Why Choose Angular for Your Next Web Development

Developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons, AngularJS made a groundbreaking entry into the development world in 2010, capturing attention with its innovative approach.

Fast forward over a decade, and AngularJS has evolved, shedding its JavaScript origins to become the widely embraced Angular, now powered by TypeScript.

Currently, over 4 million websites use Angular. It is one of the top choices for custom web development. Its appeal lies in its efficiency, rapid development capabilities, and seamless integration into various platforms.

Web app developers and entrepreneurs alike are drawn to Angular for crafting robust and scalable web applications.

As a platform, Angular boasts an extensive array of features and functionalities, propelling it to the forefront as the preferred choice for enterprise-scale web development projects.

The question arises: what sets Angular apart from its competitors? Delve into the discussion ahead as we explore the distinctive features, functionalities, capabilities, and compelling reasons to “Choose Angular for Your Next Web Development”.

What is Angular?

Angular stands out as a robust and user-friendly front-end framework crafted by Google, empowering developers to craft dynamic and responsive web applications.

This tool excels in facilitating the creation of seamless user experiences, particularly through the development of single-page web applications (SPAs), making it an indispensable asset in the realm of modern web development.

Furthermore, Angular’s open-source nature contributes to its strength, fostering a large and vibrant community. This community support translates into extensive documentation and assistance for developers navigating the intricacies of the framework.

Since its initial launch, Angular has undergone significant evolution, marked by several major updates. Currently, the framework is advancing with Angular 16 released and v17 in the pipeline.

These updates underscore Angular’s commitment to remaining at the forefront of contemporary web development practices.

Angular – The Framework for Modern Web Experiences!

Craft modern, user-friendly web experiences effortlessly with Angular. From its comprehensive toolset to its robust community support, Angular is the framework that defines modern web development.
The smart choice for your projects – Angular!

Reasons Why Angular is the Best for Web Development

Choosing a front-end framework for web development is a crucial decision, and Angular has gained popularity for several reasons.

Here are some key factors that make Angular a compelling choice for web development projects:

Reasons Why Angular is the Best for Web Development

  1. Modularity and Code Organization

    Angular promotes a modular approach to building applications. The framework is based on components, which are self-contained and reusable building blocks. This makes it easier to organise and maintain code, especially in large and complex projects.

  2. Two-Way Data Binding

    Angular utilizes two-way data binding, meaning that user interface changes automatically update the underlying data model and vice versa. This simplifies the development process and reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed to keep the UI and data in sync.

  3. Dependency Injection

    Angular comes with a built-in dependency injection system. This helps manage the components’ dependencies and promote the development of loosely coupled and more maintainable code. Dependency injection also facilitates unit testing by making it easier to mock and test individual

  4. TypeScript Integration

    Angular is built with TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. This brings enhanced tooling, autocompletion, and compile-time error checking to the development process, resulting in more robust and maintainable code.

  5. Official Support from Google

    Angular is developed and maintained by Google. This backing provides stability and assurance that the framework will be well-supported and updated with the latest features and security patches.

  6. Powerful CLI (Command Line Interface)

    Angular’s CLI simplifies the process of creating, building, testing, and deploying Angular applications. It comes with a range of commands that automate common development tasks, streamlining the workflow for developers.

  7. Rich Ecosystem and Third-Party Libraries

    Angular has a vibrant ecosystem with a wide range of third-party libraries and extensions. This can save development time and effort, as developers can leverage existing solutions for common functionalities.

  8. Cross-Platform Development

    With technologies like Angular Universal and Angular for NativeScript, developers can use Angular to build not only web applications but also server-side rendered applications and mobile apps, providing a comprehensive solution for cross-platform development.

  9. Community Support

    Angular has a large and active community of developers. This means that finding solutions to common problems, accessing tutorials, and staying updated with best practices are made easier through community contributions and support.

  10. Mature and Well-Documented

    Angular has been around for a while, and it has evolved into a mature and well-documented framework. The documentation is comprehensive, making it easier for developers to understand the framework and find answers to their questions.

These features make it a strong contender, especially for large-scale applications where modularity, maintainability, and a comprehensive ecosystem are critical considerations.

