Why Choose Angular for Your Next Web Development

Developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons, AngularJS made a groundbreaking entry into the development world in 2010, capturing attention with its innovative approach.

Fast forward over a decade, and AngularJS has evolved, shedding its JavaScript origins to become the widely embraced Angular, now powered by TypeScript.

Currently, over 4 million websites use Angular. It is one of the top choices for custom web development. Its appeal lies in its efficiency, rapid development capabilities, and seamless integration into various platforms.

Web app developers and entrepreneurs alike are drawn to Angular for crafting robust and scalable web applications.

As a platform, Angular boasts an extensive array of features and functionalities, propelling it to the forefront as the preferred choice for enterprise-scale web development projects.

The question arises: what sets Angular apart from its competitors? Delve into the discussion ahead as we explore the distinctive features, functionalities, capabilities, and compelling reasons to “Choose Angular for Your Next Web Development”.

What is Angular?

Angular stands out as a robust and user-friendly front-end framework crafted by Google, empowering developers to craft dynamic and responsive web applications.

This tool excels in facilitating the creation of seamless user experiences, particularly through the development of single-page web applications (SPAs), making it an indispensable asset in the realm of modern web development.

Furthermore, Angular’s open-source nature contributes to its strength, fostering a large and vibrant community. This community support translates into extensive documentation and assistance for developers navigating the intricacies of the framework.

Since its initial launch, Angular has undergone significant evolution, marked by several major updates. Currently, the framework is advancing with Angular 16 released and v17 in the pipeline.

These updates underscore Angular’s commitment to remaining at the forefront of contemporary web development practices.

Angular – The Framework for Modern Web Experiences!

Craft modern, user-friendly web experiences effortlessly with Angular. From its comprehensive toolset to its robust community support, Angular is the framework that defines modern web development.
The smart choice for your projects – Angular!

Reasons Why Angular is the Best for Web Development

Choosing a front-end framework for web development is a crucial decision, and Angular has gained popularity for several reasons.

Here are some key factors that make Angular a compelling choice for web development projects:

Reasons Why Angular is the Best for Web Development

  1. Modularity and Code Organization

    Angular promotes a modular approach to building applications. The framework is based on components, which are self-contained and reusable building blocks. This makes it easier to organise and maintain code, especially in large and complex projects.

  2. Two-Way Data Binding

    Angular utilizes two-way data binding, meaning that user interface changes automatically update the underlying data model and vice versa. This simplifies the development process and reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed to keep the UI and data in sync.

  3. Dependency Injection

    Angular comes with a built-in dependency injection system. This helps manage the components’ dependencies and promote the development of loosely coupled and more maintainable code. Dependency injection also facilitates unit testing by making it easier to mock and test individual

  4. TypeScript Integration

    Angular is built with TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. This brings enhanced tooling, autocompletion, and compile-time error checking to the development process, resulting in more robust and maintainable code.

  5. Official Support from Google

    Angular is developed and maintained by Google. This backing provides stability and assurance that the framework will be well-supported and updated with the latest features and security patches.

  6. Powerful CLI (Command Line Interface)

    Angular’s CLI simplifies the process of creating, building, testing, and deploying Angular applications. It comes with a range of commands that automate common development tasks, streamlining the workflow for developers.

  7. Rich Ecosystem and Third-Party Libraries

    Angular has a vibrant ecosystem with a wide range of third-party libraries and extensions. This can save development time and effort, as developers can leverage existing solutions for common functionalities.

  8. Cross-Platform Development

    With technologies like Angular Universal and Angular for NativeScript, developers can use Angular to build not only web applications but also server-side rendered applications and mobile apps, providing a comprehensive solution for cross-platform development.

  9. Community Support

    Angular has a large and active community of developers. This means that finding solutions to common problems, accessing tutorials, and staying updated with best practices are made easier through community contributions and support.

  10. Mature and Well-Documented

    Angular has been around for a while, and it has evolved into a mature and well-documented framework. The documentation is comprehensive, making it easier for developers to understand the framework and find answers to their questions.

These features make it a strong contender, especially for large-scale applications where modularity, maintainability, and a comprehensive ecosystem are critical considerations.

Elevate Your Development Experience and Stay Ahead in the Digital Landscape!

Unlock the full potential of your web projects by choosing Angular as your framework. With its powerful features and seamless integration, Angular empowers developers to build robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.

