports a steeper learning curve. But, it’s not the same case with Python language.

In fact, Python is a developer-friendly language and very easy to grasp for any Python developers.

Here, we are talking about the difference between Python and JavaScript; many freshers typically prefer Python as their primary language. Some of the reasons are minimized structural lines, readable code & maintainable code, convert python code blocks, and, most importantly, a quicker development process.

Python Is Built With Feature-Rich Modules & Libraries

Python is a feature-rich and innovative platform that possesses a bundle of modules and libraries. JavaScript does not have many such libraries and modules except a few, like JSON and Math.

Inside the Python language, you’ll find a list of components that enables you to deal with innovative Machine Learning, Data Analytics, data science, and even scientific applications. So, you can just imagine the power of Python programming language using a single Python source code.

And if I talk about JavaScript, only a few pre-configured modules exist. So, this is the major difference between Python vs JavaScript.

JavaScript Makes Web & Mobile App Development Process Smoother

If you’re using JavaScript for developing mobile applications and web apps for your business needs, you’re on the right path. JavaScript helps you perform code faster, work quickly, and, yes, manage a large bunch of data.

Compared to JavaScript, Python usually takes more time for web & mobile app development. As it supports asynchronous programming nature, JavaScript plays a vital role in offering high-end scalability to business applications to a great extent.

It does not mean that Python is not a good option for application development. Python is essential as it is solely responsible for dealing with server-side development. 

However, it provides a stable software development environment with leading frameworks like Django, Pyramid, Flask, and many more.

Related Post: JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

Python VS JavaScript:  The Comparison Table

Python JavaScript
Python is a high-level programming language that is object-oriented programming. JS, or Javascript, is a scripting language.
Guido van Rossum is the man behind the invention of Python. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich (Netscape), currently maintained by ecmascript language specification.
Python is an imperative programming language that is easy to read and maintain code. JavaScript is completely flexible scripting language and so it does not provide easy code readability or code maintainability functionality.
An interpreter is needed to run Python code. You just need the browser to run Javascript code.
Python is a dynamically typed language. JavaScript is commonly used for client-side scripting language.
Python is best used for server-side scripting. JavaScript is commonly used for client-side scripting.
By default, Python is encoded as ASCII language. JavaScript supports UTF-16 encoding.
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Python VS JavaScript: Whose the Ultimate Winner?

If I talk about the winner, comparing these two leading technologies cannot be done as it would not be fair enough. Python and JavaScript are inspiring backend technologies but are meant for different perspectives.

Both technologies have their own predictive use cases that make the development process smoother and more efficient. 

The distinctions between JavaScript vs Python enable them to complement each other seamlessly in the software development lifecycle.

To be precise, JavaScript rules the world for mobile and web app development, while Python rules the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) market for its ease of use and ability to perform data manipulation using Data Analytics features.

But …but…but…..if you are still confused with Python and JavaScript, feel free to contact Albiorix and get your confusion cleared right away!

What is Angular? Architecture & Advantages That You Must Be Aware Of

Nowadays, the demand for websites is becoming a boom for many businesses ranging from social media to healthcare, from eCommerce to online banking. Besides, billions of people use the web and mobile apps for almost everything globally.

And yes, of course, as per the user’s demands, such business websites need to be updated. But the main question still arises: which is the best and most convenient method to create a web application?

You’ll come across many front-end tools and other frameworks like ReactJS, Vue, and many more. I think Angular is the preferred and excellent framework that makes it easy to design and build web applications smoothly.

We have come up with an article that answers your question, “what is Angular?” You’ll get detailed information on the Angular framework and why should you opt for this awesome framework.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular is a popular open-source framework for building web applications. It was developed and is maintained by Google.
  • Angular is a complete framework, which means it provides everything you need to build a web application, including templating, routing, and data binding.
  • Angular is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features.
  • Angular uses a component-based architecture, where components are building blocks that make up the UI of an application.
  • Angular provides a powerful set of tools for building reactive and dynamic UIs, including observables, operators, and subjects.
  • Angular also provides built-in support for testing, debugging, and performance optimization.
  • Angular has a large and active community of developers, which means there are many resources available for learning and getting help with the framework.

What is Angular?

AngularJS is the first version, while the Angular 2+ version is referred to as Angular. Angular is a framework as well as a platform that is designed explicitly for developing web and single-page applications. Angular is an open-source framework and is written in TypeScript programming language and strictly follows HTML template language for building robust web applications.

Angular is one of the best JavaScript frameworks that is solely responsible for implementing core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.

Angular specifies a certain style and certain rules for Angular libraries that developers working with an AngularJS development company need to follow and adhere to while developing apps.

What is the Difference Between Angular and AngularJS?

One of the biggest questions that arise in your mind when you hear the word “Angular” is: What is the ultimate difference between AngularJS vs. Angular? What is Angular vs. AngularJS? Are Angular and AngularJS the same?

To answer the question, I’ve highlighted the best differences between Angular vs. AngularJS.

  • AngularJS is the first version, while Angular version 2+ is the Angular framework.
  • AngularJS uses JavaScript as a primary language, while Angular is an open-source framework and typically uses TypeScript as a programming language.
  • Angular and AngularJS are the front-end and open-source platforms that help you create dynamic SPAs for your business needs.
  • AngularJS typically uses MVC architecture, while Angular follows the components and directives approach.
  • AngularJS framework is not mobile-friendly, while Angular is a mobile-friendly framework.

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How Does Angular Work?

As discussed, Angular is a framework for building web applications using HTML and JavaScript. Also, it uses a TypeScript language that makes it easy for the developers to compile it to JavaScript.

After having a look at what is Angular, the main question arises: how does Angular work? To answer this question, you need to understand the basic concept of working on Angular applications.

The framework typically follows Angular architecture patterns that consists of several Angular component libraries, some the core and some optional.

Angular architecture patterns

From the above diagram, we can see that the framework follows Angular architecture patterns and is usually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Modules

    For every Angular application, you will have only one root module named AppModule. The root module usually provides the Angular developers with the bootstrap mechanism that makes it easy to launch the new application. Modules are the one of the most essential aspect, if you’re understanding what is Angular.

    An app typically contains many functional modules. Let’s say you are planning to use another custom Angular module for your application; then, it becomes mandatory for you to register the same module in the app.module.ts file.

    One of the best option is to hire Angular developers from reputed organization where they can easily organize the source code into distinct functional modules. It helps you in managing the complex web application development and designing for reusability.

  2. Components

    Like modules, every Angular project contains at least one component, the root component. The primary role of the root component is to connect the component hierarchy with a page document object model (DOM).

    Inside every component, the developers define the class that contains application data and logic. Moreover, the Angular material components are associated with the same HTML template that defines the view displayed in a target app. The Angular components control a patch of the screen called a view.

  3. Templates

    Angular templates are nothing but a combination of HTML and Angular markup. The primary aim of such an Angular template is to modify HTML elements before they are displayed quickly. In addition, template directives provide program logic, and binding markup connects your application data and the document object model (DOM).

    Generally, there are two types of data binding.

    • Event Binding: With the help of Event Binding, you can efficiently build an app that efficiently responds to user input in the target environment by updating your app data.
    • Property Binding:Angular is a component-based framework that supports Property binding where the developers interpolate values computed from app to fetch data into the HTML elements of the web page.
  4. Metadata

    Metadata is nothing but an instructor that informs Angular about how to process a class. It is designed explicitly to decorate the class so that the developers can quickly configure the expected behavior of a class.

    If you are working with the Angular 2+ version, decorators are one of the essential concepts you need to deal with. The user can use metadata to a class to tell the Angular app that AppComponent is the main root component. In addition, metadata can be attached to the TypeScript using the decorator.

  5. Data Binding

    The Angular data binding concept typically handles real-time communication between a template and its related component. Moreover, data binding is also a boon for communication between parent and child components.

    Angular allows communication between a component and the DOM, making it very easy to define interactive applications without worrying about pulling and pushing the data.

  6. Directives

    Angular components and directives are interconnected with each other. In simple words, we can say that directives and components both are essential building blocks of Angular applications.

    One such Angular directive is ngClass, a better example of the existing Angular attribute directive.

  7. Services

    The Angular developers create a service class when no specific data or logic is associated with the particular view. In addition, the developers can even share the data or logic among different components.

    The @Injectable decorator immediately precedes the service class definition. The decorator provides the metadata that allows your service to be injected into client components as a dependency.

    The main functionality of the Angular framework is to distinguish components from services. And it leads to increase modularity and reusability for your application. For example, once the developers separate a component’s view-related functionality from other processing, you can make your component classes lean and efficient.

  8. Dependency Injection

    The primary role of the Angular developer is to keep the component classes short and straightforward. And that’s what Dependency Injection (DI) does.

    DI is not responsible for fetching data from a server, validating the user input, or logging directly into the console. In addition, they are accountable for delegating such tasks to the services.

    DI is equipped with the AngularJS framework and is typically used by developers everywhere to create new components using the user input validation system with the services. Components consume services; you can inject a service into a component, giving the component access to that service class.

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Advantages of Angular Framework

Let’s highlight some of the biggest and most beneficial advantages of Angular that bring convenience to building web applications for your business needs.  Moreover, the biggest advantage that we can say for sure is that there are many leading websites built using the Angular framework.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Supported by Google

    One of the biggest advantages that have come up with the Angular framework is the Long-Term Support (LTS). Google offers long-term support for Angular, which help you to deal with Google’s plan to keep using the framework and expand the Angular ecosystem.

    The exciting part about Angular ecosystem is that Google employs Angular and plays a vital role in improving the performance of the web application. With its active support of LTS, Angular help you scale your web application easily.

  2. TypeScript

    TypeScript is the primary language that is built explicitly for Angular application development. TypeScript is nothing but a superscript for JavaScript, and it allows for optimal code quality, making the web application more secure.

    Its active support of TypeScript helps Angular developers easily detect and eliminate mistakes early to deal with completely rewrite the code or performing maintenance operations.

    Browsers will not execute TypeScript directly. First, the Typescript code must be “transpiled” into JavaScript with the help of tsc compiler, which requires some updates in Angular configuration file.

  3. Declarative UI

    With the help of dynamic HTML elements, the user interface (UI) of the Angular application is built. HTML is a more simple language as compared to JavaScript programming language. Angular is also a declarative and easy-to-use language that exclusively supports directives such as ng-app, ng-model, etc.

  4. POJO (Plain Old Java Object)

    POJO approach is included in the Angular framework. The developers do not need to use Angular’s getters and setters method.

    By including POJO, the developers find it easy to perform object manipulation via all of JavaScript’s standard functionalities. Moreover, one of the best Angular practices that developers can perform is to simply quickly remove or add properties from the things while also iterating over them as needed.

  5. SPA and PWA

    One of the most cost-effective methods for website development to make it behave like mobile apps is a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is responsible for minimizing the network requirements and, most importantly, enhancing the web app performance.

    Single-page web applications (SPA) may be written primarily when the developers need to utilize the server-side rendering capabilities of Angular. Moreover, single-page web applications it helps the developers to load the home page quickly and improves website performance on mobile and low-powered devices.

    You can even make use of Angular Ivy to compile components more independently of each other quickly for your business applications.

  6. Simplified MVC Pattern

    The Angular framework typically uses the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture rather than an MVC (Model-View-Controller). With the help of the MVVM model, the developers can efficiently deal with two-way data binding between View and ViewModel.

    In addition, Angular platform allows the developers to deal with the automatic propagation to change within ViewModel’s state to the view. ViewModel data strictly uses the observer model to inform changes to the ViewModel model to model.

  7. Modular Structure

    The entire Angular source code is grouped into different essential web page elements like Angular components, directives, pipes, and services. Modules are considered to be the heart of the Angular framework’s intuitive application structure. The developers can easily deal with framing the features of applications using the entire tree structure smoothly.

    Modules play a vital role in lazy loading. In simple words, by including modules in the Angular application, you’ll find featuring differential loading functionality of the application website’s on-demand turns to be faster.

    With the help of Angular, you may develop a complex app while dividing work and ensuring organized and generated code. When you have a solid grasp of these, you may make the most of the modules. Modularization might enhance developer efficiency in certain situations.

    So, these are the best advantages of using Angular framework that you need to be aware of while developing a robust web app for your business needs.

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Limitations of Angular Framework

It’s time to highlight some of the drawbacks of the Angular framework. But with the recent updates, the Angular community is working hard to remove such limitations.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Limited Search Engine Optimization Options

    Generally, the Angular framework comes up with the platform’s limited Search Engine Optimization (SEO) options and poor accessibility for search engine crawlers. And it’s one of the major drawbacks of using the Angular framework.

    Being that Google is the number one search engine on the planet, we can’t imagine this problem will continue to persist for much longer before a solution is presented in another update.

  2. Steep Learning Curve

    Another glaring con of using the Angular framework is that it can be quite difficult to learn.

    With such a complex web of modules, coding languages, integrations and customizing capabilities, understanding Angular definitely takes some time.

    Fortunately, Angular provides phenomenal support and there are a number of online tutorials and courses you can take to catch up and start taking full advantage of all the program has to offer.

  3. Migration

    One of the reasons that companies do not use Angular frequently is the difficulty in porting legacy js/jquery-based code to angular-style architecture. If I talk about jQuery vs Angular, both are meant for different perspectives. Also, each new release can be troublesome to upgrade, and several of them are not backward-compatible.

  4. Performance

    Dynamic applications didn’t always perform that well. Complex SPAs could be laggy and inconvenient to use due to their size. One of the primary reasons that why we use Angular is the enhancing the performance of your business web applications.

  5. Lacking CLI Documentation

    Some developers express concerns with the current state of CLI documentation. While the command line is very useful for Angular developers, you won’t find enough information in their official documentation on GitHub and you have to spend more time exploring threads on GitHub to get answers.

What are the Angular Best Practices That You Need to Follow?

Understanding and following Angular best practices is one of the most essential factors for both developers and business owners. Let’s highlight some of the common Angular best practices that you need to consider while developing web application.

  • Make a habit of using Angular CLI.
  • Utilize the ES6 functionality to make robust web app
  • Creating and maintaining proper folder structure
  • Use Lazy loading feature as and when required
  • Always following the coding practices for Angular development
  • Use “trackBy” along with ‘ngFor’
  • Use Interfaces to deal with object literals

By taking care of the above Angular best practices, let’s move to the section about how to develop Angular applications from scratch.

What are Angular Development Tools?

The Angular development process is made easier by utilizing the best tools, especially for developers. Herein, we’ve highlighted the list of the best Angular development tools that will make work easier for developers to perform coding efficiently.

  • Karma: Makes your code testing process smooth. You can quickly recover from potential flaws, errors, and defects using the Angular testing framework.
  • Jasmine: No need to rely on any browser or other JavaScript testing environment. With its easy-to-use syntax, Jasmine allows you to write and test the code easily.
  • Protractor: You can quickly perform testing Angular applications directly on the software, and such tests can be easily synchronized to the page.
  • Webstorm: It is considered to the best IDE for performing coding efficiently. The Angular developers find it relatively easy to deal with best coding practices.
  • Mocha.js: It’s a robust testing framework that typically deals with asynchronous testing functionalities.
  • Angular Kickstart: Its easy-to-use interface allows you to work with faster satisfaction of all your business needs.
  • Angular Fire: It is solely responsible for fostering dynamic API features, three-way data binding, and other essential features.
  • Djangular: You’ll get a reusable application with responsive app integration with the AngularJS framework.
  • Rest-angular: This Angular development tool is solely responsible for dealing with large data consumption from REST API.
  • Ng-inspector:This tool enables browsers with an inspector panel, helping developers to develop, debug, and understand develop Angular applications quickly.

How To Create Angular Application?

I hope you’re now clear with what is Angular. Right? So let’s move ahead and focus on essentials steps to create an Angular application from scratch. We will discuss the complete step-by-step guide on how to proceed ahead with a new Angular application.

Before that, the developers need to analyze the list of the best Angular development tools to make the web app development process smooth.

Step 1: Angular CLI Installation

Angular CLI (Command-line Interface) is the official and main tool for creating Angular applications. To install CLI, we need to provide the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli.

Step 2: Angular Project Initialization

To initialize the Angular application, first of all, you need to navigate to the location where you want to keep your project.

cd ~
ng new angular-application”

So, it’s the first and most important step that is going to be used for creating a new Angular application. Once you give this command, the CLI will prompt you with multiple options that you want to configure for your application.

creating angular application

Step 3: Adding Angular HttpClient

Now, we need to import HttpClientModule to our app.module.ts file.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';

declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Likewise, whatever the components you add, do not forget to import them; otherwise, it will throw an error. When the developers are dealing with asynchronous operations like an HTTP request, you need to deal with promise in Angular development.

Step 4: Creating UI Components

As stated earlier, Components are the building blocks of Angular application. Creating an Angular component is simple.

creating ui components

Here, we have created the “employee” component. And as you can see that all the essential files are automatically created by the Angular CLI makes you create a rich user interface..

created by the angular cli

Likewise, let us create one more component (admin) in our Angular application. So, now we have two components employee and admin.

Step 5: Adding Routing Functionality

We will perform the redirection of the empty path to the employee component. This, in order, will constitute the first-time users’ automatic redirection to the home page.

You’ll need a class, technically known as resolver in Angular, development that is solely responsible for implementing the Resolve interface of Angular Router.

We’ll be running the following set of routes into our src/app/app-routing.module.ts file:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'employee', pathMatch: 'full'},
{ path: 'employee', component: EmployeeComponent },
{ path: 'admin', component: AdminComponent },
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

This way, we can work with the Angular framework. Yes, it is the basic concepts that help you create a simple Angular application from scratch.

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Which are the Leading Websites Built Using the Angular Framework?