Elevate Your Development Experience and Stay Ahead in the Digital Landscape!

Unlock the full potential of your web projects by choosing Angular as your framework. With its powerful features and seamless integration, Angular empowers developers to build robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.

Elevate Your Web Development with Angular!

What are the Limitations of Angular?

While Angular is a powerful and widely used front-end framework for web development, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks. Below are some of the challenges that you might face at the time of Angular development:

  1. One notable concern is the sharp learning curve, especially for beginners, due to its complex architecture and various concepts such as modules, decorators, and dependency injection. The framework’s extensive structure may lead to initial development delays as developers grasp these intricacies.
  2. Second, the generated code in Angular applications can be bulkier compared to other frameworks, potentially impacting performance, especially in scenarios where bandwidth is limited.
  3. The third consideration is that frequent updates and changes in Angular versions may necessitate adjustments in existing projects, which can be time-consuming.

Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of Angular often outweigh the cons, and the framework continues to be a popular choice for building sophisticated web applications. However, if you are still confused about whether Angular is the best for custom web development or not, then a free consultation is just a call away.

Experienced Angular developers can suggest the most suitable solutions based on your requirements and budget. Get connected for free, today!

Different Types of Websites Developed Using Angular

Albiorix stands out as a top-rated Angular development company. Our team of experienced Angular developers has successfully developed a wide range of Angular development projects across various industries and domains.

Possessing deep technical expertise and a solid understanding of key Angular concepts, our talented developers excel in designing, developing, and rigorously evaluating enterprise-grade Angular applications.

Based on our experience, below are the different types of websites that can be developed using Angular:

  • Single Page and Enterprise Applications
  • Fintech and Entertainment Websites
  • E-commerce Websites
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Social Networking Platforms
  • Data Dashboards and Analytics Tools
  • Educational Platforms
  • Real-Time Applications
  • Travel and Booking Websites
  • Portfolio Websites and Blogs
  • Government and NGO Websites

Angular is a powerful and versatile framework for web development that can be applied to a diverse range of web development projects, from small interactive websites to large-scale enterprise applications.

Ready to supercharge your web development?

Choose Angular and witness the difference. From enhanced performance to a modular architecture, Angular provides the tools you need for a seamless development journey.

Power Up Your Development Journey!

Is Angular Right for Your Project? Discuss with Our Angular Developers for Free

Considering developing a website or web application with Angular but unsure if it’s the ideal fit for your project? No need to worry. Reach out to our team of skilled Angular developers and project managers for a comprehensive evaluation. Through a complimentary consultation call, we’ll delve into your project details, goals, and expectations.

Based on this discussion, we’ll help determine whether Angular aligns seamlessly with your future endeavours or if an alternative approach might be more suitable. Share your contact details with us using the Contact Us form or call us at +1 (912) 528-5566 or (+61) 489-940-484.

Don’t just build for today, build for the future! Angular ensures your web projects are not only cutting-edge but also future-proof. Make the smart choice – choose Angular for your next web development endeavour and stay ahead of the curve. | Future-Proof Your Web Projects with Angular!

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Love Angular as Much as We Do? More Angular Blogs for You:

What is Angular? Architecture & Advantages That You Must Be Aware Of

Nowadays, the demand for websites is becoming a boom for many businesses ranging from social media to healthcare, from eCommerce to online banking. Besides, billions of people use the web and mobile apps for almost everything globally.

And yes, of course, as per the user’s demands, such business websites need to be updated. But the main question still arises: which is the best and most convenient method to create a web application?

You’ll come across many front-end tools and other frameworks like ReactJS, Vue, and many more. I think Angular is the preferred and excellent framework that makes it easy to design and build web applications smoothly.

We have come up with an article that answers your question, “what is Angular?” You’ll get detailed information on the Angular framework and why should you opt for this awesome framework.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular is a popular open-source framework for building web applications. It was developed and is maintained by Google.
  • Angular is a complete framework, which means it provides everything you need to build a web application, including templating, routing, and data binding.
  • Angular is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features.
  • Angular uses a component-based architecture, where components are building blocks that make up the UI of an application.
  • Angular provides a powerful set of tools for building reactive and dynamic UIs, including observables, operators, and subjects.
  • Angular also provides built-in support for testing, debugging, and performance optimization.
  • Angular has a large and active community of developers, which means there are many resources available for learning and getting help with the framework.