Elevate Your Web Development with Angular!

What are the Limitations of Angular?

While Angular is a powerful and widely used front-end framework for web development, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks. Below are some of the challenges that you might face at the time of Angular development:

  1. One notable concern is the sharp learning curve, especially for beginners, due to its complex architecture and various concepts such as modules, decorators, and dependency injection. The framework’s extensive structure may lead to initial development delays as developers grasp these intricacies.
  2. Second, the generated code in Angular applications can be bulkier compared to other frameworks, potentially impacting performance, especially in scenarios where bandwidth is limited.
  3. The third consideration is that frequent updates and changes in Angular versions may necessitate adjustments in existing projects, which can be time-consuming.

Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of Angular often outweigh the cons, and the framework continues to be a popular choice for building sophisticated web applications. However, if you are still confused about whether Angular is the best for custom web development or not, then a free consultation is just a call away.

Experienced Angular developers can suggest the most suitable solutions based on your requirements and budget. Get connected for free, today!

Different Types of Websites Developed Using Angular

Albiorix stands out as a top-rated Angular development company. Our team of experienced Angular developers has successfully developed a wide range of Angular development projects across various industries and domains.

Possessing deep technical expertise and a solid understanding of key Angular concepts, our talented developers excel in designing, developing, and rigorously evaluating enterprise-grade Angular applications.

Based on our experience, below are the different types of websites that can be developed using Angular:

  • Single Page and Enterprise Applications
  • Fintech and Entertainment Websites
  • E-commerce Websites
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Social Networking Platforms
  • Data Dashboards and Analytics Tools
  • Educational Platforms
  • Real-Time Applications
  • Travel and Booking Websites
  • Portfolio Websites and Blogs
  • Government and NGO Websites

Angular is a powerful and versatile framework for web development that can be applied to a diverse range of web development projects, from small interactive websites to large-scale enterprise applications.

Ready to supercharge your web development?

Choose Angular and witness the difference. From enhanced performance to a modular architecture, Angular provides the tools you need for a seamless development journey.

Power Up Your Development Journey!

Is Angular Right for Your Project? Discuss with Our Angular Developers for Free

Considering developing a website or web application with Angular but unsure if it’s the ideal fit for your project? No need to worry. Reach out to our team of skilled Angular developers and project managers for a comprehensive evaluation. Through a complimentary consultation call, we’ll delve into your project details, goals, and expectations.

Based on this discussion, we’ll help determine whether Angular aligns seamlessly with your future endeavours or if an alternative approach might be more suitable. Share your contact details with us using the Contact Us form or call us at +1 (912) 528-5566 or (+61) 489-940-484.

Don’t just build for today, build for the future! Angular ensures your web projects are not only cutting-edge but also future-proof. Make the smart choice – choose Angular for your next web development endeavour and stay ahead of the curve. | Future-Proof Your Web Projects with Angular!

We are also active on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, you can also drop us a message over there.

Love Angular as Much as We Do? More Angular Blogs for You:

jQuery vs Angular : Common Differences You Must Know in 2023

Digital presence is of prime importance for any successful business. To opt for it, you must have the perfect and responsive website for your business. Such web pages play an essential role to connect with the target audience and improve business productivity.

Moreover, your flexible website must have a rich UI, easy-to-navigate functionality, top-rich content, mobile-friendly websites, user-centric functionality, and also faster time-to-market. It becomes your prime duty to make a selection of the best and organized framework that aids you in minimizing development time.

Currently, Angular and jQuery are the development tools that are mostly used by developers to build high-quality websites or web pages with minimum effort and time. But what is the common key difference between jQuery vs Angular? This Angular vs jQuery article covers information about Angular and jQuery and the basic differences between jQuery and Angular.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular framework allows you to design and build robust web applications for your business needs.
  • Unlike Angular framework, jQuery makes it easy for you to minimize code lines and make JavaScript more interactive and dynamic.
  • If we talk about Angular vs jQuery, Angular and jQuery differ from each other in many ways like language support, data-binding functionality, usage approach, components, and app speed.
  • When you make the decision to use Angular or jQuery? We explain each point that helps you decide best for your project need

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source TypeScript-based web application framework that allows web developers to build highly-scalable and cross-platform applications. The Angular is a front-end development framework that is well-equipped with a structured approach and defined rules.