After having a detailed look at the concept of what is Angular, you must be having a big question in mind: which are the websites built using the Angular framework. I have listed the best websites developed using the Angular framework:

  1. Google
  2. UpWork
  3. Gmail
  4. Deutsche Bank
  5. Paypal
  6. Freelancer
  7. Microsoft Xbox
  8. WikiWand
  9. Forbes

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Summary of Angular Framework

After having a detailed look at what is Angular framework, we can give a final summary:

  • For front-end development process, Angular is a one-stop solution for developers. Apart from Angular, ReactJS is also best option for it. If we talk about Angular vs React, they are equally important for web app development. It involves the applications client-side and has little to do with the back end.
  • Angular is best utilized for completing advanced, large-scale Angular projects under the direction of a seasoned developer.
  • The developers can easily add Angular elements to projects utilizing a different platform, such as React or Polymer.
  • Google supports the Angular framework.
  • This program is not up to par with SEO best practices, so opt for a different platform if your primary focus is search engine optimization.
  • Angular is a JavaScript framework—not a JS Library.

I hope you got a clear understanding of the Angular framework and its usage. If you are planning to build a new web application for your business needs, Albiorix is a one-stop solution for Angular development services.

5 Trending Web Application Programming Languages of 2023

In the technological world of enhancement, web applications have become an integral part of our lives, from social media platforms to online shopping sites. With the ever-increasing demand for web applications, the need for skilled web developers is also on the rise.

To keep up with the changing needs of the industry, web developers must be proficient in programming languages that are popular and trending. In this blog, we will explore some of the trending web application programming languages that are widely used in web development.

Key Takeaways

  • From JavaScript to Python, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each language and why they are preferred by developers.
  • You will have a better understanding of which programming language to choose for your next web application project.
  • Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, read on to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in web application programming languages.

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language is a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a computer. It consists of a set of rules and syntax that allows web application developers to write code that can be executed by a computer.

The primary role of the web development programming languages are used to create software applications, websites, and other computer programs. Nowadays, you’ll come across many programming languages, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, designed for different purposes and used in different contexts.

Some examples of programming languages include Python, C++, JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. Web application developers working with the best custom software development company use programming languages to create algorithms, define data structures, and implement various functionalities in software.

Web app developers typically write code in a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and then use a compiler or an interpreter to translate the code into machine-readable instructions that the computer can understand and execute.

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How Does a Programming Language Work?

Programming languages work by providing a set of rules and syntax that can be used to write instructions that a computer can execute. These instructions are written in a human-readable format and are known as code.

Once the code is written, it needs to be processed by a program called a compiler or an interpreter. The compiler or interpreter translates the code into machine-readable instructions that the computer can execute. The process of translating code into machine-readable instructions is known as compilation or interpretation.

After the code is translated into machine-readable instructions, it is executed by the computer. The instructions are executed in a specific order, as determined by the logic of the program. The computer uses the instructions to perform tasks such as performing calculations, storing and retrieving data, and interacting with other programs and devices.

Programming languages are designed to be flexible and expressive, allowing programmers to create complex programs and algorithms with relatively simple code. Different programming languages are optimized for different types of applications, and some are better suited for specific tasks than other languages.

Overall, programming languages are the tools that programmers use to communicate their ideas to a computer and create software applications, web development, websites, and other digital tools.

What is Web Application Development?

Web application development is the process of creating software applications that run on web browsers. It involves designing, building, testing, and creating web applications that can be accessed through the internet.

Web applications can be used for a variety of purposes, such as e-commerce, social networking, productivity, and entertainment. The web application development process typically involves a combination of front-end web development, back-end web development, and even creating full-stack web applications.

What is Front-End Development?

Front-end development involves creating the user interface and designing how the application will look and feel for users. Front-End development services involve using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual elements and interactions to dynamic websites that users will see and interact with.

What is Back-End Development?

Backend web development involves building the server-side components of the application, such as databases, APIs, and server-side scripting languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby.

With the help of Back-End development services, the web developers can eventually use web components to handle tasks like processing user input, accessing and storing data, and communicating with external services.

Web development also involves testing and deployment, which involves ensuring that the web apps works as intended and is accessible to users. This can involve testing for bugs, optimizing performance, and ensuring compatibility with different devices and browsers.

Once the application is ready, it can be deployed to a web server or cloud platform for public access.

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Top 5 Web Development Languages of 2023

Now, let’s highlight the best programming languages that you can utilize to explore web application development services. We have explored the list of the web app programming languages as per the recent survey by Statista.

Most Used Programming Languages

  1. Javascript

    JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted programming language that is commonly used for client-side web development. Javascript is an object-oriented language that was originally developed by Netscape in 1995 and has since become one of the most popular web programming languages in use today.

    Here are some key aspects of JavaScript:

    • High-level: You can quickly abstract away many of the low-level details of computer hardware and provides programmers with a more intuitive syntax for programming.
    • Dyncamic: JavaScript development allows you to deal with variable types that are determined at runtime rather than being declared in advance. This allows for greater flexibility in programming but can also lead to unexpected bugs.
    • Interpreted: JavaScript code is executed directly by an interpreter rather than being compiled into machine code beforehand. This allows for faster development times and easier debugging but can also result in slower performance.
    • Object-oriented: JavaScript programming language typically uses objects to represent and manipulate data. This popular language allows for greater flexibility in programming and encourages reusable code for building web servers.
    • Client-side scripting: JavaScript is commonly used for client-side web development, meaning that it is executed within a user’s web browser. This allows for dynamic and interactive web pages that can respond to user input in real-time.
    • Functional programming: JavaScript is one of the best web development languages that also supports functional programming paradigms, meaning that it allows for the creation of functions that can be passed around as objects and used as arguments for other functions for building web apps. This allows for more modular and reusable code.

    JavaScript is one of the best languages for web development services that can be used for a wide range of applications beyond web development, including server-side scripting language, desktop application development, and even game development.

    JavaScript framework popularity and wide adoption have also led to the development of many third-party libraries and frameworks, such as React and Node.js, which make it easier to create web applications for your business needs.

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  2. TypeScript

    TypeScript is a statically-typed programming language that is designed to be a superset of JavaScript. It was first introduced by Microsoft in 2012 and has since gained popularity among developers due to its powerful features and benefits.

    Here are some of the key features of TypeScript:

    • Static Typing: TypeScript is one of the most popular web development languages that provides static typing, which allows developers to catch errors at compile time rather than runtime. This helps to reduce bugs and increase the reliability of code.
    • Object-oriented Programming (OOP) Support: TypeScript supports OOP concepts such as classes, interfaces, inheritance, and more. This makes it easier to write and maintain large-scale applications.
    • Type Inference: This web development language has a powerful type inference system that can automatically detect the types of variables, functions, and other elements in code. This helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed for your enterprise app development.
    • Compatibility with JavaScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, which means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. This makes it easy to integrate TypeScript into existing JavaScript projects.
    • Tooling Support: TypeScript has excellent tooling support, including code editors like Visual Studio Code and WebStorm. It also has a robust compiler that can transpile TypeScript code into JavaScript code that can run in any browser.
    • Community Support: TypeScript has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the language and provide support to other developers. This makes it easy to for any web developer to find help and resources when needed.

    Some of the advantages of using TypeScript include:

    • Increased Reliability: TypeScript’s static typing and type inference systems help to catch errors at compile time, which reduces the likelihood of bugs and improves the reliability of code.
    • Improved Productivity: TypeScript’s powerful features and tooling support help to improve developer productivity, making it easier to write and maintain code.
    • Better Code Organization: With it’s extensive support for OOP concepts, you can efficiently organize code for the entire web development services and make it easier to maintain and scale.
    • Compatibility with JavaScript: TypeScript is compatible with JavaScript, which means that it can be easily integrated into existing projects and libraries.

    TypeScript is a powerful and popular programming language that offers many benefits to developers. Its static typing, object-oriented programming support, and compatibility with JavaScript make it a popular choice for building large-scale applications.

    In addition, both Javascript and Typescript are the two most prominent web app languages that makes your web development process smoother. However, there exists major differences between TypeScript and JavaScript that you must be aware of.

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  3. PHP

    PHP is a widely used server-side scripting and best programming language designed for web development. It is an open-source language, which means it is free to use and can be modified by anyone. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, which refers to its primary purpose of processing HTML files on the server-side to generate dynamic content for web pages.

    Here are some key features of PHP:

    • Easy to Learn: PHP is relatively easy to learn compared to other programming languages for web development solutions. Its syntax is similar to C and Java, and it has a vast community of developers who contribute to its documentation and provide support.
    • Server-Side Scripting: PHP development is designed specifically for server-side scripting, which means it runs on the web server and generates HTML pages that are sent to the client’s browser.
    • Cross-Platform Compatibility: PHP can run on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS.
    • Database Integration: PHP can be easily integrated with different types of databases, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
    • Object-Oriented Programming: PHP supports OOP principles, allowing developers to create modular and reusable code.
    • Extension Support: PHP has a large number of extensions and libraries available, making it easy to add additional functionality to your application.
    • Security: PHP has built-in security features that help prevent common security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

    PHP is commonly used in web development to create dynamic web pages, high-quality web applications, and content management systems (CMS). It is the only language that is also used in the software development of e-commerce platforms, social networking websites, and online forums.

    PHP has a large and active community of developers, making it easy to find support, resources, and code examples. PHP is considered to be a good programming language for web development that has a vast collection of third-party framework libraries, such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Symfony, which help developers build applications quickly and efficiently.

    PHP is a powerful and versatile programming language that is ideal for web development. Its simplicity, cross-platform compatibility, database integration, and security features make it a popular choice among developers worldwide.

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  4. Python

    Python is a popular high-level, interpreted programming language that is designed to be easy to read and write. It was first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and has since become one of the most popular programming languages in the world to deal with web app development.

    Python is open-source and has a large and active community of developers that continue to improve and add to the language.

    Some key features of Python include:

    • Simple and easy to learn syntax: Python is a strongly-typed language that has syntax designed to be easy to read and write, which makes it an ideal language for beginners.
    • Interpreted language: Python development code can be run without the need for a compiler during your entire software development process.
    • Dynamically typed: Python is a compiled language, meaning that data types are determined at runtime, rather than being explicitly declared.
    • Object-oriented: Python supports OOP, allowing for the creation of classes and objects during your entire software development process.
    • Cross-platform: Python code can be run on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    Python has a wide range of applications, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation. Some popular Python libraries and frameworks include Django and Flask for web development, NumPy and Pandas for scientific computing, TensorFlow and PyTorch for machine learning, and Selenium for web automation.

    Here’s an example of a “Hello, World!” program in Python:

    print(“Hello, World!”)

    This program simply prints the string “Hello, World!” to the console.

    Overall, Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is widely used and loved by developers of all skill levels. Its ease of use, readability, and wide range of libraries and frameworks make it a great choice for a variety of applications.

  5. Swift

    Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems. It was first introduced in 2014 as a modern alternative to Objective-C, and quickly gained popularity among Apple developers.

    Swift is relatively new programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms and easily combines powerful features from C, Objective-C, and other top web development languages, making it a robust and easy-to-use language for building applications across different Apple platforms.

    Some key features of Swift include:

    • Fast and safe: Swift is designed to be fast and safe, with a focus on eliminating common programming errors such as null pointer exceptions and memory leaks.
    • Easy to read and write: Swift’s syntax is designed to be easy to read and write, with a natural language-like syntax and simplified grammar.
    • Interoperability with Objective-C: Swift is fully interoperable with Objective-C, which allows developers to easily mix and match Swift and Objective-C code in the same project.
    • Automatic reference counting: Swift uses automatic reference counting (ARC) to manage memory, which automatically deallocates objects that are no longer in use.
    • Strong typing: Swift is strongly typed, which means that all variables and constants must be declared with a specific type, and type inference is used to determine the type of variables when possible.

    Swift has a wide range of applications, including building iOS and macOS apps, server-side development, and building applications for Apple Watch and Apple TV. Some popular Swift frameworks include SwiftUI and UIKit for building user interfaces, Alamofire for networking, and Core Data for managing data.

    Here’s an example of a “Hello, World!” program in Swift:

    print(“Hello, World!”)

    This program simply prints the string “Hello, World!” to the console.

    Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language that is popular among Apple developers due to its speed, safety, and ease of use. Its interoperability with Objective-C, strong typing, and automatic reference counting make it a great choice for building applications across different Apple platforms.


Web development is a constantly evolving field, and it’s crucial for web developers to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.

The programming languages discussed in this blog are some of the most popular and trending languages used in web development. While each language has its advantages and disadvantages, choosing the right one depends on the specific requirements of your project.

So, whether you choose JavaScript, Python, or any other language, it’s important to keep learning and adapting to stay ahead in the competitive world of web development.

Next JS vs React: Which Framework Should You Opt For Front-End Development?

What is the most essential factor that can effectively enhance the developer’s experience? Of course, selecting the right library or framework for the project is the ultimate parameter. And if we talk about the developer experience, we simply redirect to the factors that easily emphasise the developer’s convenience.

The primary focus of the developers is to make a selection of easy-to-use and convenient frameworks. So, it becomes essential to search for the best and leading framework to make web app development easily.

Many developers or individuals struggle to figure out the difference between Next JS vs React. They generally find a lot of confusion while choosing the right technology stack for their project. Therefore, on a regular basis, we come up with comparison information on NextJS Vs React and review them in detail from time to time in our blog posts.

Key Takeaways

  • Next.js is a framework built on top of React, while React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js provides many features out-of-the-box, such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and optimized performance, while React only provides the basic building blocks for building a UI.
  • Next.js is great for building static or dynamic websites, while React is best suited for building web applications that require a lot of interactivity.
  • Next.js is easier to set up and get started with, especially for beginners, while React requires more configuration and setup.
  • Next.js has a steeper learning curve for more advanced features, while React has a more gradual learning curve and is easier to understand and use.
  • Choosing between Next.js and React depends on the specific needs of your project, such as the level of interactivity, the need for server-side rendering, and the complexity of the application.

What is Next JS?

Before we start to understand the basic difference between React Vs NextJS, we need to get through the basic definition of NextJS and React. Next JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that allows you to quickly build a fast and user-friendly web application development for your business needs. Moreover, it is also responsible for developing static websites using React. Vercel is the creator of Next JS.

Typically based on Node.js and Babel, Next JS easily integrates with React to design and build robust Single Page Applications. This makes the server-side convenient and more for your web development needs. Many developers working with the best ReactJS development company typically use Next JS for building static websites.

With its active support of React babel and webpack, Next JS usually provides a feature-packed solution for server-side rendering (SSR) of React components. Next.js is an open-source JavaScript framework that allows developers to create dynamic and static web applications and websites using robust reusable components.

Furthermore, Next.js provides many features, such as static export, preview mode, pre-rendering, faster compilation, virtual DOM, and automatic building size optimization. In my view, the existing Next.js version is something React has been missing for quite a long time and it plays an essential role in designing and building complex web apps for your business needs.

Next JS is equipped with features that make it easy for the developers to create an application. Furthermore, the documentation is excellent, becoming increasingly popular among developers for front-end development services.

Next.js is a popular framework, but that doesn’t mean you should always use it.

Where You can use Next JS?

  • Developing blocks to develop web applications
  • Designing and Developing UI
  • Website Development
  • Landing Pages Creation

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Next JS

After having a look at the concept of what is NextJS, we’ll focus on the NextJS vs React article about the advantages and disadvantages of Next JS.

Advantages of Next JS

  1. Quicker Development

    Next.js is an open-source Javascript framework that comes up with various built-in Next JS components, libraries, and compatibility, which in turn, allows the developers to develop MVP within short intervals. This helps you get a quick user review or feedback and make proper changes using the virtual DOM feature without wasting any time.

  2. Easy To Code

    With the help of Next JS, the developers can easily deal with web app development. As Next JS is totally dependent on JavaScript, the developers can efficiently enhance the performance optimization features of web applications by creating dynamic applications using less code and a familiar language.

  3. Enhanced User Experience

    Next.js makes you stop being limited to plugins, templates, themes and other restrictions forced by developing web applications for almost all business needs. This platform is a boon for JavaScript developers, making it easy for them to develop front-end applications as per your requirements that align with your business goals.

  4. Large Community

    For Next JS, you’ll come across different learning and production resources made available by a stronger user community. Such Next.js community help developers to chat about Next.js, ask questions, show off their projects, and find Next.js jobs

  5. SEO-Friendly

    As we know, Next.js is a JS framework that helps developers build faster and lighter static websites, which in turn, the application automatically become SEO-friendly. Therefore, it’s a higher chance to rank your website and landing pages on the first static pages of search engines.

  6. Super Fast Rendering

    You will be able to see every change you make by reloading the website. The component creation is rendered in real-time, making it easy to keep track of changes as they occur.

  7. Built-in CSS

    You can import CSS styles from a JavaScript file into Next.js for faster automatic server rendering. The easiest way for the developers to write CSS in a Next.js application is through its global stylesheet using its built-in CSS support. Every newly created Next.js project comes with a styles folder and inside it, a global.css stylesheet.

  8. Image Optimization

    With the help of the Next.js framework, the developers can easily scale-up images by using the best format – WebP using the image optimization feature. The Next.js Image component, “next/image”, is nothing but an extension of the HTML element, designed explicitly for modern web development. These scores are an important measurement of user experience on your website and are factored into Google’s search rankings.

  9. ESLint Support

    EsLint is one of the best analytic tools that help developers quickly identify problems and error patterns. And Next.js is one such best backend frameworks that makes it easy for the developers to easily use ESLint with “scripts”: { “lint”: “next lint”}. Moreover, Next.js ESlint help find errors like image, anchor, CSS, etc.

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Disadvantages of Next.JS

  1. Few Usage Options

    Next.js is a framework that is limited to using only a file router. It means that the developers are not allowed to perform any modifications or cannot change the way it works with API routes. In addition, the developers can also make use of the Node.js server to use dynamic API routes.