What is Angular?

AngularJS is the first version, while the Angular 2+ version is referred to as Angular. Angular is a framework as well as a platform that is designed explicitly for developing web and single-page applications. Angular is an open-source framework and is written in TypeScript programming language and strictly follows HTML template language for building robust web applications.

Angular is one of the best JavaScript frameworks that is solely responsible for implementing core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.

Angular specifies a certain style and certain rules for Angular libraries that developers working with an AngularJS development company need to follow and adhere to while developing apps.

What is the Difference Between Angular and AngularJS?

One of the biggest questions that arise in your mind when you hear the word “Angular” is: What is the ultimate difference between AngularJS vs. Angular? What is Angular vs. AngularJS? Are Angular and AngularJS the same?

To answer the question, I’ve highlighted the best differences between Angular vs. AngularJS.

  • AngularJS is the first version, while Angular version 2+ is the Angular framework.
  • AngularJS uses JavaScript as a primary language, while Angular is an open-source framework and typically uses TypeScript as a programming language.
  • Angular and AngularJS are the front-end and open-source platforms that help you create dynamic SPAs for your business needs.
  • AngularJS typically uses MVC architecture, while Angular follows the components and directives approach.
  • AngularJS framework is not mobile-friendly, while Angular is a mobile-friendly framework.

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How Does Angular Work?

As discussed, Angular is a framework for building web applications using HTML and JavaScript. Also, it uses a TypeScript language that makes it easy for the developers to compile it to JavaScript.

After having a look at what is Angular, the main question arises: how does Angular work? To answer this question, you need to understand the basic concept of working on Angular applications.

The framework typically follows Angular architecture patterns that consists of several Angular component libraries, some the core and some optional.

Angular architecture patterns

From the above diagram, we can see that the framework follows Angular architecture patterns and is usually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Modules

    For every Angular application, you will have only one root module named AppModule. The root module usually provides the Angular developers with the bootstrap mechanism that makes it easy to launch the new application. Modules are the one of the most essential aspect, if you’re understanding what is Angular.

    An app typically contains many functional modules. Let’s say you are planning to use another custom Angular module for your application; then, it becomes mandatory for you to register the same module in the app.module.ts file.

    One of the best option is to hire Angular developers from reputed organization where they can easily organize the source code into distinct functional modules. It helps you in managing the complex web application development and designing for reusability.

  2. Components

    Like modules, every Angular project contains at least one component, the root component. The primary role of the root component is to connect the component hierarchy with a page document object model (DOM).

    Inside every component, the developers define the class that contains application data and logic. Moreover, the Angular material components are associated with the same HTML template that defines the view displayed in a target app. The Angular components control a patch of the screen called a view.

  3. Templates

    Angular templates are nothing but a combination of HTML and Angular markup. The primary aim of such an Angular template is to modify HTML elements before they are displayed quickly. In addition, template directives provide program logic, and binding markup connects your application data and the document object model (DOM).

    Generally, there are two types of data binding.

    • Event Binding: With the help of Event Binding, you can efficiently build an app that efficiently responds to user input in the target environment by updating your app data.
    • Property Binding:Angular is a component-based framework that supports Property binding where the developers interpolate values computed from app to fetch data into the HTML elements of the web page.
  4. Metadata

    Metadata is nothing but an instructor that informs Angular about how to process a class. It is designed explicitly to decorate the class so that the developers can quickly configure the expected behavior of a class.

    If you are working with the Angular 2+ version, decorators are one of the essential concepts you need to deal with. The user can use metadata to a class to tell the Angular app that AppComponent is the main root component. In addition, metadata can be attached to the TypeScript using the decorator.

  5. Data Binding

    The Angular data binding concept typically handles real-time communication between a template and its related component. Moreover, data binding is also a boon for communication between parent and child components.

    Angular allows communication between a component and the DOM, making it very easy to define interactive applications without worrying about pulling and pushing the data.