According to Google Trends, Angular is worldwide popular technology for web and app devlopmnet work.
Angular vs jQuery: Google Trends for Angular

You’ll find many advantages of AngularJS frameworks that will become an easy for you to draft new applications from scratch.

Some of the outstanding key features of Angular as an open-source framework:

  1. Cross-platform
  2. High speed and optimum performance
  3. Angular App for everyone
  4. Supports declarative templates
  5. Efficient Two-way data binding
  6. Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)
  7. Less code framework
  8. Dependency injection
  9. Angular route resolver

Worldwide some pioneer tech companies and big brands like Forbes, Google, Microsoft Xbox, Freelancer and PayPal are build website with Angular.

Market Share and Web Usage Statistics of AngularJS

Top Industry Verticals where AngularJS is being used.

Industry Verticals Where Angular is Being Used

Angular usage by websites across the globe.

Angularjs Usage by Websites Across the Globe

[Image Source:Similartech]

After exploring the basics of Angular framework in the article of Angular vs jQuery, its time to explore the basic of jQuery library.

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What is jQuery?

After understanding the basics of what is Angular , it’s time to understand the concept of jQuery. Released under MIT License, jQuery is a free, open-source and feature rich JavaScript library used for simplifying client-side web page development. The primary purpose of jQuery JavaScript library is to minimize code lines and make JavaScript more interactive and dynamic.

Google Trends show us popularity of jQuery around the world,

Angular vs jQuery

Multiple developers working with the custom software development companies typically use jQuery as their favourite tool for web development. You’ll be surprised to know that more than 77.9% of all the websites on the web use jQuery, according to W3techs.

Some of the top and advanced features of jQuery library include:

  1. HTML/DOM manipulation
  2. Event Handling
  3. CSS manipulation
  4. Dependency Injection
  5. Effect and Animation control
  6. Provides cross-browser compatibility coding functionality
  7. Makes end code clean and lightweight
  8. Ajax Call/JSON support

We have seen the basics of jQuery vs Angular in terms of its definition and features. Now, it’s time to explore the difference between Angular and jQuery.

Market Share and Web Usage Statistics of jQuery

Top Industry Verticals where jQuery is being used.

Industry verticals where jquery is being used

jQuery usage by websites across the globe.

jQuery Usage by Websites Across the Globe

[Image Source: Similartech]

Enhance your web development with the power of jQuery!

Discover how our expert JavaScript developers can leverage this versatile JavaScript library to create dynamic and interactive web experiences.

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jQuery vs Angular: Common Differences of jQuery and Angular

jQuery and Angular are the development tools that are mostly used to build high-quality websites with minimum effort and time. Let’s see the ultimate key differences between jQuery vs Angular in the form of a comparison table.

Angular jQuery
Type Front-end framework Front-end library.
App Size Monolithic in such a way as it comes up with multiple built-in functionalities Light-weight and minimalistic
Learning Curve Steeper Simple to learn & use
Best For Complex and large projects Small projects
Language TypeScript language Vanilla JavaScript language
Used For Developing Single-page apps DOM manipulation
Data-Binding Two-way data binding Unidirectional data flow
Dependency Injection Available with Angular framework Available with jQuery library
  1. Language Support

    Angular uses TypeScript programming language; on the other hand, JavaScript is utilized by jQuery. TypeScript is considered the superset of JavaScript and usually supports JavaScript Data Grid Libraries & API Documentation.

    JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages developers use and is more complex and advanced. TypeScript is more user-friendly, progressive, and template language in its design. It follows better code structuring and object-oriented programming techniques, including coding highlighting, user interface, code navigation functionality, and code refactoring.

    And if you personally ask me for the difference between TypeScript vs JavaScript, both of these popular client-side technologies play a vital role in dealing with web app development.

  2. Two Way Data Binding

    Angular is equipped with a well-known two-way data binding feature. Such a two-way data binding feature is responsible for data synchronization between different layers and helps keep the consistent and hassle-free coding structure.

    Once the web developers make any change in the View layer, it will be directly reflected in the Model layer. While jQuery is unidirectional, all the data flows from the Model layer to others. The jQuery UI components remain interactive while reducing the debugging complexity.

    Both methods have equally relevant user interface functioning, one supersedes efficiency, and the other focuses on consistency and productivity.