  2. No Router Flexibility

    React framework does not come up with the facility that allows the developers to utilize a router other than its own populated one (or perhaps add Redux). In simple words, we can say that React framework’s dynamic routing is not flexible as compared with other frameworks.

  3. Cost of Flexibility

    Next JS is one such framework that does not provide many built-in front pages. So, the developers need to create pages or applications from scratch by strictly following the front-end layer lifecycle.

  4. Development and Management

    To create an eCommerce platform by using the Next.JS framework, you are not required to have a team of in-house developers. Instead, you will need a dedicated person to handle the development and management afterwards.

  5. Lack of Built-in State Manager

    With the help of the Next.js framework, if the developers make use of state management patterns, they also need to use Redux, MobX or something like that.

  6. Low on Plug-ins

    As compared to other leading Javascript frameworks like Gatsby.js, it is not possible to make use of other easy-to-adapt plugins.

    By having a look at the basic details of what is NextJS, we’ll analyze the basic concept of ReactJs in to understand the major difference between NextJS vs React.

What is ReactJS?

Jordan Walke is the creator of ReactJS. The first deployment of React was done on Facebook’s newsfeed in the year 2011 and then in 2012 on Instagram.

ReactJS is an open-source Javascript library used explicitly to build robust and interactive user interfaces for SPAs (Single Page Applications). React is a client-side JavaScript library, which means it runs on the client/user’s machine in the browser instead of on a server.

ReactJS is an open-source library used explicitly for building robust user interfaces for SPAs (Single Page Applications). React is a client-side JavaScript library, which means it runs on the client/user’s machine in the browser as opposed to running on a server.

React makes it easy for developers to create web apps that can change or synchronise your data without reloading the page. The primary purpose of React is that it can be used to create components that can efficiently handle the view layer for web and mobile apps. It comes with various React features like server-side rendering that allows ReactJS developers to create reusable UI components.

What is React Used For?

  • Building an Interactive User Interfaces
  • Developing Social Networking sites
  • Development of Single Page Applications(SPAs)
  • Native App Development
  • Big Brands Use it: New York Times, Meta, Netflix, SalesForce SoundCloud and WhatsApp Web

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Advantages and Disadvantages of React

Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of React that will help you know the real difference between Next JS vs React.

Advantages of React

  1. Easy-To-Learn and Use

    It comes with good React docs, tutorials, and training resources to create React project. Any React developer with JavaScript experience can easily understand and start building web applications using React in a few days.

  2. Building Dynamic Web Applications Just Got Easier

    Building a dynamic web app specifically using HTML strings was tricky because it required complex coding process, but React solved that problem and made it easier. In short, the development of React application is much easier than Next JS.

  3. Reusable Components

    React consists of multiple components, each with its own logic and controls. These React components are responsible for rendering a small, reusable piece of HTML that can be reused wherever needed. All such reusable components help you build robust web application development smoothly with the help of server-side rendering features.

  4. Increased Productivity

    React improves performance through the virtual DOM. React is the framework that helps both businesses and React developers enhance their productivity by developing robust web applications.

  5. Support for Convenient Tools

    React has also gained popularity due to its handy set of visualization tools. These tools make the developer’s task clear and simple. The primary aim of React development is to design and build scalable web applications using server-side rendering functionality for all business needs.

  6. Optimized for SEO

    Traditional JavaScript frameworks have an SEO problem. Search engines usually have trouble reading JS-heavy applications. Many web developers have criticized this problem. React solves this task by helping developers navigate various search engines with ease. This is because React apps can run on the server and the virtual DOM will render and return to the browser just like a normal web page.

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Disadvantages of React

  1. High rates of the development process.

    High growth rates have a constantly changing landscape. In the event of the inconvenience that the development environment is constantly changing so quickly, some developers do not feel comfortable regularly re-learning new ways of working.

    It can be difficult for them to accept all these changes with all continuous updates. They need to constantly update their skills and learn new ways of doing business.

  2. Too frequently updated documentation

    This is another disadvantage of constantly updated technologies. React technologies are updated and accelerated so quickly that there is no time to create proper documentation. To overcome this, developers write instructions themselves as new releases and tools become available in their current software project development needs.

  3. View Part

    React only covers the app’s complex UI layers and nothing else. Therefore, you still need to choose other technologies to get a complete set of development tools for your project.

  4. Development Pace

    React JS is constantly evolving and changing. The pace at which React is developed can be seen as an advantage or a disadvantage depending on who you are. The developers who see these ongoing changes as an advantage would argue that React is constantly being improved and making their jobs easier.

    The React JS developers who see the pace of the development environment as a disadvantage would argue that they have to constantly relearn how to work with React JS, which is difficult to keep up with. It should be noted, though, that React’s core API routes have gotten a lot more stable in recent years. Most updates today affect the library and new features like virtual DOM, server-side rendering.

  5. Lack of Documentation

    This drawback is tied to people’s concern with the pace of React’s development process. As a result of rapid development, educational documentation and resources can be sparse in covering the latest updates and changes. Due to the number of updates and new releases, there’s simply not enough time for writing complete documentation.

    Since ReactJS is an open-source framework, developers are able to create their own offline support documents, but since anyone can create these resources, you could come across poor resources that offer little help.

  6. Non-Vigilant Focus on User Interface

    React contains a myriad of tools used to develop and create user interfaces. However, unlike frameworks, React JS is not an ‘all-in-one tool’ for the app development process.

    Therefore, if you happen to use a model-view-controller (MVC), React development is only responsible for the UI. The developers have to create the model and controller part by using other tools. For building user interfaces, you will have to apply more tools that will cover other crucial parts like the backend and data storage.

    You will need additional tools for app programming interfaces (APIs), dynamic routing, and other parts as well.

  7. JSX as a Barrier

    In simple terms, JSX is a JavaScript extension that can make the code more readable and clean. While the JSX syntax extension makes things easier for some developers, other web developers and designers find the JSX code too complex and challenging to grasp.

    JSX doesn’t negatively impact the performance or User Interface capabilities of ReactJS. This con is more of a preference than anything else.

  8. Incomplete Tooling Set

    Businesses should understand that the horizon of React only covers the UI layer of the application. Other than this, everything related to the web development project is out of its periphery. Thus, even after implementing React web app development, the developers still need to choose a framework to build fast, beautiful, and compatible UI.

    Since the entire tooling set is not available only with React, the developers will face difficulties completing the project.

Related Post: Vue vs React

Next JS VS React: The Comparison Table

Now, let’s compare NextJS Vs React by considering various essential parameters.

Next JS React
Next is a framework for react which is built upon react library. React is a library, not a framework.
Next is famous for Server-side rendering and static generation of websites. React on the other side support client-side rendering.
Next can be difficult for someone to learn without prior ReactJS knowledge. React can be easier to learn as compared to NextJS.
The web apps built using NextJS are very fast. The web apps built using ReactJS are slow as compared to NextJS.
Next doesn’t require offline support. React requires offline support.
With NextJS, we can build an entire web application. React helps in building the beautiful UI of a web application.x
The cost of developing an app using NextJS is low. The cost of developing an app using ReactJS is also low.
In NextJS public folder, there is no index.html file as an HTML file will be made in Nextjs according to the type of need. In Reactjs single HTML file, index.html is present in a public folder that manages the whole React app using a single JS file.

Next JS Vs React: Which One is Better?

Next Vs React: which is the best one? That’s a great question, but it’s not right! Using a framework for building web apps depends on your requirements, cost, and other development requirements.

Both React and Next.js are great technology providing you with the best development experience. Using Next.js provides you with the best server-side rendering (SSR) and static site development experience and also lets you manage your web applications easily with many tools.

So, if we compare React and Next.JS, React can be a great framework for building single-page apps like UI, etc moreover React is more versatile as it is a Javascript library, not a framework.

PHP vs Node.js: Which One Is Right for Your Web Development Needs?

In today’s world, web development has become essential to every business’s online presence. To build efficient and scalable web applications, you must deal with many programming languages and frameworks.

Two of the most popular technologies for web development are Node.js and PHP. Node.js is a cross-platform, server-side JavaScript runtime environment, while PHP is a server-side scripting technology designed for web development.

Both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the project’s specific requirements. This blog post will explore the differences between Node.js and PHP, including their development concepts, coding approaches, speed, and performance.

By the end of this post, you’ll better understand which technology suits your web development needs better.

Key Takeaways

  • Node.js and PHP are both popular programming languages used for web development, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.
  • Node.js is ideal for real-time, data-driven applications that require high levels of concurrency, such as chat applications, multiplayer games, and streaming services.
  • PHP is better suited for applications that rely heavily on server-side processing, such as content management systems, e-commerce sites, and social media platforms.
  • Node.js is faster and more scalable than PHP, but PHP has better compatibility with different operating systems and databases.
  • Node.js is more suited for projects that require frequent updates and changes, while PHP is better for projects that require stability and reliability.
  • The choice between Node.js and PHP ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project, your development team’s skills, and your budget.
  • Ultimately, both Node.js and PHP are viable options for web development, and the best choice for your project will depend on a variety of factors.

Basic Overview of PHP

Before we start to understand the basic difference between PHP and Node.js, it becomes essential to learn about what is PHP. So, what’s PHP?

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language for creating dynamic web page content and web app. If we talk about the history of the PHP programming language, Rasmus Lerdorf created a set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts written in the C programming language.

Over time, it evolved into a full-fledged programming language supporting many features, including object-oriented programming, runtime environment, database connectivity, and web app development services.

PHP code is executed on the server side before the dynamic web pages are sent to the client’s browser, allowing for dynamic content generation and interaction with databases and other web services.

PHP development is often used with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive websites and web applications. In addition, it is open-source software, which means that its source code is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of PHP

After looking into the basic information of what PHP actually is, let’s dive deep into the advantages and disadvantages of PHP programming language.

Advantages of PHP

PHP Advantages

There are several advantages of using PHP for web development:

  • Easy to learn: PHP is relatively easy to learn and has a syntax similar to C and Perl, making it accessible to many developers.
  • Open-source: PHP is an open-source language that is free to use, distribute and modify.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: PHP can be used on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, and many others.
  • Large community: PHP has a large and active PHP community of web developers who share their knowledge and contribute to the language’s development.
  • Fast execution: PHP is designed to be quick and efficient, with low overheads, making it suitable for developing high-performance web applications.
  • Easy database integration: PHP has built-in support for many popular databases such as MySQL database systems, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, which makes it easy to develop database-driven web applications.
  • Flexible: PHP can be used to develop a wide range of web applications, including e-commerce sites, content management systems, and social networking sites.
  • The wide availability of resources: There are plenty of tutorials, books, and online resources available for PHP, which makes it easy to learn and develop.

PHP is a powerful and flexible language well-suited for web development and offers many advantages to developers.

Disadvantages of PHP

PHP Disadvantages

While PHP is a popular server-side scripting programming method for web development, it has some disadvantages that developers should be aware of:

  • Security: PHP is vulnerable to security threats if not programmed securely. If not carefully handled, it can expose a web page to attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
  • Scalability: PHP’s architecture can lead to scalability issues, especially when developing large-scale applications. More support for multi-threading and multi-processing can limit the ability to handle heavy traffic.
  • Inconsistency: PHP has many functions and features, but many need to be more consistent, which can cause confusion for developers.
  • Maintainability: PHP is an interpreted language, and code changes can lead to unexpected behavior. It makes it challenging to maintain large-scale applications, primarily when different developers work on other parts of the code.
  • Poor performance: PHP is slower than other scripting languages like Java or C++. It can need help to handle high-traffic websites, and optimization can be difficult.
  • Lack of modern features: While PHP is constantly being updated, it must catch up with modern features and standards. It can limit the ability to develop cutting-edge web applications.
  • Limited support for object-oriented programming: Although PHP supports object-oriented programming, it is less robust than other languages like Java or C++. It can make it challenging to write complex, object-oriented applications.

Basic Overview of Node.js

After exploring the core knowledge of PHP, it’s time to go through the basics of what is Node.js.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment built on top of the V8 JavaScript engine from Google. Any Node.js developer for hire easily executes JavaScript code on the web server side to build scalable, fast, high-performance network applications.

Node.js provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient and ideal for building real-time applications and APIs. This Javascript framework also has a rich library of modules and packages available through the Node Package Manager (npm), making it easy to add functionality to your application.

Node.js development can be used for various applications, such as most web servers, real-time chat applications, streaming services, command-line tools, and more. It has gained widespread popularity among most web developers and has been adopted by many large companies, including Netflix, Uber, and LinkedIn.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Node.js

Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of Node.js technology.

Advantages of Node.js

Node.JS Advantages

Node.js is a powerful and popular JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It has numerous advantages, including:

  • Scalability: Node.js is highly scalable, which means it can handle large volumes of data and user requests without sacrificing performance. It also allows for easy scaling of applications by adding additional web servers or resources.
  • Speed: Node.js is known for its fast execution speed. It achieves this by using a non-blocking I/O model, which means it can handle multiple requests at once without waiting for each one to complete before moving on to the next.
  • Flexibility: Node.js is highly flexible and can be used for both server and client-sides programming. This makes it an ideal choice for full-stack development, as web developers can use the same language and tools for both front-end web development and back-end development.
  • Large and active community: Node.js has a large and active community of developers, meaning it has a vast collection of modules and libraries that developers can use to enhance their applications. Additionally, this community provides a wealth of resources and support for developers, making it easier to learn and use Node.js effectively.
  • Easy to learn: Node JS is based on JavaScript, one of the most popular backend technology languages in the world. This makes it easy for developers to learn and start using Node JS, especially if they already have experience with a specific JavaScript runtime environment.
  • Cross-platform: Node JS is cross-platform, meaning it can run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it a versatile tool for developers who work on different platforms.

So, I must say that Node JS is a powerful and flexible tool that offers numerous advantages for developers to deal with backend development services. Its scalability, speed, flexibility, large community, ease of learning, and cross-platform compatibility make it an excellent choice for modern web pages.

Disadvantages of Node.js

Disadvantages of Node.js

Although Node.js has numerous advantages, it also has some potential disadvantages that developers should be aware of.

Here are some of the most commonly cited disadvantages of Node.js:

  • Single-threaded: Node.js uses a single thread to handle all incoming requests, which means that it may not be suitable for applications requiring high concurrency or parallelism levels. However, Node.js addresses this issue using event-driven programming, allowing it to handle multiple requests using asynchronous code.
  • Callback hell: Node.js uses callbacks extensively, which can lead to a situation known as “callback hell.” This occurs when JS code becomes nested and difficult to read due to multiple callback functions. However, developers can mitigate this issue using other patterns, such as promises or async/await.
  • Performance issues with CPU-intensive tasks: Node.js is optimized for I/O operations and may not perform as well with CPU-intensive tasks. This is because Node.js uses a single thread to handle requests, and CPU-intensive tasks can block the event loop, causing delays and slowing down the application. However, developers can mitigate this issue by using worker threads or offloading CPU-intensive tasks to separate processes.
  • Lack of built-in support for some features: Node.js is a relatively young technology, and it may need more built-in support for some features that other languages and platforms provide. However, developers can often find third-party modules or libraries that provide the required functionality.
  • Security concerns: Node.js has potential security issues due to its reliance on third-party modules and libraries. Developers should ensure they use trusted and up-to-date packages and implement security measures such as input validation and authentication.

Overall, Node.js is a powerful and versatile tool, but developers should be aware of its potential drawbacks and use it appropriately for their specific use case.

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Head-To-Head Comparison of PHP vs Node.js

It’s high time to deeply analyze the comparison of PHP and Node.js in a detailed manner.

Development Approach in Nodejs and PHP

Node.js and PHP are different technologies with different application development concepts. In this answer, we’ll explore the development concepts of Node.js and PHP and how they differ.

Development concept in Node.js

Node.js is a runtime environment for JavaScript that allows you to build server-side applications using JavaScript. It follows an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, which means it can handle many connections concurrently without blocking the execution of other tasks. This makes Node.js highly scalable and efficient for building real-time applications.

In Node.js, you can efficiently use packages and modules available in the Node Package Manager (NPM) to build your business applications. Moreover, Node.js developers can also create their modules and packages and publish them on NPM for others to use.

Node.js is often used to build real-time web applications, such as chat applications, online gaming platforms, and collaborative tools. It’s also popular for building microservices and APIs, allowing developers to build lightweight and scalable services that can be easily integrated with other applications.

Development concept in PHP

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language primarily used for building server-side web applications. It follows a synchronous and blocking I/O model, which means that it executes tasks one at a time and waits for the completion of each task before moving to the next.

This makes PHP less scalable than Node.js for building real-time applications. In PHP, developers can use frameworks and libraries to build their applications. PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, provide a set of tools and libraries that help developers build web applications more efficiently.

In addition, you can effectively make use of libraries, such as Composer, to manage dependencies and integrate third-party packages into their applications.

PHP is often used for building content management systems (CMS), e-commerce platforms, and web applications that require a high level of security. It’s also popular for building APIs, although it may not be as efficient as Node.js for real-time applications.

In summary, Node.js and PHP have different development concepts. Node.js is a runtime environment for JavaScript that follows an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, making it highly scalable and efficient for building real-time applications.

PHP is a scripting language that follows a synchronous and blocking I/O model, making it less scalable than Node.js for real-time applications. Both PHP and Node.js have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the requirements of the project.

Coding Approach in PHP and Node.js

Node.js and PHP have different coding approaches due to their underlying architecture and programming paradigms. In this answer, we’ll explore the coding approach in Node.js and PHP and how they differ from each other.

Coding approach in Node.js

Node.js uses JavaScript as its programming language, which is a high-level language with a functional programming paradigm. This means that JavaScript allows developers to write server-side code in a concise and expressive way, making it easier to read and maintain.