  6. Directives

    Angular components and directives are interconnected with each other. In simple words, we can say that directives and components both are essential building blocks of Angular applications.

    One such Angular directive is ngClass, a better example of the existing Angular attribute directive.

  7. Services

    The Angular developers create a service class when no specific data or logic is associated with the particular view. In addition, the developers can even share the data or logic among different components.

    The @Injectable decorator immediately precedes the service class definition. The decorator provides the metadata that allows your service to be injected into client components as a dependency.

    The main functionality of the Angular framework is to distinguish components from services. And it leads to increase modularity and reusability for your application. For example, once the developers separate a component’s view-related functionality from other processing, you can make your component classes lean and efficient.

  8. Dependency Injection

    The primary role of the Angular developer is to keep the component classes short and straightforward. And that’s what Dependency Injection (DI) does.

    DI is not responsible for fetching data from a server, validating the user input, or logging directly into the console. In addition, they are accountable for delegating such tasks to the services.

    DI is equipped with the AngularJS framework and is typically used by developers everywhere to create new components using the user input validation system with the services. Components consume services; you can inject a service into a component, giving the component access to that service class.

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Advantages of Angular Framework

Let’s highlight some of the biggest and most beneficial advantages of Angular that bring convenience to building web applications for your business needs.  Moreover, the biggest advantage that we can say for sure is that there are many leading websites built using the Angular framework.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Supported by Google

    One of the biggest advantages that have come up with the Angular framework is the Long-Term Support (LTS). Google offers long-term support for Angular, which help you to deal with Google’s plan to keep using the framework and expand the Angular ecosystem.

    The exciting part about Angular ecosystem is that Google employs Angular and plays a vital role in improving the performance of the web application. With its active support of LTS, Angular help you scale your web application easily.

  2. TypeScript

    TypeScript is the primary language that is built explicitly for Angular application development. TypeScript is nothing but a superscript for JavaScript, and it allows for optimal code quality, making the web application more secure.

    Its active support of TypeScript helps Angular developers easily detect and eliminate mistakes early to deal with completely rewrite the code or performing maintenance operations.

    Browsers will not execute TypeScript directly. First, the Typescript code must be “transpiled” into JavaScript with the help of tsc compiler, which requires some updates in Angular configuration file.

  3. Declarative UI

    With the help of dynamic HTML elements, the user interface (UI) of the Angular application is built. HTML is a more simple language as compared to JavaScript programming language. Angular is also a declarative and easy-to-use language that exclusively supports directives such as ng-app, ng-model, etc.

  4. POJO (Plain Old Java Object)

    POJO approach is included in the Angular framework. The developers do not need to use Angular’s getters and setters method.

    By including POJO, the developers find it easy to perform object manipulation via all of JavaScript’s standard functionalities. Moreover, one of the best Angular practices that developers can perform is to simply quickly remove or add properties from the things while also iterating over them as needed.

  5. SPA and PWA

    One of the most cost-effective methods for website development to make it behave like mobile apps is a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is responsible for minimizing the network requirements and, most importantly, enhancing the web app performance.

    Single-page web applications (SPA) may be written primarily when the developers need to utilize the server-side rendering capabilities of Angular. Moreover, single-page web applications it helps the developers to load the home page quickly and improves website performance on mobile and low-powered devices.

    You can even make use of Angular Ivy to compile components more independently of each other quickly for your business applications.

  6. Simplified MVC Pattern

    The Angular framework typically uses the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture rather than an MVC (Model-View-Controller). With the help of the MVVM model, the developers can efficiently deal with two-way data binding between View and ViewModel.

    In addition, Angular platform allows the developers to deal with the automatic propagation to change within ViewModel’s state to the view. ViewModel data strictly uses the observer model to inform changes to the ViewModel model to model.

  7. Modular Structure

    The entire Angular source code is grouped into different essential web page elements like Angular components, directives, pipes, and services. Modules are considered to be the heart of the Angular framework’s intuitive application structure. The developers can easily deal with framing the features of applications using the entire tree structure smoothly.