  3. Usage

    In this article on Angular vs jQuery, it’s time to highlight the usage scenario of both technologies. Angular JS is the best option for web application development. It is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, specially developed for simplifying single-page applications.

    jQuery library is nothing but a consistent DOM API that is used explicitly for programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript DOM manipulation. In addition, this library is cross-platform and provides cross-browser compatibility for front-end development.

    It means that you can easily run your application on supported browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, or any other modern browsers.

    As per the recent survey, it has been found that jQuery is used by 77.4% of all websites, which is a JavaScript library market share of 94.8%.

    jquery usage statistics

  4. Components

    The jQuery components are UI elements. Simply put, they are a collection of user interface interactions, UI elements, themes, effects, and widgets. These components are built on top of the jQuery as an open-source feature-rich JavaScript library.

    And if we talk about Angular, angular component libraries are nothing but the building blocks for UI in the application. So we can say that it follows a component hierarchy structure. These components follow a template, and only one component can be instantiated per element in the template.

    Related Post: Angular vs AngularJS

  5. Speed and Performance

    As the comparison table defines, jQuery is created especially for smaller projects. For large-scale projects, it can become somewhat complex and challenging to maintain.

    But in the case of Angular JS in terms of difference between Angular and jQuery, the web application scaling process is relatively easy compared to jQuery without affecting performance.

    jQuery can take up a lot of development time for simple code tasks. In addition, as it is a much older technology, it can get tough to code some unique features that your project might need. With Angular, you can significantly reduce time-to-market.

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jQuery vs Angular : Which One Should You Opt For Web App Development?

I hope you’re now clear about the technical differences between Angular vs jQuery. Now the big question is: What to Choose, jQuery or Angular?
To answer this question, first of all, let’s explore what developers are preferring the best for web app development. As per the 2022 survey by Statista, it has been found that developers prefer jQuery for web development more in comparison to Angular.

Developers are Preferring the Best for Web App Development

jQuery is recommended if your project requirement involves:

  • A lightweight and robust tool for performing quick DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation for your application.
  • You can quickly add additional jQuery functions to a pre-existing web application or website.
  • To include animation and other graphic interactive jQuery elements in your web application.
  • Rapid HTML traversal, event handling or Ajax calls interactions on your website.
  • Complete flexibility and customized features.
  • Working with Vanilla (plain) JavaScript.

The Angular framework is the best option for you if the project requirement includes the following:

  • Unit tests and robust error detection.
  • Building testable web applications that work the best as per your business needs.
  • Visually rich and engaging apps
  • Rapid development
  • An organized data structures with reusable code
  • Single-page applications
  • Creating single-page applications

The form validation in your web application is made possible by using jQuery as an extension to Angular framework. Therefore, you can increase productivity and performance by developing an AngularJS web app using jQuery.

So, whatever option you select for your next business project, both Angular and jQuery are the prime and superior examples to work on it. However, we have come across the detailed difference between Angular vs jQuery to clear all your doubts regarding both the technologies.

When to Use Angular vs jQuery

When deciding whether to use Angular or jQuery, it’s important to consider the specific requirements and goals of your project. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Project Complexity: Angular is a robust framework for building complex web applications. It provides features such as two-way data binding, component-based architecture, dependency injection, and a powerful templating system.
  • Single-page Applications (SPAs): Angular is well-suited for building SPAs, where the majority of the application logic is executed on the client side. It offers routing capabilities, a modular structure, and an ecosystem of libraries and tools that make it easier to develop SPAs.
  • DOM Manipulation: jQuery excels at DOM manipulation. It provides a concise syntax for selecting and manipulating HTML elements, handling events, and performing animations. If your project primarily involves interacting with the DOM and making small enhancements to an existing web page, jQuery may be a lightweight and convenient choice.
  • Browser Compatibility: jQuery has widespread browser support, making it suitable for projects that need to work across various browsers, including older versions. Angular, being a newer framework, may require additional configuration and polyfills to ensure compatibility with older browsers.
  • Learning Curve: jQuery has a relatively low learning curve compared to Angular. It has been around for a long time and has a large user base, which means there are abundant resources and tutorials available. Angular, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its complexity and the need to learn concepts such as TypeScript, component-based architecture, and Angular-specific patterns.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Angular has a strong Angular developer community and a rich ecosystem of libraries, Angular tools, and resources. It benefits from continuous development and updates from the Angular team and is backed by Google. jQuery also has a large community but has seen a decline in popularity in recent years, with many developers opting for modern frameworks like Angular or React.