Node.js also follows an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle multiple connections concurrently without blocking the execution of other tasks.

In Node.js, developers can use JavaScript modules to write reusable code that can be easily shared and imported into different parts of the application.

Node.js also has a large collection of open-source modules available through the Node Package Manager (NPM), which allows developers to quickly and easily integrate third-party packages into their applications.

One of the strengths of Node.js is its ability to work with JSON data, which is a lightweight data format commonly used in web applications. Node.js has built-in support for JSON, making it easy to parse and manipulate JSON data.

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Coding approach in PHP

PHP is a scripting language that is designed for web development. It follows an imperative programming paradigm, which means that developers write code that specifies how the application should execute a series of instructions.

PHP also follows a synchronous and blocking I/O model, which means that it executes tasks one at a time and waits for the completion of each task before moving to the next.

In PHP, developers can use functions and classes to write reusable code that can be easily shared and called from different parts of the application.

PHP also has a large collection of frameworks and libraries available, such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter, that provide a set of tools and libraries that help developers build web applications more efficiently.

One of the strengths of PHP is its ability to work with database systems, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, which are commonly used in web applications. PHP has built-in support for database connectivity, making it easy to query and manipulate data stored in a database.

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Speed in Node.js

Node.js is designed for building real-time applications that require high performance and scalability. It follows an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle many connections concurrently without blocking the execution of other tasks.

This makes Node.js highly efficient for building real-time applications like chat applications, online gaming platforms, and collaborative tools.

Node.js also has a fast startup time, so it can quickly respond to incoming requests and process them without delay. This makes Node.js well-suited for building applications that require high performance and responsiveness.

Speed in PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language that is designed for web development. It follows a synchronous and blocking I/O model, which means that it executes tasks one at a time and waits for the completion of each task before moving to the next.

This makes PHP less efficient than Node.js for building real-time applications, as it may experience delays when processing large amounts of data.However, PHP has a mature ecosystem of frameworks and libraries that provide a set of tools and libraries that help developers build web applications more efficiently.

These frameworks and libraries can improve the performance of any specific PHP project by reducing the amount of code that needs to be written and optimizing the execution of code.

Application Performance

Node.js and PHP are two popular server-side languages used for web application development. When it comes to application performance, both PHP and Node.js have their strengths and weaknesses.

Node.js is known for its fast and scalable performance. It is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which compiles JavaScript code to native machine code, resulting in faster execution times.

Node.js is also designed to handle asynchronous I/O operations efficiently, which can improve application performance in scenarios where a large number of I/O operations are performed.

PHP, on the other hand, has traditionally been associated with slower performance compared to Node.js. However, with the introduction of PHP 7, there has been a significant improvement in PHP performance. PHP 7 introduced a new version of the Zend Engine, which is responsible for executing PHP code.

This new engine has been optimized for faster execution times and improved memory usage, resulting in significant performance improvements.

In terms of application performance, Node.js and PHP can both be used to build high-performance web applications. However, the choice of language may depend on the specific requirements of the application.

For example, if the application requires handling a large number of concurrent connections and real-time communication, Node.js may be a better choice due to its asynchronous I/O capabilities. On the other hand, if the application requires more complex data processing and manipulation, PHP may be a better choice due to its extensive library of built-in functions and support for object-oriented programming.

Ultimately, the performance of an application depends on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the code, the efficiency of the algorithms used, and the resources available on the server. Both Node.js and PHP have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of language should be based on the specific requirements of the application.


Let’s take a look at some of the popular frameworks in Node.js and PHP.

Node.js frameworks

  • Express: Express is a minimalist and flexible framework that provides a wide range of features and plugins for building web applications. It is known for its speed and scalability and is widely used in the industry.
  • Koa: Koa is a lightweight and modular framework that is designed to be easily extensible. It is built on top of the same core as Express, but with a more modern and simplified API.
  • Hapi: Hapi is a powerful and extensible framework that is designed for building large-scale web application development. It provides a wide range of features for handling authentication, caching, and error handling, among others.

PHP frameworks

  • Laravel: Laravel is a popular PHP framework that is known for its elegant syntax and expressive code. It provides a wide range of features and tools for building web applications quickly and efficiently, including authentication, routing, and database management.
  • Symfony: Symfony is a robust and scalable PHP framework that is widely used in enterprise applications. It provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building complex web applications, including caching, security, and testing.
  • CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is a lightweight and easy-to-use PHP framework that is designed for building simple and small-scale web applications. It provides a set of tools and features for routing, database systems management, and templating.

Node.js vs PHP: The Comparison Table

Details Node.JS PHP
Type Runtime environment Scripting language
Origin Ryan Dahl in 2009 Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995
Execution Model Event-driven and non-blocking I/O Synchronous and blocking I/O
Language Javascript PHP
Platform Cross-platform Cross-platform
Server-side Yes Yes
Client-side Yes Yes
Concurrency Good Not good as Node.js
Scalability Highly scalable Scalability depends on the project
Performance Fast Slower than Node.js
Learning Curve Steep Easier than Node.js
Community Large Large
Package manager NPM Composer
Frameworks Express.js, Meteor.js, Nest.js Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter

Node.js vs PHP: Which BackEnd Tech Should You Opt For?

The choice between Node.js and PHP for backend technologies ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project, as both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses.

In summary, if you require a high-performance and scalable application that can handle a large number of concurrent connections, Node.js may be a better choice. On the other hand, if you require a language with a large community and extensive documentation, PHP may be a better choice.

Ultimately, the choice between Node.js and PHP depends on the specific requirements of your project, and it is important to consider factors such as performance, scalability, language, frameworks, and libraries when making your decision.

Resolver in Angular – Explained Angular Resolver With Examples

In regular Angular application development, the developers typically fetches data from the API with the ngOnInit hook, and then rendering it to the UI. While the Angular router waits for the API response to return the complete data, the component renders the loading, skeleton. etc

But, there’s also alternate way to get the data first and then redirect your component. It’s call Route Resolver. One of the common issues that many Angular developers have in mind is how to handle multiple requests without affecting the user experience.

One of the global solutions to this issue is to implement Angular Resolver. In this resolver in angular post, we have come up with an answer to the above question and will understand the implementation of Route Resolver in Angular.

What is Resolver in Angular?

Angular route resolver allows the developers to get data before navigating to the new route. In simple words, we can say that it’s a smooth approach that quickly improves user experience and user interaction actions by simply loading Resolved data just before the user navigates to any specific component.

A Resolver in Angular development is nothing but a class that implements the Resolve interface of Angular Router. We can say that Resolver is simply a service call that has to be included in the root module. A angular resolver development works like just a simple middleware, which can be executed before a component defined is loaded.

To know more about Angular in detail, you can read the article on what is Angular

Difference Between Basic Routing Flow and Angular Resolver Flow

Basic Routing Flow Angular Resolver Flow
The end-user clicks on link The end-user make a click on the link.
The Angular framework simply loads data from the respective component Angular executes certain code and returns a value or resolved data observable.
You can collect the returned value or observable in the constructor or in ngOnInit, in the data provider class of your component which is about to load.
Use the collected data for your purpose.
Now you can load your component.

In angular functional resolver, steps 2,3 and 4 are done with a code called Resolver.

As a concluding point, we can say that Resolver in Angular development is an intermediate code that deals with the execution process between clicking the link and loading the component.

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Why Should You Opt For Angular Resolvers?

Angular Resolvers is responsible to fetch data or remove resolved data directly from the server before the activatedRoute of an upcoming component is finally activated. There is no involvement of a spinner until the data is fetched because the dedicated angular developer find it challenging to navigate to the next component unless the server data needed is retrieved.

To understand it better, let’s take one scenario- we want to display the array of items in a component received in an unordered list or table in our Angular project.

Let’s say the Angular developer is giving the command *ngIf=” passing some condition” and our business logic depends upon the length of an array, which will be altered once the API call is successful.

We might face an issue in such a case as the component will be ready before receiving the data (the array item isn’t yet with us).

Here comes Route Resolver to rescue. We can use Angular’s Route Resolver class for fetching the data before your component is loaded. And then, the conditional statements can work smoothly with the angular functional Resolver.

How to Implement Angular Resolver?

First of all, we need to understand the working process of the Resolve Interface. It is an essential part that Angular developers need to follow.

export interface Resolve {
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable | Promise | T {
  return 'Data resolved here...'
} }

To implement a Routing Resolver in Angular web development project, the angular web developers need to create a new class that will be responsible for implementing the above-defined user interface. This Angular routing module interface defines two main route parameters (if you need them) with an interface resolve method:

  • Route: It is of type ActivatedRouteSnapshot
  • State: It is of type RouterStateSnapshot

Here, you can create an API call that will get the data you need before your component initialization is loaded.

The route parameter helps the developers to get private route parameters that may be used in the API response call for only resolved data just before corresponding component initialization takes place. On the other hand, the resolve method can return an Observable, a promise or just a custom type.

Implementation of a Route Resolver in Angular

To make it simple for you, you can even use a JSON placeholder to implement a demo API for fetching employee data to demonstrate or create API calls with Angular route resolvers.

First of all, we will need a service that will fetch the employee data for us. In this service, we have a function called getEmployees() data that returns an observable.

providedIn: 'root'
export class EmployeeApiService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
  private employeesEndpoint = "";
  getEmployees(): Observable {
      return this.http.get(this.employeesEndpoint);

It is important no to subscribe to the function getEmployees(). The route resolver service called EmployeeResolver will take care of this for you. The next step is to create a new service called EmployeeResolver which will implement the resolve data function of the Resolve method interface of the private router.

providedIn: 'root'
export class EmployeeResolverService implements Resolve {
  constructor(private employeeApi: EmployeeApiService) { }
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    return this.employeeApi.getEmployees().pipe(
      catchError((error) => {
      return empty();

This service, EmployeeResolver, will subscribe automatically to the getEmployees observable and provide the Angular’s router supports the fetched data. In case of an error, while fetching the data, you can send an empty observable and the router event data will not proceed to the route.
The successful route navigation will be terminated at this point.

To understand more details you can activate tracing support by passing a flag when it’s added to the app routes in your business data, like so:

	imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { enableTracing: true })],
	exports: [ RouterModule ]

export class AppRoutingModule {}

Our own Route reuse strategy help to avoid destroying the particular component during the navigation process.This last step is to create a component that will be called when the user goes to the /employees route.

Typically, without an Angular Router Resolver, you will need to fetch data on the ngOnInit hook of the component and handle the errors caused by ‘no data’ exists. The employee’s component is a simple one. It just gets the employee’s data from the ActivatedRoute and displays them into an unordered list.

So, once the data load fails, you can efficiently replace it the same with an error message and a retry link.

After you have created the employee’s component, you need to define the routes and tell the Angular router to use a resolver in Angular development ( EmployeeResolver). This Angular routing process could be achieved with the following angular resolver example code into the routing module file named app-routing.modulte.ts.

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'employees', component: EmployeesComponent, resolve: { employees: EmployeeResolverService } }

  imports: [
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

You need to set the resolve property into the employee’s following route configuration named “const routes” and declare the EmployeeResolver as the component defined in the above code. The resolved data from the export class AppModule will be passed into an object with a property called employees. After that, you are almost done. There is only one thing you need to do. You must get the fetching data into the employees’ component by using the activated route data property via the ActivatedRoute with the following code.

After that, you are almost done. There is only one thing you need to do.

You must get the fetching data into the employees’ component by using the activated route data property via the ActivatedRoute with the following code.

There is only one thing you need to do. You must get the fetched data into the employees’ component via the ActivatedRoute with the following angular code.

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }

employees: any[];

ngOnInit() { { employees: any }) => {
  this.employees = data.employees;

Then, you can just display them into HTML without any *ngIf statements ( *ngIf=”employees && employees.length > 0 ) because the load data depends on the activation process, and it will be there before the component rendered is loaded.

<h2>Fetched Employees:</h2>
<li *ngFor="let employee of employees">{{ }}</li>


angular functional resolver can be beneficial because it ensures that data is available before a component is rendered. This can prevent issues with undefined or null data being used in a component’s template, which can cause errors and lead to poor user experience.

So, we have seen the implementation of a angular resolver development that gets loaded data from the Employees API before navigating to a route related property that displayed the gathered data. And it is made possible by utilizing @angular/router, @angular/common/http, and rxjs.

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Angular Vs React Vs Vue : Which is the Best Framework To Use in 2023?

Nowadays, you’ll come across many front-end Javascript frameworks that make your web development process more accessible than ever. But the main focus of the area is to select one of the best from the rest.

How will you achieve that?

Well, said enough, here in this article, we have come up with detailed information and differences between the three web development frameworks like Angular Vs. React Vs Vue.

Now you’ll ask why these three web frameworks.

The answer lies in the statistics shown below.

Now, let’s start with some basic information about these best Javascript frameworks to make it easy to select the best one and why you should go with it.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular, React, and Vue are all popular JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications.
  • Angular is a comprehensive framework that offers a lot of features out of the box, including a robust set of tools for building complex applications.
  • React is a library that focuses on the view layer of an application. It provides a simple, easy-to-learn API for building reusable UI components.
  • Vue is a progressive framework that can be used as a library or a full framework. It is similar to React in many ways, but with a few key differences. Vue has a simpler syntax than React, which makes it easier to learn and use.
  • Ultimately, the choice between Angular, React, and Vue depends on your specific needs and preferences.
  • If you need a comprehensive framework with a lot of built-in features, Angular might be the best choice.
  • If you’re looking for a library that focuses on UI components and is widely used, React is a good choice.
    And if you want a lightweight framework that’s easy to learn, Vue might be the way to go.

What is Angular?

Angular is the only typescript-based Javascript framework that allows you to fill the gap between the increasing technology stack demands and application performance strategies for your business web development process.

Launched in September 2016, Angular is an open-sourced JavaScript framework designed explicitly for developing web, single-page applications, and even mobile applications.

The first version was AngularJS. Then came Angular 2 (the most popular Javascript framework). Finally, Angular 14 is the latest version. Being a proficient AngularJS development company, Albiorix has a team of expert Angular developers who strives to provide the best possible solutions.

What is React?

After having a look at what is Angular, React is the next on our list, which is actually not a framework but just a Javascript library developed by Facebook, which makes it easy for you to build UI components.

Not only this, React allows you to perform Javascript code in a more leisurely way that can be easily understood and deploy your application.

React Javascript framework uses server-side rendering to provide a flexible, performance-oriented solution. Albiorix is a ReactJS development company that provides the best web app solutions for your business needs.

You May Also like To Read: Best React UI Frameworks

What is Vue?

Vue.js is a simple, easy-to-use frontend, and basic framework that overcomes complexities that you might face in Angular development.

The two main advantages that make Vue more familiar are: visual DOM and component-based architecture. Two-way binding is additional functionality apart from these benefits.

Vue.js is a flexible and progressive framework that allows you to build applications ranging from web, and mobile to progressive web apps. Sounds interesting, right?

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Pros of Angular Vs React Vs Vue

It’s time to explore the pros of these three web development frameworks.

Pros of Angular

  1. As Angular is an entirely Google-supported platform, it allows you to develop dependable and trustworthy web apps and mobile apps as it deals with Google’s occasional updates and announcements.
  2. With the help of the Angular, you have the option to select any third-party integrations to enhance the performance of your Angular applications.
  3.  With its “ahead-of-time compiler” functionality, Angular provides quick load time and enhanced security. Angular easily compile HTML and TypeScript into JavaScript for building dynamic web applications. In simple words, all previous html code differences is compiled before the browser even loads your web app.
  4. The Angular applicationis equipped with advanced elements and modules that are customised, giving power to the developer and designers. The developers can easily include such elements to the application created using other Javascript frameworks, providing an attractive appearance to your application.
  5. If you have skills in dealing with dependency injection, then the Angular framework is a boon for you. In addition, the Angular is a complete framework that brings convenience to the developers to implement MVC architecture, even if they’re working with large-scale applications.

Cons of Angular

  1. The Angular is a complete dynamic solution to build web and cross-platform mobile applications; the learning curve is steeper to execute the operation.
  2. Angular sometimes follows a complex structure, making it challenging for the developers to code well during the web application development phase and making more complex apps.
  3.  Code optimisation and following the best angular practices are the negative points from the developer perspective.
  4.  For new techies, the Angular feature can be somewhat challenging.
  5.  The Angular Scopes are hard to debug Limited Routing.
  6.  You might face some complexities during the migration process.

Pros of React

  1.  With its simplicity in designing, React is easy to learn.
  2. React applications strictly follows HTML-like syntax, allowing developers to use templates and highly detailed proper documentation.
  3.  React allows developers to spend more time writing modern JavaScript and less time concerning the framework-specific code.
  4. React is a front-end development framework that supports server-side rendering and solid React elements, making it a robust framework for content-focused and complex applications.
  5.  Facebook offers a “codemod” feature to automate much of the process.
  6. React is a complete framework that can be easily used for developing native-based applications.
  7.  ReactJS, when combined with ES6/7, can effectively manage heavy application loads more efficiently.

Cons of React

  1. When developers integrate ReactJS with some traditional MVC framework, they need to deal with complex configurations for developing complex applications.
  2.  ReactJS developers must have in-depth knowledge related to the integration and building user interfaces into the MVC framework.
  3. React has a learning curve, especially for developers who are new to it or who have limited experience with web development in general. The framework has a lot of concepts and terminologies that may take time to understand.
  4. React only focuses on the view layer, which means it requires additional libraries or tools to handle other aspects of application development such as routing, form validation, and state management. This can lead to a more complex development process and a larger learning curve.
  5. React requires writing more boilerplate code than other front-end frameworks like Vue or Angular, which can be time-consuming and repetitive.
  6. React’s documentation can be confusing for beginners, and it may not always provide the best examples or explanations.
  7. React can overcomplicate simple tasks, leading to longer development times and increased complexity.
  8. React can have performance issues when working with large-scale applications or data-intensive operations, leading to slow load times and rendering speeds.