    Modules play a vital role in lazy loading. In simple words, by including modules in the Angular application, you’ll find featuring differential loading functionality of the application website’s on-demand turns to be faster.

    With the help of Angular, you may develop a complex app while dividing work and ensuring organized and generated code. When you have a solid grasp of these, you may make the most of the modules. Modularization might enhance developer efficiency in certain situations.

    So, these are the best advantages of using Angular framework that you need to be aware of while developing a robust web app for your business needs.

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Limitations of Angular Framework

It’s time to highlight some of the drawbacks of the Angular framework. But with the recent updates, the Angular community is working hard to remove such limitations.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Limited Search Engine Optimization Options

    Generally, the Angular framework comes up with the platform’s limited Search Engine Optimization (SEO) options and poor accessibility for search engine crawlers. And it’s one of the major drawbacks of using the Angular framework.

    Being that Google is the number one search engine on the planet, we can’t imagine this problem will continue to persist for much longer before a solution is presented in another update.

  2. Steep Learning Curve

    Another glaring con of using the Angular framework is that it can be quite difficult to learn.

    With such a complex web of modules, coding languages, integrations and customizing capabilities, understanding Angular definitely takes some time.

    Fortunately, Angular provides phenomenal support and there are a number of online tutorials and courses you can take to catch up and start taking full advantage of all the program has to offer.

  3. Migration

    One of the reasons that companies do not use Angular frequently is the difficulty in porting legacy js/jquery-based code to angular-style architecture. If I talk about jQuery vs Angular, both are meant for different perspectives. Also, each new release can be troublesome to upgrade, and several of them are not backward-compatible.

  4. Performance

    Dynamic applications didn’t always perform that well. Complex SPAs could be laggy and inconvenient to use due to their size. One of the primary reasons that why we use Angular is the enhancing the performance of your business web applications.

  5. Lacking CLI Documentation

    Some developers express concerns with the current state of CLI documentation. While the command line is very useful for Angular developers, you won’t find enough information in their official documentation on GitHub and you have to spend more time exploring threads on GitHub to get answers.

What are the Angular Best Practices That You Need to Follow?

Understanding and following Angular best practices is one of the most essential factors for both developers and business owners. Let’s highlight some of the common Angular best practices that you need to consider while developing web application.

  • Make a habit of using Angular CLI.
  • Utilize the ES6 functionality to make robust web app
  • Creating and maintaining proper folder structure
  • Use Lazy loading feature as and when required
  • Always following the coding practices for Angular development
  • Use “trackBy” along with ‘ngFor’
  • Use Interfaces to deal with object literals

By taking care of the above Angular best practices, let’s move to the section about how to develop Angular applications from scratch.

What are Angular Development Tools?

The Angular development process is made easier by utilizing the best tools, especially for developers. Herein, we’ve highlighted the list of the best Angular development tools that will make work easier for developers to perform coding efficiently.

  • Karma: Makes your code testing process smooth. You can quickly recover from potential flaws, errors, and defects using the Angular testing framework.
  • Jasmine: No need to rely on any browser or other JavaScript testing environment. With its easy-to-use syntax, Jasmine allows you to write and test the code easily.
  • Protractor: You can quickly perform testing Angular applications directly on the software, and such tests can be easily synchronized to the page.
  • Webstorm: It is considered to the best IDE for performing coding efficiently. The Angular developers find it relatively easy to deal with best coding practices.
  • Mocha.js: It’s a robust testing framework that typically deals with asynchronous testing functionalities.
  • Angular Kickstart: Its easy-to-use interface allows you to work with faster satisfaction of all your business needs.
  • Angular Fire: It is solely responsible for fostering dynamic API features, three-way data binding, and other essential features.
  • Djangular: You’ll get a reusable application with responsive app integration with the AngularJS framework.
  • Rest-angular: This Angular development tool is solely responsible for dealing with large data consumption from REST API.
  • Ng-inspector:This tool enables browsers with an inspector panel, helping developers to develop, debug, and understand develop Angular applications quickly.

How To Create Angular Application?

I hope you’re now clear with what is Angular. Right? So let’s move ahead and focus on essentials steps to create an Angular application from scratch. We will discuss the complete step-by-step guide on how to proceed ahead with a new Angular application.