In summary, Angular is typically favored for larger and more complex projects, especially single-page applications, where its powerful features and architecture shine. jQuery, on the other hand, is still relevant for smaller projects or situations where DOM manipulation is the primary concern, and a lightweight library is preferred.


Let’s summarize what we have seen so far in jQuery vs Angular. If we talk about small-scale web applications, jQuery is one of the best options in the case of Angular vs jQuery. On the other hand, Angular is a Javascript framework that is an ideal choice for a single-page application that works smoothly per your business needs. To develop high-performance web apps, selecting the AngularJS development services is the best option.

It entirely depends on your business and client needs, you need to select the right technology choice. If you are still confused between Angular vs jQuery, which option is the best one!

Still unsure which is better, Angular vs jQuery?

You can get aid from our talented team of web developers. Hire AngularJS developer Now ! and get a free consultation with one of our Full-Stack devlopers at any moment, who can help you plan and carry out your web development ideas.

Vue vs Angular : Which Front-End JS Framework To Choose in 2023?

The world of front-end web development is constantly evolving, and with so many options, it can take time to figure out where to start.

Two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in the field today are Vue and Angular, each with its strengths and weaknesses. In this blog, we’ll take an in-depth look at these two frameworks by comparing their features, performance, and scalability to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Key Takeaways

  • Vue and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks for building web applications.
  • Vue is known for its simplicity, ease of learning, and flexible integration with existing projects.
  • Angular is a comprehensive framework developed by Google, providing a complete solution for large-scale applications with robust features. Whereas Vue follows a more lightweight and incremental approach, allowing developers to add it to existing projects gradually.
  • Angular has a steeper learning curve but offers a powerful ecosystem, including a robust CLI, extensive documentation, and well-defined architecture.
  • Vue relies on a virtual DOM for efficient rendering and updates, while Angular uses a two-way data binding system for automatic synchronization between the view and the model.
  • Ultimately, the choice between Vue and Angular depends on the project’s size, complexity, development team’s preferences, and existing infrastructure.

What is Vue?

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. This JS framework helps you build lightweight, easy-to-learn, and highly performant Web Application Development for your business needs.

Vue.js uses a component-based architecture and provides two-way data binding, reactive data, and a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), making it an excellent choice for creating dynamic, interactive UIs.

Additionally, Vue.js has a large and supportive open-source community, which has contributed a wealth of tools, plugins, and libraries to the framework, making it a popular choice for developers working with a renowned Vue.js development company of all skill levels.

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Our talented Vue.js development team are proficient in building user interfaces and SPAs.

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What is Angular?

Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework developed and maintained by Google. It is used to build dynamic SPAs and provides several features for creating complex user interfaces.

Angular uses a component-based architecture, enabling Angular developers working with a reputed AngularJS development company to create reusable components and manage the instance data flow between various visual components. This progressive JavaScript framework also uses two-way data binding, which allows changes in the model to be automatically reflected in the view, and vice versa.

Compared to other frameworks, Angular has a large and active community, contributing to its ongoing web development project and improvement.

And if I talk about the most used web frameworks by the developers in 2023, the below figure says it all.

Vue vs Angular Frameworks Usage Graph

Top Features of VueJS Framework

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building UIs and single-page applications. Here are some of the top features of the Vue.js framework:

  • Reactive Data Binding: Vue.js uses a reactive data binding system that automatically updates the view when the data changes, making it easier to build dynamic user and web interfaces.
  • Components: Vue.js is a lightweight framework that typically uses a component-based architecture, which allows Vue.js developers to split their enterprise-level web in-built solutions into reusable and modular components.
  • Virtual DOM:Vue.js uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual DOM elements. With the help of Virtual DOM. you can update the view efficiently without re-rendering the entire page.
  • Template Syntax: Vue.js uses a template-based syntax similar to HTML, making it easy for Vue developers to get started and reducing the curve for learning.
  • Performance: Vue.js is designed for performance, and its lightweight design makes it fast and efficient to build robust user dynamic interface logic, or we can say application data logic layer for your business web app.
  • Ecosystem: Vue.js has a growing ecosystem of plugins, built in core libraries, and tools, including the Vue CLI (Command Line Interface), Vue Router, and Vuex, which make it easier for developing complex applications.
  • Community:Vue.js has a solid and active community of Vue developers who contribute to the customizable framework and its ecosystem, ensuring that it continues to evolve and improve over time.