Pros of Vue

  1.  Small-size application
  2.  Low-storage requirements
  3.  Simplicity in designing and building applications
  4.  Detailed documentation
  5. Advanced reusable components
  6.  Secure and flexible

Cons of Vue

  1.  Language barriers and restricted community
  2.  Spoilt for options
  3.  Lacking scalability and plugins
  4.  Community-related limitations
  5. Lack of financial support for large-scale and complex projects.
  6.  Limited resources
  7.  Excessive code flexibility

Build Feature-rich and Scalable Web Applications

Albiorix have skilled developers that are always ready to build client-centric solutions.

Some Basic Differences Among Angular Vs React Vs Vue

It’s a high time to view the head-to-head comparisons between Angular vs React, Angular vs Vue, and Vue vs React? We have summarized it in an easier way that will make it easy for you to analyze them for your project requirements.

Angular vs React

Angular vs React Differences

Let’s start with understanding the common difference between Angular vs ReactJS. We have seen almost all the possible pros and cons of both these technologies in the previous section. 

To state it easier, both Angular and React applications are the Javascript libraries that can be efficiently used for building web applications, mobile applications, and cross-platform applications like React Native mobile apps for your business needs. At the same time, Angular is generally better for more complex enterprise-ready apps.

React is one such framework that typically requires extra modules and components, making the usage of the core Javascript library small; it means that you need to deal with some additional outside development tools for web application development for your business needs.

React is an UI library that is a boon for many intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers and those familiar with concepts from ES6 and up. And if we talk about the Angular, it favours experienced developers who are familiar with TypeScript development services.

React vs Vue


The subsequent comparison is for ReactJS vs VueJS; trust me, it’s not easy to debate. Vue is a feature-rich framework that comes up with a vibrant and ever-growing community, and of course, it has taken over popularity compared to React framework.

You’ll be surprised that React developers are still churning out many new components and extras, so no sign React is on the decline either, thereby has steep learning curve.

Vue is the best option for developing smaller, less complex apps, and if you’re a learner, then it is one of the superb options to start coding using VueJS development. In addition, VueJS can be easier to integrate into new or existing projects, and many feel its use of HTML templates and JSX is an advantage.

Vue might be the best choice for new web developers, and you do not need to deal with some advanced JavaScript concepts. On the other hand, React suits the best for experienced programmers and developers who have worked with object-oriented JavaScript programming language, functional JavaScript, and similar ideas.

Angular vs Vue

Angular vs Vue-Differences

Last, the comparison between Angular and Vue is one of the deciding critical factors for front-end development. Both technologies are different libraries with different feature sets and learning curves. As a result, Vue is a boon for less experienced developers, and Angular is the perfect option for those working on more extensive or complicated programs.

The Angular framework brings more convenience to Angular developers by adding innovative features in every new Angular release. And if we talk about the VueJS framework, the difference between Vue2 Vs Vue3 says it all. 

And the excellent part about Vue is that the creator of this framework is a developer who formerly worked on Angular for Google. So that’s another thing to keep in mind, though that wouldn’t significantly impact your decision.

Comparison Table of Vue Vs React Vs Angular

Let’s see the basic comparison of Angular Vs React Vs Vue.

Angular React Vue
Created by Google Facebook Vue
UI/DOM Manipulation Yes Yes Yes
State Management Yes Yes Yes
Routing Yes No Yes
Form Validation & Handling Yes No No
HTTP Client Yes No No

Angular Vs React Vs Vue: Which is Better To Use in 2023?

Which is better for front-end development? Angular, React or Vue.

Ultimately, it depends on your project requirements and how you want to represent your application.

All the framework options that we’ve gone through in this article are the best to develop single-page applications.

Whatever your perception of the discussion about Angular vs ReactJS vs VueJS, you need to make choices based on your requirement for functionality and usability. Albiorix is a top-rated custom software development company having core expertise in leading Javascript and Typescript technologies.

What’s New in Angular 15? All About New Must-Know Features & Updates

Angular is an in-demand and open-source framework that has come up with astonishing updates of the new version. Yes, you read it right.

Angular 15 is now live.

After the successful launch of Angular 14, Angular 15 is back with more and more exciting updates and allowing Angular developers in building robust applications.

Yeah, I know you all are too enthusiastic to see what’s new in Angular 15. So, let’s start to see what new updates have been introduced in the latest Angular version 15.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular, the most popular front-end framework, has officially jumped into the new version of Angular 15.
  • The Angular development team has primarily focused on stability concepts.
  • We’ve highlighted a detailed overview of the latest features of Angular 15 along with the new updates that the Angular team at Google has included in the Angular 15 release.
  • A step-by-step guide to upgrading from Angular 14 to Angular 15 is shown with an example.

What is New in Angular 15?

Angular 15 release date is 16th November 2022 and brought a big smile to Angular developers (including me) globally. The reason was quite obvious as they were expecting something big to announce and it really happened.

Angular 15 came with some limelight and interesting new features like

  • Stable standalone components API
  • Develop a multi-route application
  • Directive Composition API
  • Stable “NgOptimizedImage” Image Directive
  • Easily Reduce Boilerplate in Guards
  • Better Stack Traces For Debugging Process
  • CDK Listbox
  • ESBuild Support of Angular 15

Sounds interesting, Right. These are the major updates that are introduced in the Angular 15 version. We’ve highlighted detailed information on all such major features of Angular latest version 15. In this article, I hope that you have a clear idea of what is Angular and what it’s main used for.

Develop User-Friendly Web Applications with Angular 15

We have a team of Angular developers who are proficient in developing web and mobile apps using Angular version 15.

What are the Angular 15 Features?

Yeah! I know you all are too much excited to know about the inspiring features that are introduced in Angular 15. Let’s get a deep dive into all the technical aspects of current Angular version 15.

  1. Stable Standalone Components API

    In Angular v15, the first and most important feature that has been updated is stable standalone components API.

    You can quickly build Angular applications without any involvement of ngModules. Moreover, it is one of the best examples of gaining stability after detailed performance observation and amendments.

    If you’re entirely new to development or have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, Angular 15 is the best front–end development tool for learning Angular development practices.

    And if we talk about Angular standalone components, you can efficiently work with them across Angular applications. Moreover, they are 100% functional in Angular elements, HttpClient, Routes, and many more.

    The exciting part of Angular 15 is that you can quickly bootstrap an Angular app using only a single component.

    Throughout this article, we will demonstrate the examples taken from [Official documentation]

    How to use standalone API in Angular 15? To answer this question, please have a look at the below code.

    import {bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import {ImageGridComponent} from'./image-grid';
     standalone: true,
     selector: 'photo-gallery',
     imports: [ImageGridComponent],
     template: `
       ... <image-grid [images]="imageList"></image-grid>
    export class PhotoGalleryComponent {
     // component logic

    In the above code, you can see that it mentions “standalone: true”. That’s an example of a standalone component API. So, you do not have to declare components, directives, and pipes into NgModule. If you do that mistake, get ready to receive a big error on your screen.

    With the help of stable Standalone APIs, you can effectively create Multi-Route Application

    • By using the new router standalone APIS, it becomes easy for you to design and build a multi-route application for your business needs.
    • Moreover, bundlers in Angular 15 are solely responsible for reducing the bundle size by reducing the unused features of the router, especially at the build time.

    In case, if you want to import NgModule in your standalone component APIs of Angular application, do it by simply writing import: [module_name] and you are good to go. Often, there exist many advantages to using the Angular framework, but Angular 15 possess more functionalities as compared to previous versions.

  2. You Can Now Easily Develop a Multi-Route Application

    Yes, you read it right. Angular 15 is now ready with an essential functionality named router standalone API that makes it easy for you to build multi-route applications.

    First, let’s declare the root route for your Angular application.

    export const appRoutes: Routes = [{
     path: 'lazy',
     loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.routes')
       .then(routes => routes.lazyRoutes)

    Next, you can declare lazyRoutes as:

    import {Routes} from '@angular/router';
    import {LazyComponent} from './lazy.component';
    export const lazyRoutes: Routes = [{path: '', component: LazyComponent}];

    Remember that you have to register the appRoutes in the bootstrapApplication method and call it using the ProvideRouter API, which is tree-shakable!

    bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
     providers: [
  3. Angular 15 Comes With Directive Composition API

    All Angular developers working with leading AngularJS development company, including me, were waiting for a feature where we could easily reuse the directives. And that’s what the Angular team made possible for us by including Standalone Directive Composition API and made our development experience smooth.

    Want to know how? Directive Composition API makes code usability enhancement and boosts host elements with directives. However, always remember that Directive Composition works only with standalone directives.

     selector: 'mat-menu',
     hostDirectives: [HasColor, {
       directive: CdkMenu,
       inputs: ['cdkMenuDisabled: disabled'],
       outputs: ['cdkMenuClosed: closed']
    class MatMenu {}

    You can see from the above code that the “MatMenu” selector has two hostDirectives: HasColor and CdkMenu.

    It means that MatMenu can reutilize all the properties from these two directives. Simply put, it can be inherited with the inputs, outputs, and logic associated with the HasColor directive and only logic and input from CdkMenu.

  4. Stable “NgOptimizedImage” Image Directive

    In the Angular 14 version, we’ve seen that one of the best ways to load image performance was by using the NgOptimizedImage directive. But it’s good news for Angular developers that the option of Image directive has become stable now.

    With the launch of Angular 15, there are some minor updates in NgOptimizedImage

    • Automatic srcset Generation: You can now automatically generate srcset for uploading an appropriately sized image when requested. It’s going to minimize the image download time.
    • Fill Mode [experimental]: This feature of Angular 15 eliminates the need for declaring image dimensions and will fill an image to its parent container. Trust me; it’s a pretty compelling model when the i image dimensions are unknown to web developers or you need to migrate the CSS background image to use the image directive.

    Now, let’s see how we can use the standalone NgOptimizedImage directive.

    You can use NgOptimizedImage inside your Angular component or NgModule.

    import { NgOptimizedImage } from '@angular/common';
    // Include it into the necessary NgModule
     imports: [NgOptimizedImage],
    class AppModule {}
    // ... or a standalone Component
     standalone: true
     imports: [NgOptimizedImage],
    class MyStandaloneComponent {}

    You just have to replace image src with ngsrc, especially when you’re using an Angular image directive within a specified component. It plays a vital role in determining the priority attribute to optimize the speed for the LCP images.

  5. Easily Reduce Boilerplate in Guards

    It’s a practical concept. So, let’s dive deep into the example without taking much time. First, we’ve defined guards to verify whether the user has logged in.

    @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
    export class MyGuardWithDependency implements CanActivate {
     constructor(private loginService: LoginService) {}
     canActivate() {
       return this.loginService.isLoggedIn();
    const route = {
     path: 'somePath',
     canActivate: [MyGuardWithDependency]

    Here, you can see that LoginService contains the main logic, wherein the guard – only isLoggedIn() is one trigger invoked. As many boilerplates are included in this code segment, need to reduce it to the maximum.

    Thanks to Functional Router Guards, you can easily refactor code into the given-below code with the necessary boilerplates.

    const route = {
     path: 'admin',
     canActivate: [() => inject(LoginService).isLoggedIn()]

    One of the excellent parts about Functional Guards is that they are purely compostable. So, it brings convenience to you in many ways, including building robust functionalities like factor-like functions, accepting a given configuration and returning a guard or function that resolves a matter.

  6. Better Stack Traces For Debugging Process

    With the launch of the latest version of Angular, debugging Angular applications has been simplified and is now more straightforward with stack traces. Angular’s development team strives to achieve a standard for tracing development code irrespective of displaying libraries during the entire Angular development lifecycle.

    The primary aim of developing such stack traces is to improve the display of error messages as they come by. For example, developers get a one-liner error message during the own code discovery phase if we talk about the previous versions of Angular. And a lot more to deal with the lengthy procedure to resolve that bug.

    First, let’s see the snippet for previous error indications:

    ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error
       at app.component.ts:18:11
       at (<anonymous>)
       at asyncGeneratorStep (asyncToGenerator.js:3:1)
       at _next (asyncToGenerator.js:25:1)
       at _ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:372:26)
       at Object.onInvoke (core.mjs:26378:33)
       at _ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:371:52)
       at (zone.js:134:43)
       at zone.js:1275:36
       at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:406:31)
       at resolvePromise (zone.js:1211:31)
       at zone.js:1118:17
       at zone.js:1134:33

    Developers were not able to understand the ERROR snippets due the following reasons:

    • Third-party dependencies were solely responsible for such error message inputs.
    • You were not getting any information related to where such user interaction encountered this bug.
    • With an active and long collaboration with the Angular and Chrome DevTool team, it was pretty useful for the Angular community to perform integration with third-party dependencies (with the help of node_modules, zone.js, etc.); and thus, could achieve linked stack traces.

    Now, with Angular 15, you can see the improvement in the stack traces as mentioned below:

    ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error
       at app.component.ts:18:11
       at fetch (async) 
       at (anonymous) (app.component.ts:4)
       at request (app.component.ts:4)
       at (anonymous) (app.component.ts:17)
       at submit (app.component.ts:15)
       at AppComponent_click_3_listener (app.component.html:4)

    The above code shows that error message information from where it got encountered,, so developers can directly go to that code part and fix it immediately.

  7. Stable MDC-Based Components

    MDC stands for Material Design Components, which are pre-built UI components that implement the Material Design specification. Angular provides a way to use MDC-based components in your application through the Angular Material library.

    Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular that is built with Material Design principles in mind. It provides a set of building UI components that can be easily integrated into your Angular application. Angular Material design components typically uses MDC web components under the hood, which means that the components are built using the same CSS and JavaScript as the MDC components.

    Some of the Angular Material components include buttons, cards, menus, dialogs, and many others. These components are fully customizable and can be styled to fit the look and feel of your application.

    To use Angular Material in your application, you need to install the @angular/material package and automatically import components and the required modules in your application module. Here’s an example:

    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button';
    import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card';
      imports: [
      exports: [
    export class MaterialModule { }
  8. CDK Listbox

    CDK (Component Dev Kit) offers different behavior user interface primitives that help you build UI components. The Angular v15 gets a new primitive called CDK Listbox, making it easy for the Angular developers to customize Listbox interactions drawn up by the WAI-ARIA Listbox pattern based on requirements.

    cdk-listbox -angular 15

    Here, the behavioral interactions have impressive features like keyboard interactions, bidi layout support, lazy loading, and focus management. Moreover, it does not matter what you use; every directive creates associated ARIA roles with respective host Angular elements.

  9. ESBuild Support of Angular 15

    In the previous version of the Angular framework, you can efficiently support esbuild to effectively build a faster javascript bundler, enabling quick build done by simplifying the server-side rendering pipeline.

    The Angular 15 comes up with new experimental support for the ng build –watch support, Sass, SVG template, and file replacement.

    Now, let’s see the command for upgrading the angular.json builder is:

    “builder”: “@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser-esbuild”
  10. Functional Router Guards

    The Angular development team worked hard on minimizing the boilerplate code by simply performing code refactoring. It is made possible by using the tree-shakable standalone router APIs in your business applications. Moreover, it helps you reduce the bundle size of Angular with the new Functional Router Guards; we can refactor the code.

Related Post: Resolver in Angular

How to Install Angular 15?

Angular is one such robust framework that comes up with multiple Angular development tools. Installing Angular 15 on your system is very easy, you just need NPM installed in your system.

Command to install Angular 15: npm install – global @angular/cli@latest

How Can You Upgrade to Angular 15?

If you’re already using Angular version 14 or lower, and you want to upgrade to Angular 15, you need to type the following command.

Command: ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

Please follow Angular Update Guide

Upgrading from Angular 14 to Angular 15

  • If you want to use Angular 15, the foremost thing to perfect is updating Node.js versions to either of the 14.20.x, 16.13.x and 18.10.x.
  • Apart from Node.js updates, you need to mandatorily update the TypeScript version to 4.8 or later before approaching upgrading to Angular version 15.
  • Simply provide the command: ng update @angular/core@15 @angular/cli@15 in the application project directory to make your Angular 15 application update.
  • You can simply run ng update @angular/material@15 to update the Angular Material components.
  • For Angular version 15, the primary role of the Angular compiler is to prefix your @keyframes in CSS with the component’s scope. So, it becomes essential to update all such instances to specifically define Keyframes programmatically using Angular compiler. To do that, you just need to use global stylesheets, or simply update or make minor change in the component’s view encapsulation.
  • Removing enableIvy from the tsconfig.json file is an essential factor, as it is the only rendering engine in Angular 15, so it is not required.
  • Angular 15 developers can effectively use decorators in base classes with child classes. It will simply inherit constructors and use Dependency Injection for the Angular app. So, you need to decorate the base classes with either @Injectable or @Directive otherwise, else get ready to view the error from the compiler.
  • In Angular latest version 15, you can effectively call the setDisabledState, especially when a ControlValueAccessor is attached. It is made possible using FormsModule.withConfig or ReactiveFormsModule.withConfig.
  • You just need to ensure that all ActivatedRouteSnapshot objects have a title property in your Angular code. In v15 of Angular, ActivatedRouteSnapshot’s required property typically requires the title property.
  • In version 15 of Angular, you cannot configure relativeLinkResolution in the Router. It is primarily used to opt-out of the previous bug fix in the Angular 15 application that is now standard.
  • It’s mandatory for you to simple update instances of the DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE token to use DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS for time zone configuration. The DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE token is deprecated In Angular version 15.
  • Existing instances of <iframe> may have security-sensitive attributes applied to them as an attribute or property binding. These security-sensitive attributes can appear in a template or in the host bindings of a directive. You need to such occurrences with regular updates for ensuring compliance with the new and stricter rules for <iframe> binding of the Angular 15 app.
  • Injector.get() instances that use an InjectFlags parameter should be updated to use an InjectOptions parameter. Injector.get(InjectFlags )’s parameter is deprecated in v15.
  • You need to change the instances of TestBed.inject() to use an InjectOptions parameter in Angular application. In Angular 15, the InjectFlags parameter of TestBed.inject() is deprecated.
  • In Angular 15 version, you will find deprecation in using providedIn: ngModule for an @Injectable and InjectionToken. And also in using providedIn: ‘any’ for an @Injectable or InjectionToken.
  • Likewise, you can effectively use the RouterLink directive for updating instances of the RouterLinkWithHrefdirective. In Angular 15, you’ll find deprecation with RouterLinkWithHref directive.
  • In Angular Material v15, the refactorization of many Angular web components has been performed on the official MDC. It eventually affects the DOM and CSS classes of many components available in the Angular app 15.
  • Once you upgrade your web application to Angular 15, you can quickly review your business application and its interactions to cope with the smooth functioning of all the application features including lazy loading functionality.
Related Post: Angular Best Practices


What are you waiting for? Upgrade to Angular 15 and grab the Angular 15 new features to build a robust and secure web application for your business needs.