Before that, the developers need to analyze the list of the best Angular development tools to make the web app development process smooth.

Step 1: Angular CLI Installation

Angular CLI (Command-line Interface) is the official and main tool for creating Angular applications. To install CLI, we need to provide the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli.

Step 2: Angular Project Initialization

To initialize the Angular application, first of all, you need to navigate to the location where you want to keep your project.

cd ~
ng new angular-application”

So, it’s the first and most important step that is going to be used for creating a new Angular application. Once you give this command, the CLI will prompt you with multiple options that you want to configure for your application.

creating angular application

Step 3: Adding Angular HttpClient

Now, we need to import HttpClientModule to our app.module.ts file.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';

declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Likewise, whatever the components you add, do not forget to import them; otherwise, it will throw an error. When the developers are dealing with asynchronous operations like an HTTP request, you need to deal with promise in Angular development.

Step 4: Creating UI Components

As stated earlier, Components are the building blocks of Angular application. Creating an Angular component is simple.

creating ui components

Here, we have created the “employee” component. And as you can see that all the essential files are automatically created by the Angular CLI makes you create a rich user interface..

created by the angular cli

Likewise, let us create one more component (admin) in our Angular application. So, now we have two components employee and admin.

Step 5: Adding Routing Functionality

We will perform the redirection of the empty path to the employee component. This, in order, will constitute the first-time users’ automatic redirection to the home page.

You’ll need a class, technically known as resolver in Angular, development that is solely responsible for implementing the Resolve interface of Angular Router.

We’ll be running the following set of routes into our src/app/app-routing.module.ts file:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'employee', pathMatch: 'full'},
{ path: 'employee', component: EmployeeComponent },
{ path: 'admin', component: AdminComponent },
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

This way, we can work with the Angular framework. Yes, it is the basic concepts that help you create a simple Angular application from scratch.

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Which are the Leading Websites Built Using the Angular Framework?

After having a detailed look at the concept of what is Angular, you must be having a big question in mind: which are the websites built using the Angular framework. I have listed the best websites developed using the Angular framework:

  1. Google
  2. UpWork
  3. Gmail
  4. Deutsche Bank
  5. Paypal
  6. Freelancer
  7. Microsoft Xbox
  8. WikiWand
  9. Forbes

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Summary of Angular Framework

After having a detailed look at what is Angular framework, we can give a final summary:

  • For front-end development process, Angular is a one-stop solution for developers. Apart from Angular, ReactJS is also best option for it. If we talk about Angular vs React, they are equally important for web app development. It involves the applications client-side and has little to do with the back end.
  • Angular is best utilized for completing advanced, large-scale Angular projects under the direction of a seasoned developer.
  • The developers can easily add Angular elements to projects utilizing a different platform, such as React or Polymer.
  • Google supports the Angular framework.
  • This program is not up to par with SEO best practices, so opt for a different platform if your primary focus is search engine optimization.
  • Angular is a JavaScript framework—not a JS Library.

I hope you got a clear understanding of the Angular framework and its usage. If you are planning to build a new web application for your business needs, Albiorix is a one-stop solution for Angular development services.

What is Promise in Angular Development?

JavaScript is a programming language created to add interactivity to web pages. However, in JavaScript coding, the developers find it quite challenging to deal with the callback functions. The reason is that they must deal with asynchronous events when users interact with a web page.

Such callback functions became a pain for many developers, especially when building complex and rich apps with JavaScript for modern browsers. To overcome such complexity, ES6 introduced Promises, a modern and powerful abstraction for writing asynchronous code in a better and easily maintainable way.

In this article, you’ll learn about what is Promise in Angular application and will come across the concept of JavaScript Promises introduced in ES6.

What is Promise in JavaScript?

A promise is a JavaScript or TypeScript object that may produce a value at some point in time. A promise may be in one of 4 possible states:

  • fulfilled – The action relating to the promise succeeded
  • rejected – The action relating to the promise failed just because an error occurs during promise implementation
  • pending – It’s an initial state that hasn’t fulfilled or rejected yet
  • settled – Has fulfilled or rejected

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How To Create a Promise in JavaScript?