Vue.js is a versatile and performant framework well-suited for building a specific user interface layer and single-page applications.

Enhance your web application’s performance with our Angular development services.

We help you build dynamic, user-friendly and high-performing web applications with AngularJS development solutions.

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Top Features of Angular Framework

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. Here are some of the top features of the Angular framework:

  • Component-based architecture:Angular uses Model-View-Controller (MVC) and is a component-based defined Angular app architecture that allows developers to split their applications into reusable and modular components.
  • Two-way data binding: Angular uses a two-way data binding system that automatically updates the view when the data changes and updates the data when the view changes, making it easier to build dynamic UIs.
  • TypeScript: Angular is built using TypeScript, a statically-typed programming language that supersets JavaScript. TypeScript provides features like classes, interfaces, and type annotations, making writing robust and well structured application code easier.
  • Modules: Angular uses a modular structure that allows developers to organize their code into reusable and self-contained modules.
  • Router:Angular includes a powerful router that allows developers to define the routes for their Angular application and navigate between different parts of the application.
  • Templates:Angular uses a template-based syntax similar to HTML templates, making it easy for developers to get started and reducing the Angular’s learning curve.
  • Performance: Angular is designed for performance and includes features like ahead-of-time (AOT) compiling, state management library, and lazy loading, which help optimise large applications’ performance.
  • Ecosystem: Angular is a complete framework package that has a large ecosystem of plugins, libraries, and tools, including the Angular Command Line Interface, Angular development tools, Angular Material, and Angular Universal, which make it easier to build complex web apps and even mobile apps.
  • Community: Angular is a typescript structured framework that has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the frontend framework and its ecosystem, ensuring that it continues to evolve and improve over development time.

Vue vs Angular: The Detailed Comparison

  1. Popularity: Angular vs Vue

    Vue and Angular are both popular front-end JavaScript web frameworks that play an essential role in designing and building web applications.

    Angular is a progressive framework that provides a rich set of powerful web tools and features for building complex, large-scale applications. Its popularity is primarily due to its ability to handle complicated web apps and its strong backing from Google.

    Angular has a large community of developers and a rich ecosystem of plugins, libraries, and tools, making it a perfect choice for enterprise-level projects.

    On the other hand, Vue JS is a newer and monolithic framework that was first released in 2014. Despite its relatively short history, Vue has quickly gained popularity among developers for its simplicity and ease of use. Comparing Angular with Vue, you can efficiently develop Vue applications that can efficiently range from small to medium-sized projects.

    It has a growing community of developers and a rich ecosystem of plugins and libraries. Vue’s popularity is also growing due to its relatively low curve for learning, making it an excellent choice for developers new to front-end development.

    Angular and Vue are both popular front-end frameworks with their strengths and weaknesses. Angular is a more established and feature-rich framework that is well suited for large-scale applications.

    At the same time, Vue JS is a newer, more straightforward, and more flexible framework that is well-suited for smaller projects. Ultimately, the choice between the two frontend frameworks comes from personal preference and web development project requirements.

    Related Post: react vs angular vs vue

  2. Learning Curve: Angular vs Vue

    The learning curve of Vue vs Angular is a critical consideration for web developers who are looking to adopt a new Javascript front-end framework.

    Angular has a steep curve of learning than Vue We normally use Angular as it supports a lot of built-in features and concepts, such as hierarchical dependency injection, data binding, and a modular structure, which can make it difficult for new developers to learn and understand.

    Angular also has a large API and requires a strong understanding of TypeScript, which can further increase the curve for learning. Additionally, Angular is a Typescript-based JavaScript framework that typically uses a template-based syntax, which can take some development time to get used to if you’re unfamiliar with it.

    Vue JS, on the other hand, has a relatively low curve for learning compared to Angular. With its steep learning curve, Vue is a simpler and more flexible framework designed to be easy to learn and understand. Vue uses a component-based structure and a template engine syntax similar to HTML components, making it easy for developers to get started.