Angular 16 is now available, and you can install it without obstructions. Still, if you find any issue in installing or planning to develop front-end development services, consult Albiorix now.

Vue 2 vs Vue 3 – The 11 Key Differences You Must Know

Basic Introduction

Often there exists many leading front-end frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.JS that make the work easy for the developers to build robust web applications. Among all such frameworks, Vue.js is solely responsible for building rich user interfaces.

If you’re completely new to working with VueJS, the first question that might hit your mind is: which stable versions you should go for? Right. If we talk about Vue2, it’s currently hitting the market and is used globally by almost all companies to create a responsive web application.

With the launch of Vue 3, developers are curious to know the technical concepts introduced in the latest version of Vue. Vue 3 has come up with innovative features that make your application faster and include capable libraries to make your web app more responsive.

Key Takeaways

  • Brief definition of Vue 2 and Vue 3
  • In this vue2 vs vue 3 post we describe several important improvements of Vue 3 compared to Vue with some of the Vue 3 key enhancements.
  • Vue.js is a popular progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces (UIs).
  • There exists many differences between the Vue 2 VS Vue 3 in terms of different parameters and that’s what we have covered in the article.
  • Vue 3 is said to be faster, smaller, more maintainable and easier to target natives compared to Vue 2.
  • Vue 3 is more or less a rewritten version of Vue 2 and comes with some new and significant changes and features.

History of Vue.JS Framework

Before, we start to understand the concept of the difference between Vue 2 and Vue 3, we need to start with the framework journey. Vue.js started its journey as a simple runtime library. As time evolved, it evolved to convert from a library to a framework. And yes, today, Vue.js is popularly known as an approachable, performant and versatile framework that plays a vital role to build web user interfaces.

Definition: Vue.js 2

Vue.js 2 is a widely used JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is known for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing web developers to create interactive web app easily. Vue.js 2 provides a reactive and component-based architecture, where the application’s UI is divided into reusable components.

Definition: Vue.js 3

Vue.js 3 is the Current version of the Vue.js JavaScript framework, designed for building modern and performant web applications. It introduces several significant improvements and optimizations compared to its predecessor, Vue 2. Vue 3 focuses on improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, enhanced TypeScript support.

Vue 3 is the Composition API, It offers a more flexible and modular approach to organizing code within components.

Additionally, Vue.js 3 enhances the virtual DOM algorithm for more efficient rendering and updates, resulting in faster application performance.”

Vue 2 is still being used by multiple companies around the globe, owing both to its diffrent benefits and the short time for which Vue 3 has been out and Vue 2 will set to the end of 2023.

Top 11 Differences Between Vue 2 VS Vue 3

Now, it’s high time to see the technical difference between Vue2 vs Vue3 by understanding the demonstration of every aspect.

  1. Creating An Application

    The first difference between Vue 2 VS Vue 3 is creating an app from scratch. You must do the standard application process, including installing Vue CLI (Command Line Interface).

    To make it easy for you, please enter the following command to install CLI:
    npm i -g @vue/cli

    • To install Vue 2, you need to enter the command: npm install vue@2.x.x
    • To install the latest version (for this case Vue 3), type the command: npm install vue

    There exists a minor syntax distinction and also some basic structural and major changes.

    Example of main.js file for Vue 2

    import Vue from 'vue'
    import App from './App.vue'
    Vue.config.productionTip = falsenew Vue({
    render: h => h(App),

    Example of main.js file for Vue 3

    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import App from './App.vue'
  2. Multiple Root

    In Vue 2, you are allowed only to implement a single root element; else an error will be thrown for multiple roots. It’s not the case with Vue 3, you can add multiple root elements in the same template.

    <app-header />
    <router-view />

    As you can see there are two elements included in the template, it will not proceed further in the Vue2 app. If we give the element inside the in the Vue2 app, you receive the following error message.

    But in the case of Vue 3, such a message never appears.

    As you can see the below figure that there are two web components (HelloWorld and AppForm) included in the file.

     Example of HelloWorld and AppForm components

    import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue'
    import AppForm from './components/AppForm.vue'
    export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {
    And if we run the application, the outcome is


  3. Introducing Fragments in Vue 3

    Before we start to understand creating methods in Vue2 and Vue3 applications, we need to create a template and prepare a well-defined data structure for the app.

    Let’s start with creating component options with the Vue2 application.

    As defined earlier, Vue 3 typically supports Fragments. In simple words, components can have more than one root node.

    We have created a root node as Form components in Vue2 as well as the Vue3 app.

    Form Component in Vue 2 application

    <div class="form-element">
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
    <input type="text" v-model="emp_username" placeholder="Employee Username"/>
    <input type="password" v-model="emp_password" placeholder="Employee Password"/>
    <button @click="login">Submit</button>
    <p>Values: {{ emp_username + ' ' + emp_password }}</p>

    Form Component in Vue 3 Application

    <h2>{{ state.title }}</h2>
    <input type="text" v-model="state.empusername" placeholder="Employee Username" />
    <input type="password" v-model="state.emppassword" placeholder="Employee Password" />
    <button @click="login">Submit</button>
    <p>Values: {{ state.empusername + ' ' + state.emppassword }}</p>
  4. Data Property in Vue 2 vs Vue 3

    Now, it’s time to set up the data for the Vue app.

    If we talk about Vue 2 VS Vue 3, Options API and Composition API are responsible for handling the data.

    With the help of Options API, the Vue.JS Developers can easily separate the cleaner code into different properties in Vue: data, computed properties, methods, etc. And if we talk about the Composition API, unlike the Options API, it allows the developers to group code by function rather than the specific property type.

    For our form component, let’s say we just have two different properties: emp.username and emp.password.

    The Vue2 code in Composition API would look like this – we have entered two values in the data property.

    Vue 2 Code with two values in the data property

    export default {props: {
    title: String,
    data() {
    return {
    emp_username: "",
    emp_password: "",

    In Vue 3, the developers need to work with the new setup() method in Composition API where the entire same component initialization takes place. Moreover, the developers can quickly have more control over what is reactive, we have direct access to Vue’s reactivity API.

    The process for creating reactive datas using Composition API includes three easy steps:

    • Import “reactive” from vue
    • Data declaration using the reactive and Ref() method
    • Setup() method returns the reactive datas with the aim that the template can access it

    The code looks like this:

    import {reactive} from "vue";export default {
    props: {
    title: String,
    setup() {
    const state = reactive({
    empusername: "",
    emppassword: "",
    return {state};

    Related Post: Vue vs React

  5. Methods in Vue 2 vs Vue 3

    After setting up the data using Composition API, it’s time to create a setup () method for your Vue app. First of all, we’ll see the process for vue2 vs vue3 and we’ll start by creating a method in the Vue2 app.

    How to create a method in the Vue 2 application?

    export default {
    props: {
    title: String,
    data() {
    return {
    emp_username: "",
    emp_password: "",
    login() {
    //login method goes here

    How to create a method in the Vue 3 application?

    In Vue3, Composition API typically handles methods. In simple words, it is like declaring data – we have to first declare our setup method and then return it so that other parts of our component can access it.

    import {reactive} from "vue";export default {
    props: {
    title: String,
    setup() {
    const state = reactive({
    empusername: "",
    emppassword: "",
    const login = () => {
    //login method goes here
    return {

    Searching For Building High-End Front-end Applications?

    Albiorix is a one-stop solution having a team of talented Vue.js developers that always strive to upscale the applications as per your business.

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  6. Lifecycle Hooks

    In Vue 2, the developers can access lifecycle hooks directly from the component options.


    export default {mounted() {
    console.log("title: " +this.title);
    },computed: {
    return this.emp_username.toLowerCase();

    As we know, for Vue 3 Composition API, the setup method includes the mounted lifecycle hook. Remember that lifecycle hooks are not included by default. The Vue.js developers available on hire need to import the onMounted() method to initiate the lifecycle hooks.

    Then, inside our setup method of lifecycle hooks, we can use the onMounted method by passing it our function.

    onMounted method

    import {reactive} from "vue";export default {
    props: {
    title: String,
    setup() {
    const state = reactive({
    empusername: "",
    emppassword: "",
    onMounted (() => {
    console.log("component mounted");
    const login = () => {
    //login method goes here
    return {
  7. Computed Properties

    Vue2 app has a separate section for computed properties but you can define a function in the setup method.

    We will highlight a simple example to demonstrate the implementation of computed in the setup method. We will return ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, by passing the condition to check whether author’s name length is greater than 0.

    const publishedBooksMessage = computed(() => {
    return author.books.length > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No'

    In the case of the Vue3 app, the developers need to mandatorily import the essential packages they need in the app. Essentially, they didn’t want developers to have to include things they never used, which was becoming a growing problem in Vue2.

    Related Post: Angular Vs React Vs Vue: Which is the Best Framework To Use

    So to use computed properties in Vue 3, the developers will have to import computed into our component.

    Then, similarly to how we created our reactive data earlier, we can make a piece of reactive data a computed value like this:

    export default {
    data() {
    return {
    author: {
    name: 'Oliver Smith',
    books: [
    'Book 1',
    'Book 2',
    'Book 3'
    computed: {
    publishedBooksMessage() {
    return > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No'
    <p>Has published books:</p>
    <span>{{ publishedBooksMessage }}</span>

    When we check the browser, the outcome is:
    reactive data output- vue3

    On the other hand, if we go for Composition API, the code will be something like this:

    Composition API Code

    <p>Has published books:</p>
    <span>{{ publishedBooksMessage }}</span>
    <script setup>
    import { reactive, computed } from "vue";
    const author = reactive({
    name: 'Oliver Smith',
    books: [
    'Book 1',
    'Book 2',
    'Book 3'
    const publishedBooksMessage = computed(() => {
    return author.books.length > 0 ? 'Yes' : 'No'
  8. Accessing Props

    Accessing props is an essential thing that differentiates between Vue 2 VS Vue 3.

    In Vue 2, this would almost always refer to the component, not a specific property. While this made things easy on the surface, it made type support a pain.

    However, we could easily access props – let’s just add a trivial example like printing out our title prop during the mounted hook:

    export default {
    props: {
        title: String,
    mounted () {
    console.log(“title: “ +this.title);

    However, in Vue 3, we no longer use this to access props, emit events, and get properties.

    Instead, the setup() method takes two arguments:

    • props – immutable access to the component’s props
    • context – selected properties that Vue 3 exposes (emit, slots, attrs)

    Using the props argument, the above code would look like this.

    export default{
    props: {
    Title: String,
    setup(props) {
    onMounted( () => {
    console.log(“title: “ +props.title);
  9. Events in Vue 2 vs Vue 3

    Similarly, emitting events in Vue 2 is very straightforward, but Vue 3 gives you more control over how properties/methods are accessed.

    Let’s say, in our case, that we want to emit a login event to a parent component when the “Submit” button is pressed.

    The Vue 2 code would just have to call this.$emit and pass in our payload object.

    login() {
    this.$emit("login", {
    username: this.emp_username,
    password: this.emp_password,

    However, in Vue 3, we now know that this no longer means the same thing, so we have to deal with that particular parent component differently.

    Luckily, the context object exposes emit that gives us the same thing as this.$emit

    All we have to do is add context as the second parameter to our setup method. We’re going to be destructuring the context object to make our code more concise.

    Then, we just call emit as a second parameter to send our event. Then, just like before, the emit method takes two arguments:

    • The name of our event
    • A payload object to pass with our event
    setup (props, {emit}) {
    const login = () => {
    emit (“login”, {
    username: state.username,
    password: state.password,
  10. Introducing Portals functionality in Vue 3

    Portal is a feature where we can render a part of the code in one component into a different component in another DOM tree. There was a third-party plugin called portal-vue that achieved this in Vue 2 to deal with the same component functionality.

    In Vue 3, you’ll find it easy to use an in-built portal and very easy to use.

    Vue 3 will have a unique tag called <Teleport>, and any code enclosed within this tag will be ready to be teleported anywhere. The Teleport tag takes a to an argument.
    Let’s take a simple example to understand the concept of portals.

    <Teleport to="#modal-layer">
    <div class="modal">
    Hey, Everyone!!!
    Any code inside <Portal></Portal> will be displayed in the target location mentioned.
    <div id="modal-target"></div>

    At the time of writing this article, <Teleport> doesn’t work in the Alpha version mentioned above.

  11. Initialization Code

    In the difference between Vue 3 Vs Vue 2, createApp is the setup method, that is introduced to initialize the app. This initialization code method returns a new instance of a Vue app. Each instance can have its own functionalities without affecting the other instances.

const app1 = createApp({})
const app2 = createApp({})
app1.directive('focus', {
    inserted: el => el.focus()
    /* ... */

Although creating multiple apps for multiple roots in the same app is not common, this might come in handy when the project grows in size. With Vue3, compared to Vue 2, it is possible to configure each Vue app as an independent object. It is also possible to share some functionalities among several instances.

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Albiorix have a team of VueJS developers to provide you with cost-effective Web solutions.

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What Are the Most Important Improvements From Vue 2 to Vue 3?

Vue 3 introduces several important improvements compared to Vue 2. Some of the key enhancements are:

  • Composition API: Vue 3 introduces the Composition API, which provides a more flexible and modular way to organize code within components.
  • Improved Performance: Vue 3 brings significant performance improvements. The new reactivity system in Vue 3 utilizes a proxy-based approach, resulting in faster updates to the user interface.
  • Smaller Bundle Sizes: Vue 3 comes with a more efficient template compiler that generates smaller bundle sizes. This reduces the overall size of the application, resulting in faster loading times and better performance.
  • Better TypeScript Support: Vue 3 offers improved TypeScript integration and support out of the box. The new version provides enhanced TypeScript typings, making it easier for developers to use TypeScript in their Vue projects and benefit from static type checking and IDE tooling.
  • Easier Error Handling and Debugging: Vue 3 introduces better error handling and debugging capabilities. It provides more informative error messages and warnings, helping developers identify and resolve issues more efficiently during the development process.
  • Vue Router and Vuex Integration: Vue 3 provides enhanced integration with Vue Router and Vuex, the official routing and state management libraries for Vue.js. The updated versions of Vue Router and Vuex are optimized for Vue 3 and offer improved performance and features.

These improvements make Vue 3 a more powerful and efficient framework for building modern web applications, providing developers with enhanced flexibility and performance.

Summary of Vue 2 vs Vue 3

After analysing major new changes with vue2 vs vue3, we can say that:

  • Vue 3 is said to be faster, smaller, more maintainable and easier to target natives compared to Vue 2.
  • Vue 3 is more or less a rewritten version of Vue 2 and comes with some new and significant changes and features.
  • The basic syntax of vue2 vs vue3 are very similar.

Still, if you find any queries regarding creating a new web app using the VueJS framework or want to migrate to Vue 3, feel free to contact us. Albiorix is a leading Vue.js development company having a team of talented developers to provide the best optimum IT solutions.

Top 7 JavaScript Data Grid Libraries For Your Next Project

JavaScript data grid libraries are used by more than 94% of organizations to create their business applications. Additionally, JavaScript data grid are a crucial component of a web application.

By utilizing its incredible functionalities, businesses can leverage best JavaScript data grid components to enhance the value of their business web applications. So, pick the JavaScript data grid component library from the list above that best meets your company’s demands.

To create application dashboards, you can also look at some of the top JavaScript Grid libraries.

Key Takeaways

  • JavaScript grid library is a programming language that is used explicitly for interacting with leading web technologies.
  • A JavaScript Data Grid is an innovative interface that allows you to display data in a tabular format.
  • JavaScript datagrid plays a vital role in your business applications as it allows you to easily track statistics, perform real-time reporting, and, most importantly, perform data analysis.
  • We’ve highlighted the best JavaScript data grid libraries and features to make it easy for you to select the best one for your business needs.

What is a JavaScript Library?

JavaScript is the most widely used programming language that is essential for interacting with web-related technology. It plays an essential role in dealing with web application development. To run scripts on various platforms, modern browsers often develop a separate engine just for JavaScript.

There exists prewritten code that is essential for web development and web design. Such prewritten code is called JavaScript Library.

You can search for any standard JavaScript function from this library. Dashboard charts, standalone charts, data grips, data maps, and many other components are all included in JavaScript libraries and may be easily implemented anytime you need them.

What Exactly is a JavaScript Data Grid?

A JavaScript DataGrid is a straightforward yet effective, feature-rich, and customisable interface for displaying data in a tabular style in your online application. DataGrid offers a wide range of aggregate functions, including in-cell editing, server-side data binding, and filtering that looks like it was done in Excel like filtering, aggregating rows, selecting, and custom multi-column sorting.