Let’s highlight a simple example of creating a promise in plain JavaScript.

var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("Promise Resolved"); 

promise.then((success) => { 
.catch(function(error) => {
// Output: Promise Resolved

The developers from the leading AngularJS development company implements Promises by calling the then() and catch() methods.

  • then() method: It takes two callback functions as parameters and is invoked when a promise is either resolved or rejected.
  • catch() method: It takes one callback function and is invoked when an error occurs.

Now, let us understand the basic concept of “what is Promise in Angular?”

Related Post: Angular Resolver

What is Promise in Angular?

When the AngularJS developers are dealing with asynchronous operations like an HTTP request, they are not sure of the exact time to get a response from the server. By default, Javascript is a programming language that is

  • Synchronous;
  • Blocking; and
  • Single-threaded language.

In simple words, we can say that the Javascript engine can process only one code at a time in a single thread. So, when a thread is blocked, we can’t execute other code that is also blocked, making JS slow and unable to perform multiple operations.

On the other hand, the asynchronous operation is solely responsible for making code nonblocking. It means that it allows the developers to execute multiple codes at the same time.
In the Angular framework, the developers can quickly achieve asynchronous by utilising the following method.

  • The Callback function
  • The Promise from Javascript can be used in Angular.
  • Observable using Rxjs library in Angular: Library for reactive programming using Observables.

You may also like to read: What is Angular?

Moreover, while dealing with an asynchronous operation, the developers can quickly move the code to the following line by allowing UI remains responsive. The user continues working on the application while asynchronous operations like HTTP requests are processed in the background.

Now the concept of Promise in Angular comes into the picture. The Promise in Javascript is nothing but a piece of task that is wrapped in asynchronous operation and notified whenever the asynchronous process is completed or failed at some point in the future.

Two possible outcomes occur when the developer runs the Promise: The Promise is completed or failed. With the help of the async and await keyword with Promise, it becomes easy for the developers to deal with easy to read, write, and we can also use “try and catch” for error handling with (async & await).

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Angular Promise Example

Its time to see how to use promises in Angular development First, we will create a simple Angular application using Angular CLI.

ng new angular-promise-example –routing=false –style=css

This command will create a new Angular application with no routing and CSS for stylesheet format. Next, we will set up HttpClient to send API requests to web servers to create or fetch data.

Fetching data is a standard asynchronous operation as you always have to wait for an amount of time to receive the requested data. In Angular development, you can use HttpClient for fetching data.

HttpClient uses RxJS Observables to handle asynchronous operations; let’s see how to use JavaScript/ES6 Promises instead.

In the app/app.module.ts file of your project, add the following changes:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpClientModule }  from '@angular/common/http';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HelloComponent } from './hello.component';

  imports:      [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, HttpClientModule ],
  declarations: [ AppComponent, HelloComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

Next, open the src/app/app.component.ts file and add the following code to send a HTTP GET request and process the response using a Promise in Angular.

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";@Component({
selector: "app-root",
templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {
title = "Angular Application and Promises Example";API_KEY = "e40d07f00b094602953cc3bf8537477e";

constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}

ngOnInit() {
console.log("Angular Promises");
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Promise rejected with " + JSON.stringify(error));

fetchDataAsPromise() {
return this.httpClient

We import HttpClient and inject it via the component constructor and use it to send the HTTP request.

Next, we call the get() method to send the request and the toPromise() method to convert the returned RxJS Observable to a promise.

fetchDataAsPromise() {
return this.httpClient

In the ngOnInit() life-cycle method, we send the actual request by calling the then() method of the promise as follows:

.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Promise rejected with " + JSON.stringify(error));

If the promise is resolved successfully we simply output the data in the console and in case of an error we display the error.

Related Post: Angular Promise Vs Observable


So, I hope you got a clear vision on what is Promise in Angular development is. In addition, we came across the concept of JavaScript Promises introduced in ES6. We have seen the implementation of JavaScript promises that can be specifically included in the application.

In addition, we came across the example of creating a promise in the Angular application. Still, if you have any query related to web application development, Angular is the best and leading option that help you build applications for all business verticals.