    Comparing Angular with Vue, this frontend framework also has a small API and does not require a strong understanding of TypeScript, making it accessible to developers with a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels.

    If you’re less experienced developers or looking for a more straightforward framework to learn, Vue may be a better choice for you due to its relatively steep learning curve. If you’re an experienced developer or looking for a more feature-rich framework to work with, Angular may be a better choice for you despite its steeper curve for learning.

  3. Performance Speed: Angular vs Vue

    Performance, or speed, is an important factor to consider when choosing between Vue and Angular. Both frontend frameworks are designed to be fast and efficient, but they approach default performance optimized configuration differently.

    Vue is a lighter-weight framework that prioritizes simplicity and a smaller footprint. It achieves fast performance by keeping the framework itself minimal, while still providing a powerful set of features.

    This allows it to have a smaller codebase in your pure Javascript file and consume fewer resources, resulting in faster initial load times and smoother runtime performance. Vue also offers a “lazy-loading” feature that allows Vue components to be loaded only when needed, further improving performance.

    Angular, on the other hand, is a heavily weighted framework. While it offers a more comprehensive set of tools and features, it also means a larger codebase and more overhead.

    However, Angular makes up for this by using multiple performance optimization techniques, such as Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compiling, tree shaking, and lazy loading. These optimizations help Angular achieve fast performance despite its larger application code and make it well-suited for larger and more complex applications.

    So, both Angular and Vue can deliver fast and efficient performance, but each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you’re looking for a lighter-weight and simpler framework with a smaller codebase, Vue may be a better choice.

  4. Application Security: Angular vs Vue

    Security is important to consider when developing web applications. Both Angular and Vue have security features built into their frameworks, but they differ in terms of their approach to security.

    Vue is designed to be a flexible and lightweight framework, which means it has limited security features built into the core library. However, Vue provides a strong ecosystem of plugins and core libraries that can help enhance security in a Vue application.

    For example, Vue has many plugins for handling authentication and authorization, as well as plugins for preventing cross-site script inclusion like XSS and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

    Angular, on the other hand, takes a more comprehensive approach to security. Angular is built with security in mind and includes features such as Content Security Policy (CSP) enforcement, cross-site scripting, and XSS protection.

    With Angular universal support for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, it becomes easy for Angular developers to implement secure authentication and authorization in an Angular app. Additionally, Angular has a strict templating engine that helps prevent XSS attacks by escaping untrusted inputs.

    Compared to other frameworks, both Angular and Vue have security features built into their frameworks, but each framework approaches security differently. If you’re looking for a framework with a comprehensive set of security features, Angular may be a better choice.

  5. Syntax: Angular vs Vue

    Vue and Angular are both popular front end JavaScript frameworks for building web applications, but they have different syntax styles.

    Vue uses a template-based syntax, where templates are written in HTML and data is bound to the templates using directives. Directives in Vue are prefixed with the v- symbol, and they allow a specific web developer to deal with the data rendering process to specific elements in the template.

    Angular is one of the front-end Javascript frameworks that uses a component-based syntax, where Angular application components are written in TypeScript and include a combination of HTML, CSS, and pure JavaScript. Different components in Angular are used to build reusable User Interface and Angular HTML elements, and they provide a way to manage complex application state.

    Angular’s syntax is more complex than Vue’s, and even the framework requires a deeper understanding of component-based architecture and TypeScript programming language. However, Angular’s syntax provides more power and flexibility, allowing freshers and experienced developers to create complex Angular apps with reusable components.

    So we can say that the syntax of Vue and Angular frameworks differ in their approach and complexity. Vue’s template-based syntax is simple and accessible to developers who are familiar with HTML, while Angular’s component-based syntax is more complex but provides more power and flexibility for building complex applications.

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  6. Complexity: Angular vs Vue

    Vue and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks for building web applications, but they have different levels of complexity.

    Vue: Vue is considered to be a relatively simple framework, and it is easy to learn for developers who are familiar with HTML and JavaScript. Vue’s simplicity is reflected in its small size and lightweight nature, making it a popular choice for small to medium-sized projects. Vue’s modular design and clear documentation also contribute to its ease of use.

    Angular is considered to be a more complex framework, with a steeper learning curve compared to Vue. Angular has a robust set of features and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, making it a popular choice for large-scale apps.