However, many tables from various datasets can also be displayed using the DataGrid widget. The display is automatically modified following the source of the corporate data. It is a compact client-side control that provides fundamental activities like sorting, inserting, removing, and paging.

Data-driven JavaScript data grid were specifically created to manage high-performance online applications. The user interface of libraries is similar to a spreadsheet, and it may be modified to develop scalable, intricate interfaces with lots of data.

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We offer full-stack JavaScript development services to build top-notch applications for your business needs.

What is the Importance of Data Grids?

Data grids are a crucial component of online applications that display various data, such as tracking statistics, real-time reporting, and much more.

There are numerous explanations for using a DataGrid in your upcoming project.

  • Data grids are lightweight and play a vital role in improving the speed of your application and shortening load times for your website.
  • Large data sets can be deployed thanks to most DataGrid frameworks’ virtual and infinite scrolling capabilities.
  • Large datasets may be mapped even more quickly because of their capabilities like filtering, sorting, pagination, etc.

7 Best JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

Let’s explore the list of 7 best JavaScript Data grid libraries that will aid you in making your web application more responsive and secure.

  1. FusionGrid

    Fusion Grid Best JavaScript Data Grid

    FusionGrid by FusionCharts is a robust library that makes powering your website and application simple. In addition, it is a highly adaptable and responsive data grid component that enables you to work with an existing, comparable grid data source.

    FusionGrid might be the ideal supplement to all of your application dashboard requirements. It has a responsive JavaScript data grid approach and can be used on any device and in any browser. Use Angular, React, and Vue projects to advance your dashboards.

    FusionGrid is considered one of the best JavaScript grid libraries that efficiently enables you to create eye-catching data grids for various reports that use the same data source.

    It lets you quickly access the information by sorting, searching, and filtering the data on the pertinent columns. The Javascript grid provides a highly feature-rich component that makes it simple to show enormous data sets.

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    Top Features of FusionGrid

    • Less learning curve
    • Adaptability
    • Column & Layout Customization
    • Mobile Optimized & Touch-friendly
    • Drag-and-drop functionality
    • Performs chart integration smoothly
    • Amazing performance; draw integrated charts with one million data in just 2 seconds
    • Simple to integrate with tech stack
    • Fast and responsive
    • Negligible maintenance charges
    • Great customer support
  2. Ext JS

    Ext-JS-JavaScript Data Grid

    Sencha offers a framework, UI elements, and building blocks for high-performance mobile and web enterprise applications. Developers can give their apps strong data analytics capabilities by using Sencha’s grid component.

    Sencha’s high-performing grid can handle large data sets, compatible with the preferred best JavaScript grid library.

    Top Features of Ext JS

    • Customizable UI widgets
    • Code compatibility of new versions with the older ones
    • A flexible layout manager for data management
    • It is protocol agnostic, and can access data from any back-end source
    • Customizable Themes Ext JS widgets
    • Supports Lazy Loading features
    • Drag and drop columns functionality for UI containers and other components.
  3. Handsontable

    Handsontable Best JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

    Combine the comprehensive data grid features, which include outstanding support, with your spreadsheet-like UX. A JavaScript data grid component called Handsontable is compatible with React, Angular, Vue, and plain JavaScript.

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    When using Handsontable, all spreadsheet features are available. No steep learning curve exists, so you can jump right into your work. It is a very adaptable and flexible data grid component that is simple to use.

    The simplest way to install Handsontable is npm install handsontable.

    By modifying the source code, you can include it in your product and expand its functionality. You will also have access to a rich API, helpful tutorials, community assistance, and paid support.

    Finally, you can begin processing massive amounts of data without seeing a drop in performance. Applications that are essential to your organisation can be created with Handsontable. It functions similarly to a tool teacher that anyone can use without any prior training.

    Top Features of Handsontable

    • Supports all spreadsheet features
    • A developer-friendly API
    • Designed to perform
    • Database editing
    • Configuration controlling
    • Drag-and-drop functionality
    • Data and cell merging
    • Workforce planning
    • Sales reporting
    • Financial analysis
  4. Kendo UI

    Kendo UI Best JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

    With Kendo UI, you can obtain the best JavaScript grid component library required for your business applications and websites. It includes four JavaScript UI frameworks with consistent APIs developed for Angular Data grid, Vue, React, jQuery and Angular.

    Whatever option you select, your user interface will be quick, accessible, responsive, and modern. Kendo UI makes your job simple by enabling you to integrate cutting-edge, high-performance, and feature-rich extensible data table views into your business applications.

    More than 100 Javascript grid components include filters, sorting options, and more sophisticated hierarchical data and pagination data grouping options.

    In addition to endless scrolling and adaptive virtual rendering, it provides column interactions, frozen columns, data editing, data grouping, data binding, data summaries, virtualization, exporting data to PDF formats or Excel export functionality, templates, and more.

    You can advance data processes with features including inline editing, advanced filtering, sorting, aggregating, interacting, and even freezing columns. You can have total control of every choice with Kendo UI, from data operations (CRUD operations) and theming to quicker rendering and responsive interactions.

    Top Features of Kendo UI

    • Supports Angular, Vue, React, and jQuery
    • Especially built with editable consistent API
    • Comes up with responsive, accessible, modern, and fast API
    • Execute upgraded and full-featured table views on your web applications
    • Offers 100+ data grid components with features such as hierarchical and paginated grouping

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  5. Griddle

    Griddle JavaScript Grid Library

    The Griddle is one of the top selections if you’re considering the React framework for the plain JavaScript data grid component library. It offers fundamental functionality and conventions and the option of advanced customization of components, methods, etc. It is a very versatile and adaptable data grid component.

    Griddle supports plugins, allowing you to modify the data grid’s elements further. With group styles and other features, your data tables will stand out. To have a brilliant concept, spread this group data style throughout the company and to the rest of the globe using the world’s largest software registry npm.

    Griddle makes creating a data grid from a renderer list of data simple. Due to its pluggable and customizable architecture, it is more than just a data grid component. You can easily learn how to configure the Griddle to render your data list.

    Top Features of Griddle

    • Extremely handy and flexible components
    • Offers basic operations and conventions with the option of advanced customization for seasoned hire web developers
    • Provides plugin support for easier component customization
    • Keeps data tables different through group styling and other functionalities
  6. AG Grid

    AG-Grid The Top JavaScript Grid

    One of the top libraries for vanilla JavaScript data grid component development is AG Grid. You have never seen a feature set, quality, or performance like what AG Grid provides. This solution stands out from the competition thanks to its many distinctive features.

    You can quickly design your data grid dashboard without compromising application quality or speed. You will receive stylish features and committed native support because its community is free and open-source. Additionally, AG Grid offers free access that other grids are unable to.

    Get a lot of context menu choices for the grid by using the status bar, sidebar, getContextMenuItems, suppressContextMenu, preventDefaultOnContextMenu, allowContextMenuWithControlKey, getMainMenuItems, and other tools. For column definitions you can use columnDefs, defaultColDef, columnTypes, etc., for column definitions.

    You will receive the grid options, grip API, grid events, and row node for the grid interface. Through the column interface, which is part of columns visible to the public, let your application communicate with the columns.

    All the attributes, events, methods, and so forth are listed in the column interface section. AG Grid also provides theming, style, grid options, grid instances, row grouping data, and accessing API.

    Top Features of AG Grid

    • Provides sets, quality, and performance unlike anything else
    • Unique and differentiating features from other JS Data Grid Libraries
    • Doesn’t compromise the performance and quality
    • Builds your data grids dashboard easily
    • Comes with a free and open-source community, that will help you with style features and functionality issues if any
    • Gives free access that other data grids don’t have
  7. TanStack Table

    Tansdtack Table Top JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

    TanStack Table offers a headless UI for building robust data grids and tables. With complete control over the styles and markups, create a data grid from scratch for React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, and TS/JS.

    You will have complete control over every little HTML tag, class, style, and component while using TanStack Table. You will also receive a headless data table with pixel-perfect resolution. With a limited API surface, it is designed specifically to filter, sort, materialise, aggregate, group, display, and paginate large data sets.

    Increase user productivity by creating new or existing tables. A robust data grid component in a compact package is the TanStack Table. It makes it simple to expand the features so that you may replace or alter practically everything that gets in the way.

    The engine and API of TanStack Table prioritise ergonomics while being framework-independent and highly customisable.

    Cell content formatters, lightweight code, sorting, column filters, cell formatting, aggregation, ordering columns, cell merging, virtualisable, footers, tree-shaking, tree-grid functionality, multi-sort, selection of customizable cells, row selection, input validation, pagination, column visibility, data validation, headless, global filters, and are all the features you’ll get.

    Related Post: Vue 2 vs Vue 3

    Top Features of TanStack Table

    • Build a data grid from scratch for React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, and TS/JS while owning multiple themes and formats.
    • Complete control of every HTML tag, class, style, and component.
    • Offers a pixel-perfect data table.
    • Supports data sorting functionality
    • Built to filter, sort, materialize, aggregate, group, display, and paginate huge data sets that have a small API surface.
    • Make users more efficient by repackaging existing or new tables.
    • Promises speed and performance as engine and API are framework-independent and highly modular with great ergonomics.

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Parameters to Select JavaScript Grid Library

Before selecting the best JavaScript Data Grid library for your project, you need to consider the following parameters to make the selection easier.

  1. Performance and speed

    Many JavaScript grids are inoperable because the data loads slowly, degrading the user experience. Therefore, it is essential to consider performance and speed when selecting a grid.

    Additionally, assess how smoothly users can scroll across large datasets. Users can scroll tables quickly without experiencing loading delays when the virtual scrolling speed is good.

  2. Components, Features, and Customizations

    The grid library should offer a variety of parts and functionalities for the best UX. For instance, the Javascript library should show a date picker component whenever a table requests that the user select a date or time.

    The extended functionality of your grid can be increased by supporting fundamental and additional features. Therefore, picking a grid library with various features and sophisticated data manipulation capabilities is essential. Additionally, they must provide adjustments to change the table experience as needed.

  3. Support for Different Frameworks, Browsers, and Platforms

    You can opt for different languages to deal with the coding aspects for the various elements of web pages. In those circumstances, picking a grid library that supports major Javascript frameworks is preferable. In addition, businesses create web applications to deploy them globally.

    Thus, grid compatibility with all platforms and modern browsers is essential. Moreover, the grid ought to support numerous displays without degrading its functionality. If you have a question like how much does it cost to build a website for your business, this parameter is the most important for you to consider.

  4. Flexibility in Data Handling

    Websites’ information comes from many nearby and far away sources. As a result, the grid library must effectively support data binding and data validation from all sources. This allows app developers to link data from different live data streaming platforms for analytics and insights.


It can be difficult to implement a responsive and user-friendly JavaScript data grid. But if you pick the proper one, it’s not!

To deploy all of your data in a tabular format and proceed with web development, you can utilise a variety of libraries.

The fundamental framework of many web apps is JavaScript. It is useful for development needs, saving time and effort that would otherwise be spent on testing and development.

Additionally, it maintains everything under one roof so that you can quickly access and use the key features in your application.

7 Best React UI Frameworks and Component Libraries You Should Know in 2023

Are you find it challenging to create user interfaces for your React application?

You need to adopt a reliable framework to help create a great-looking interface for your React application.

To make it easy for you, we’ve curated the list of the best 7 React UI frameworks in 2023 and their features to make a better selection for your business needs.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is one of the best JavaScript frameworks in 2023 that is solely responsible for building a rich User Interface (UI) for your business applications.

React is a client-side JavaScript library, which runs on the client/user’s machine in the browser instead of on a server. React library enables you to create enterprise-grade web applications that can change or synchronise your data without reloading the page.

We all know that ReactJS helps you create a simple as well as complex UI library for your application, so it comes with major features of ReactJS that make your work easier.

  • Builds dynamic application faster
  • Improves React app performance to a great extent
  • Reusable components make your app build faster
  • Strictly follows unidirectional data flow
  • Small learning curve
  • Debugging process made easier by using dedicated UI tools

Easily Develop Robust User Interface With Our ReactJS Development Services

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What is React Component UI Framework?

React is a robust front-end development framework that enables you to design and build a robust user interface for your business web app. The good part of React UI framework is that it allows you to easily build web and mobile app development.

Moreover, it allows you to perform integrations with other leading JavaScript libraries and frameworks. The React component libraries’ primary goal is to enhance React applications’ performance due to their flexibility and higher modularity expectations.

Top 7 React UI Frameworks For 2023

After exploring the basic concept of React UI framework, its time to jump right into the list of best 7 React UI frameworks in 2023.

  1. React Bootstrap

    React Bootstrap is the most-popular and trending front-end development framework that is rebuilt for React application.

    React Bootstrap plays an essential role for different app developers working on the same application using the same application at the same time. The good part of React Bootstrap is that it comes up with React libraries typically equipped into the Bootstrap core, making it easy for performing back-end designing and front-end prototyping.

    This feature-rich React framework is actively responsible for controlling the overall look and feel of the React component library introduced in your React application. With its Bootstrap environment, you can quickly adjust the app, plugin, and theme as per user preferences using an appropriate component library.

    So, we can say that React Bootstrap is a key part of ReactJS development.

    1. How to install React Bootstrap in your React application?
    2. You’ll just need npm installed in your system and you are good to go with React Bootstrap by passing the following command.

    3. npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
    4. The above command demonstrates that you can easily customize the Bootstrap Sass files, or you’re not using a CDN for the stylesheet, it may be helpful to install vanilla Bootstrap as well.

    Top Features of React Bootstrap

    • You can efficiently perform the implementation of different Bootstrap components using React application
    • Your application is not dependent on either jQuery or Bootstrap.js
    • You’ll require direct manipulation of DOM for every event or method change of ReactJS application
    • You’ll require direct manipulation of virtual DOM for every event or method change of ReactJS application
    • State management is made easier with React BootStrap
  2. Material UI (MUI)

    Material UI has successfully gained the position of one of the best UI frameworks for React.js that efficiently performs React integration with Google’s Material Design system.

    With the help of this React UI component framework, it becomes quite easy for you to handle an array of React UI component libraries and tools for your React app. Moreover, this best UI framework of React is responsible for making it a one-stop resource for building and shipping the latest features.

    MUI is a leading React framework for UI that comes up with production-ready and custom React components and React UI libraries, mainly divided into four essential products.

    • MUI Core (foundational components of MUI)
    • MUI X (advanced MUI components)
    • Templates (pre-designed UI layouts)
    • Design Kits (React-based UI toolkit for customizing MUI components).

    Last but not least, MUI comes up with a list of powerful theming tools, Material Design, and templates, so such ReactUI components rely on your business needs and how you want to set a custom color theme for your app.

    Top Features of Material UI

    • The framework is perfectly compatible with different styling systems as per your business needs.
    • You’ll get a complete access to pre-built components like icons, dialogs, typography, grids, etc for your React applications.
    • Customizable themes are available that makes your work even more easier.
    • The framework’s comes up with frequent updates that shows latest features.
    • Detailed documentation and extensive active community support.
  3. React Redux

    React Redux is the next on our list of best React UI frameworks for 2023.This React UI component library is really an insightful framework that allows you to just enter the values you expect from developing UI components and leave the rest to the framework.

    With the help of this active React UI framework, the interface can efficiently extract and update them automatically as per your business requirements. Moreover, it enables you to perform testing process in different available environments and compare the results with higher accuracy.

    React Redux works the best for performing application debugging due to the built-in DevTools. You can easily analyze the upcoming changes in the application state, perform the logs, and sends error reports – making it easy for you to fine-tune the functioning of the application.

    Top Features of React Redux

    • State predictability is one such fantastic feature that makes React Redux the best responsive React UI framework.
    • You can efficiently re-render only once significant state changes exist, allowing state persistence for your React application.
    • DevTools available in this React UI framework allow you to deal with efficient state management and debugging processes.
    • The framework is equipped with a robust built-in performance optimizer.

    We crafted a compliant TV platform that is specifically built on a multi-tenant cloud middleware TV platform using ReactJS.

  4. React Router

    React Router is the best option for your business application if you’re planning to opt for a router UI to use together with another interface.

    React Router is one such routing solution that typically matches all multiple pre-built components with their application URLs. React Router UI framework’s primary goal is to ensure you deliver a seamless experience to your users.

    It’s a time saver tool that speeds up your application, and around four layers of layouts will bind your business application with different hierarchies. This React UI framework automatically changes your layout components along with the URL, making it easy for you to create fewer routes on your end.

    Furthermore, React Router is actively responsible for automatically selecting the best routes for your application.

    Top Features of React Router

    • With the help of this React framework, it’s optional to set the browser history manually.
    • You can actively use the link for navigating the application’s internal links, just like the anchor tag we use in HTML applications.
    • This React UI framework typically uses the Switch feature for rendering the React application.
    • You’ll require only a single child element while dealing with the Router functionality.
    • You can quickly grab additional features like MemoryRouter, Prompt, StaticRouter, and generatePath.
  5. Blueprint UI

    Blueprint UI is the React desktop UI framework that is primarily used for building complex, data-heavy interfaces requiring multiple modules and almost all the components.

    Blueprint UI is one such React framework that is capable of dealing with application complexity and works for almost all use cases for your business needs. The good part of this React UI library framework is that it comes up with lengthy documentation, making it easy for you to work with ease for every functionality of your business application.

    With this React UI library framework, you can efficiently combine visual and written guides to make your business application more responsive. So, Blueprint UI is the best one as it allows to deliver as brilliantly on the mobile front.

    Top Features of Blueprint UI

    • With the help of this framework, you’ll get 30+ standard components that can easily be customized using CSS for your application.
    • The entire framework is written in TypeScript and styled with SASS, which makes React development faster.
    • This React framework strictly adheres to WCAG 2.0
    • It supports the great flexibility of the framework through composable React components and reusable high-quality React components for your application.
  6. Grommet

    Grommet is considered to be the universal UI library that makes this framework one of the best React UI frameworks to develop user interfaces for the application.

    The excellent part of the Grommet UI framework is that Its greatest USP works the best and is considered to be the best mobile-first user interface framework for React. Moreover, it includes responsive layouts, designs, Javascript elements, and components that make your application more responsive.

    With its active support for W3C specs, you can easily enhance the application’s accessibility for your end-users. The application’s responsiveness and accessibility are the two primary factors that make Grommet one of the out-of-the-box solutions for creating futuristic, user-friendly UIs for your application needs.

    Top Features of Grommet

    • Grommet is a React framework that is solely responsible for making mobile-friendly applications
    • The framework actively relies on an external CSS system for dealing with various styling functionalities.
    • It comes up with a comprehensive design system including design templates, patterns, and sticker sheets for your React project.
    • You’ll find the default support for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 for your React application.
  7. Fluent UI

    Fluent UI is the last on our list of the best React UI framework, which is entirely Microsoft-based UI elements that are used specifically for developing cross-platform applications. Although you can actively use the interface for developing Microsoft apps, you can even use Fluent with React for your projects to make them more responsive than ever.

    With this React framework for UI, you’ll get multiple component libraries, including primary inputs, notifications, and menus. Not only this, this framework allows you to customize these components and React UI libraries easily for your specific project.

    Fluent UI actively uses an intuitive system that makes it easy for you to write code and CSS to every component defined in your React application. So, my continuous changes to an element will not affect your global styles.

    Yeah, but there can be advantages or disadvantages to using this framework. So, it entirely depends on your business app needs.

    Top Features of Fluent UI

    • You can effectively design and develop a unique, modern, standards-based, and highly performant front-end application.
    • Web development project is made relatively easier using only the web platform code.
    • The framework supports great integration with leading frameworks like .NET, Blazor, Vue, React, and many more to develop web and desktop applications.
    • You can actively develop a web-standards UX built with W3C Web Component standards for your React application.
    • Customizing the project’s design language is made possible by modifying and adopting a new design token.

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With this, I can definitely say that you are now ready to select the best React UI framework for your business needs. We’ve come across the best frameworks along with the top features to make it easy for you.

The best option that you can opt for is to hire ReactJS developers from the reputed organization that can help you build React application.

9 Best JavaScript Frameworks To Choose in 2023

JavaScript is one of the most popular and in-demand JavaScript frameworks designed especially for front-end development, as well as for creating mobile games.

Nowadays, you’ll come across different types of best javascript frameworks with unique benefits and features. But the main question arises: Which is the best JavaScript framework you should select for your project in 2023? Choosing the most popular javascript frameworks for your project can be difficult.

However, based on your project size, scope, and personal preferences, you can narrow down the field and choose the top JavaScript Frameworks for your needs.

What is a JavaScript Framework?

A JavaScript Framework is a collection of JavaScript libraries and other additional libraries that provide a predetermined structure to work with when designing and developing web applications for your business needs

I believe the Javascript frameworks aren’t meant explicitly for creating apps, but they offer a model for handling frequent programming patterns, making it “easier” for building Web apps.

JavaScript frameworks come up with specific rules and guidelines, like the majority of Programming Frameworks. As a result, any developer could create complicated programs using them quicker and more effectively than they could if they opted to start from scratch.

Best 9 JavaScript Frameworks That You Should Opt For in 2023

And if I talk about the most used web frameworks among developers worldwide, as of 2022, the below image depicts your answer.

Best JavaScript Frameworks that You Should Select in 2023

Although 2023 is still a long way off, we can start thinking about which JavaScript frameworks will be the best to use then. So here are the top JavaScript frameworks in 2023:

  1. Angular

    Angular is an open-source and JS-based software engineering platform for building user interfaces (front-end).

    In simple words, if I talk about what is Angular, it’s a Javascript framework that allows for the scalable AngularJS development of web applications. In addition, it will enable you to reuse pre-written code across multiple deployment targets – rather than having to write it all from scratch every time.

    Angular provides you with an opportunity to create two-way data binding approach. Both ways allow a user to exchange data between apps and views. In addition, Angular enables the development of single-page applications (SPAs) through component-based architecture and tree-view structure.

    Top Features of Angular framework

    • Document Object Model (DOM)
    • TypeScript-based framework
    • High speed & optimum performance
    • Efficient Two-way data binding
    • Less code framework
    • Enhancement to Angular testing functionality
    • 100% Ivy-supported framework
    • No support for View Engine
    Pros Cons
    Angular applications (SPAs) allow us to load new pages without requesting the server, giving a more dynamic and interactive elements to get a unique experience. The Angular framework comes up with limited SEO and modern web platform capabilities. But it has an active option where you can prerender Angular using Angular Universal.
    Angular is cross-platform, allowing you to develop PWAs, Native apps, and Desktop applications smoothly. With its steep learning curve, Angular is a popular Javascript framework that supports more challenging factors.
    Angular typically optimizes your templates into code execution that’s highly optimized for today’s JavaScript virtual machines. Angular typically optimizes your templates into code execution that’s highly optimized for today’s JavaScript virtual machines.
    With its MVC (Model View Controller)  Architecture, makes it easy to bifurcate development styles from business logic. Angular provides low ranking as per the developer’s point of view. On the state of JavaScript, and Angular has highly negative opinions.

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  2. React

    React.js is a well-known JavaScript framework for displaying user interfaces.

    Try React, as it is one of the popular JavaScript frameworks specifically developed by a team of Facebook developers. React uses functional, declarative and component-based styles to create rich user interface logic for your business needs. 

    One of the most essential benefits of ReactJS is to provide high-speed renders with virtual Document Object Model (DOM). Furthermore, it is relatively difficult for new web developers to understand, use, and learn – but there is plenty of community support!

    Top Features of React Framework

    • Document Object Model (DOM)
    • JavaScript XML or JSX
    • One-way data binding
    • Supports declarative UIs
    • Component-based architecture
    • Boosts the application performance
    • Facilitates creation of custom and reusable Components
    • Quick application rendering
    • SEO-friendly
    Related Post: React UI Frameworks
    Pros Cons
    A JavaScript framework that is easy to learn and code. It eventually has less coding and provides you with more functionality. Since the web application environment changes so fast, some developers feel uncomfortable relearning new ways of doing things regularly.
    A ReactJS web application comprises multiple web components, which are responsible for outputting a small, reusable piece of HTML code that you can reuse. As React technologies are upgrading at a pace level, you’ll need more time to prepare proper documentation.
    With the help of DOM, the performance of ReactJS applications is improved to the next level, making it easy for you to deal with the web app process. ReactJS is equipped with user interface (UI) Layers of web apps. However, it would help if you still chose some other frameworks or tech to help you deal with a complete tooling set for web application development.
    ReactJS overcomes the problem of reading JavaScript-heavy applications. It has become a boon for navigating various search engines quickly. ReactJS uses a syntax extension (JSX) that typically allows HTML with JavaScript to be mixed. This approach has benefits, but some development community members consider JSX a barrier.

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  3. Vue

    Vue.js is a Progressive JavaScript Framework that has recently gained popularity in the web development community support.

    Vue.js is one of the versatile front-end JavaScript frameworks that is progressive and you can use it for technical web applications that require server-side rendering a vast amount of data for the user. Vue.js is a framework or JS library (core library) that supports high application performance as per your business needs.

    Vue.js follows the MVVM architecture pattern, which means it has restricted scope, and simplicity and is easy to adopt (no custom build requirements).

    Just because of Vue.js’s modern architecture, the normal setup of the application is not going to take longer time as per expectations.

    Related Post: Vue2 vs Vue3

    Top Features of Vue.js Framework

    • Virtual DOM
    • Data binding
    • Reusable Components
    • Event handling
    • Templates
    • Computed properties
    • Vue-CLI
    • Runtime performance
    Pros Cons
    The Vue.js framework is intended to be performant without the need for additional optimizations; the majority of Vue’s APIs are tree-shakable. Vue has a high degree of flexibility, which allows for a wide range of approaches. However, large projects can cause issues with code consistency.
    Vue is not a framework but an approach that easy to understand and absorb. The learning curve is less steep, and development concepts are simple to understand.


    Compared to React, Vue.js developers can feel a lack of plugins and other libraries. Of course, the Vue version has the most crucial ones, but more precise specifications can solve issues with establishing appropriate open-source JavaScript library.


    Vue is easy to integrate. It can be used to construct universal apps as well as additional web components to ones that already exist.


    One of Vue’s issues is that the majority of its users are from China, which can be troublesome for specific products or studies.
    Vue 3 introduces a feature – Composition API- similar to React Hooks. You do not need to use Vuex as Composables can manage state management. Because Vue.js allows the developers to start from scratch, the immediate gain is more flexibility for implementing new advanced features.
  4. Node.js

    Node.js is a 2009 open-source JavaScript runtime Environment designed to run JavaScript outside a browser. Let’s be clear about something. Compared to the others, this is a server-side framework, a back-end framework.

    Node.js plays an essential role to develop standard web pages and back-end API services. It helps you to create apps with Node.js development services that support real-time, push-based architectures. Therefore, this basic framework is designed for the development of large network applications.

    The Node Package Manager (NPM), a catalogue of over a million JavaScript feature-oriented modules, is the ultimate feature of Node.

    Top Features of Node.js Framework

    • NodeJS is based on Google Chrome’s JavaScript engine
    • Node uses asynchronous API loading
    • Node.js is distributed under the MIT license
    • Data is never buffered in Node.js apps
    • Easily perform Data binding
    Pros Cons
    Node.js framework usually deals with asynchronous event-driven IO and helps concurrent request handling. When dealing with a relational database, Node.js can become a challenging factor.
    Node.js is a framework that typically uses JavaScript, which is easy to learn. If you’re working with a callback function, it can become challenging, especially when ending up with multiple nested callbacks.
    With the help of the Node.js framework, you can efficiently share the same piece of code with both the server and client sides. If you’re entirely new to JavaScript technology, you may face a conceptual problem.
    Npm (Node Package Manager), the Node-packaged modules have already become huge and still growing. Node.js is not suited for CPU-intensive common tasks. So instead, it is done for I/O stuff only (like web servers).
  5. EmberJS

    Ember.js is one of the leading JS frameworks that come up with code reusability to build high-performance web applications and mobile applications of the highest quality while writing less and doing more.

    Similar to the Vue.js framework, Ember.js also follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern that helps you in designing and building fast web apps for your business needs.

    The one thing that makes Ember.js a powerful and mature framework is its own command line interface tool.

    Top Features of EmberJS

    • Creating reusable and maintainable JavaScript web applications
    • Enhances the app performance irrespective of reloading the whole page.
    • It supports two-way data binding.
    • Determines routes and controls as well as allows shareable URLs.
    • Provides Ember Inspector tool for debugging Ember applications
    Pros Cons
    Ember CLI is a command line tool that allows you to deal with a project structure featuring great add-ons, thus making certain fast rebuilds and live reloads. If you are creating a JavaScript application using EmberJS, remember that you’ll find a steep learning curve.
    It supports a large and well-developed ecosystem, making it easy for you to select the proper ones to solve your problems. Ember.JS typically lacks the functionality of component service pattern reuse, especially when working at the Controller level.
    Ember’s extensive documentation comes up with detailed information, making it easy for you to deal with application complexity. Ember is not suitable for smaller projects. It gets overblown.
    EmberJS is a framework that is equipped with a list of different Javascript framework packages, including NPM packages. With its object model implementation, itgets bloated by its huge size and while debugging it call stack.

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  6. Meteor

    Created by Meteor Software, this JavaScript Framework was given a fitting name. This framework is mainly used for quick prototyping and making cross-platform applications. It is easy to understand and provides many conveniences.

    The good part about Meteor.js is that it is free and open-source framework.

    Top Features of Meteor

    • Easily build web and mobile apps in JavaScript for a web browser, application server, and mobile environment.
    • Comes up with several built-in features like hot code reload, automatic CSS & JS minification, and reactive templates.
    • The app is created using JavaScript so you can use the existing code on both the client and server sides.
    • Meteor JS allows you to efficiently develop and deploy mobile apps like Android and iOS apps through the Cordova PhoneGap alliance.
    • It provides helpful client-side technologies such as helpers, events, and templates.
    Pros Cons
    Meteor.JS provides a better way of integrating the database in MongoDB, making the high-performance applications (web and mobile applications) as practical as possible. It supports only MongoDB as the primary database and limits some linguistic integrations for code development process.
    You’ll get multiple packages that can work as per your needs. Furthermore, the entire stack is JS-based, so you only need single-language knowledge. The first time it can be a bit difficult if you are unfamiliar with the command line tools; however, once you have mastered it, you can streamline work with that framework.
    With this framework, you can create multiplatform applications (web and mobile applications) with simple javascript. Moreover, with only some knowledge of node.js, you can develop all kinds of Javascript projects quickly and easily. They release updates very often, and it isn’t easy to understand if you do not have the necessary programming skills.
    The app has an extensive Javascript Framework that you can reuse to develop an app for your business needs. Blaze is a blast. Deployment is a breeze. Meteor allows you only to create a non-relational database like MongoDB, which is not recommended for large projects.
  7. Svelte

    Svelte JS is a front-end development framework that makes web application development process more accessible and efficient. The word “svelte” is a synonym for “sleek” or “thin.” It’s written in Typescript and open-sourced and was launched in 2016. 

    Svelte JS is one of the best JS frameworks as it offers a revolutionary approach to creating Progressive Web App Development. Unlike Vue or React, Svelte JS doesn’t need to process content inside HTML templates or DOM document.

    One benefit of using this application framework is that it doesn’t require high processing power from the browser.

    Top Features of Svelte

    • Less boilerplate code to write, so your JavaScript developers can focus on creating solutions.
    • No more virtual DOM render functions available, so apps perform faster and more reliably.
    • Instead of CSS, many developers use scoped styling with JavaScript, which allows them to include styles mid-document that target specific custom elements and its children.
    • Svelte wants to provide an awesome web development experience and output code that performs well by default.
    • Svelte’s aesthetics feel like a warm cozy blanket on the stormy web.
    Pros Cons
    Zero traces of the Javascript framework within the compiled applications. A much smaller community than other popular frameworks.
    Includes its own minimal state management solution. Lack of IDE support.
    Reactive variables can be easily created by simply adding $: at the beginning of the declaration. Very small open-source ecosystem.
    Svelte’s server-side rendering mode compiles components to simple string concatenation for big performance gains. Few Svelte dev toolkits are available.
  8. Next JS

    The Next JS framework is based on React and it plays an essential role for Web Application Development , Mobile App Development , and also Progressive Web Apps.

    The excellent part about this web application frameworks is the many major companies are using this Javascript framework for building robust apps. Next JS is the best option for building user interfaces that can be beneficial for your business applications in many ways.

    The primary goal for creating this robust tool was to use it everywhere and it also meet SEO requirements as well to make your business on the top of search engine.

    Top Features of NextJS

    • You can efficiently import CSS records from a JavaScript file, without facing any complexity.
    • Post launch of the Next.JS 10.0.0, you can avail the features of an inherent Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization.
    • You can effectively deal with static documents, just like images, and that too under the root index folder called “public”.
    • You’ll get TypeScript experience out of the box, like an IDE that makes your work easier.
    • It comes up with the great supports for modern browsers like IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and many others.
    Related Post: Next JS vs React
    Pros Cons
    Next.js is a framework that builds quick static websites that simply behaves like creating dynamic web application. The framework typically requires more web development with an aim to make changes in the web application.
    Excellent performance in terms of load times. The framework comes up with a poor plugin ecosystem.
    Next JS provides “lazy loading” and automatic code splitting. You’ll not find any specific built-in state manager.
    The framework is well-equipped with robust and built-in CSS and Sass support. It does not support any visual editing or direct publishing, especially for non-technical users.
  9. ExpressJS

    The last most popular JavaScript framework to choose in 2023 on our list is ExpressJS. If you’re planning to develop Node.js web application for your business needs, ExpressJS is the best choice to move ahead.

    ExpressJS is one of the most popular back-end Javascript frameworks among developers just because of its open-source, minimalistics back-end support,  modularity and comprehensible HTML-based template syntax.  Moreover, you can quickly design and build Angular’s intuitive API as well as create web applications for your business purpose.

    Top Features of ExpressJS

    • ExpressJS is the best framework for creating single-page, multi-page, hybrid, and deploying web applications for your business needs.
    • Quickly set up middleware to respond to HTTP Requests for your business applications.
    • The framework comes up with a routing table with simple client routing requests that typically supports different actions based on HTTP method and URL.
    • Easily renders HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates.
    • Seamless integration with template engines such as Jade, Vash, EJS, etc. is made easier with this framework
    • The framework allows you to easily perform database linking with MongoDB, Redis, and MySQL.
Pros Cons
Easy to customize and configure for certain demands as per your business needs. You’ll face various client request problems, especially with framework’s middleware system.
Based on URL and HTTP methods, it is possible to define the routes of the existing app. There are several issues with the callbacks.
The framework provides integration with EJS, Vash, Jade and other template engines efficiently. Express does not strictly follows any specific structure, making it difficult for developers work on different app functionalities.
This JavaScript framework typically supports strong connection with leading databases like MySQL, Redis, and even MongoDB. Callbacks are major challenging factors with this framework as you might need to deal with complicated writing style.


The web frameworks that I had mention in this post, which include AngularJS, ReactJS, Vue.JS, EmberJS, Backbone JS, and a few more.

However, understanding these technologies and your custom project requirements will assist you in choosing the best website framework. Once you have made a sound decision, get the necessary technical help by hiring dedicated web developers for your business.

That’s the basic overview of all these frameworks that are more popular and you’ll want to be wandering about to use for building web applications for your business needs.