    However, this complexity can make it more challenging for developers who are new to Angular or who are working on a large project for the first time. Angular’s complexity can also make it more difficult to debug and maintain, as the codebase can become large and difficult to manage.

    Both Angular and Vue have their strengths and weaknesses regarding complexity. Vue is a simple and accessible framework, making it a good choice for small to medium-sized projects, while Angular is a complex and powerful framework, making it a good choice for large-scale projects.

    However, it’s important to keep in mind that the complexity of a framework can impact the application development process, and developers should choose the framework that best fits their needs and experience level.

  7. MVC/MVVM: Angular vs Vue

    Vue.js and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications. Both frameworks follow the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern, which is a variant of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.

    In Vue, the Model View View Model layer pattern is implemented by having a clear separation between the model (data), the view (template) and the view model (Vue instance). The view model acts as the mediator between the model and the view, updating the view whenever the model changes and vice versa.

    Angular, on the other hand, is a typescript-based JavaScript framework that typically uses a more traditional implementation of Model View Controller architecture, where the model represents the data, the view is the template and the controller acts as the mediator between the model and the view.

    Compared to other existing frameworks, Angular uses the controller that is replaced by a component, which is a class with an associated template language and styles.

    Both Vue and Angular have data binding, meaning that changes in the model will be automatically reflected in the view and vice versa. This makes it easier to build dynamic, responsive user interfaces.

    In terms of architecture, Vue is generally considered to be lightweight and easier to learn than Angular. This is because Vue has a smaller API surface and a simpler design, making it more accessible to developers who are new to the MVVM pattern. Angular, on the other hand, is a more feature-rich framework that includes a lot of built-in functionality for building large-scale apps.

    In conclusion, both Angular and Vue are great choices for building web applications and both follow the MVVM design pattern. The choice between the two largely depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the application development team.

  8. Community Support: Angular vs Vue

    Community is an important factor to consider when choosing between Vue.js and Angular. Both Angular and Vue are the leading frameworks that have large, active communities of developers who contribute to their development and provide official support to others. However, there are some differences to be aware of.

    Vue.js was first released in 2014 and has rapidly grown in popularity. The Vue community is known for being friendly, welcoming, and inclusive. There are a large number of resources available for learning Vue, including online tutorials, video courses, and books.

    Angular, on the other hand, is a more mature framework that has been around since 2010. The Angular community is larger and more established, with a wealth of resources available for learning and developing with the framework. Angular is also backed by Google, which provides a significant level of support and resources for the framework.

    In terms of community support, both Angular and Vue have strong communities that provide ample resources and help for developers. However, the Angular community may be better equipped to handle larger, more complex projects due to its long history and more extensive resources.

    Ultimately, the choice between Vue and Angular in terms of community support will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Both Angular and Vue are the frameworks that have strong, active communities that are eager to help and support each other, so you can’t really go wrong with either choice.

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The Comparison Table: Vue vs Angular

Here is a comparison table between Vue and Angular:

Features Vue Angular
Learning Curve Shallow. Steep
Size Lightweight (approx. 20 KB) Heavier (approx. 500 KB)
Performance Faster Slower
Flexibility Highly Customizable Less Customizable
Community Growing Established
Use Cases Small to Medium-sized Apps Large-scale Apps
Data Binding Two-Way Two-Way
Templating Simple Templating System Complex Templating System
Debugging Simple Debugging Complex Debugging
Documentation Good Documentation Extensive Documentation

Vue or Angular: Which JavaScript Framework is Right for Your Project?

The choice between Vue.js and Angular for web development ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the dev team.

Vue.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework known for its simplicity and ease of integration with other libraries or existing projects. It is a good choice for small-to-medium sized projects and can be quickly set up and developed.

Angular, on the other hand, is a full-fledged framework developed by Google and is suitable for complex, large-scale projects. It offers a comprehensive set of features and a well-defined structure, allowing for scalable and maintainable code. Angular also has a larger open-source community and a more robust ecosystem.

In summary, Vue.js may be the way to go if you need a quick and simple solution for a small project, Vue.js may be the way to go. If you are looking to build a complex and scalable web application, Angular is a better choice.

Top 10 Angular Development Tools For Developers in 2023

The Angular framework has become a boon in building a dynamic web page for almost all business needs. However, as we all know, developing code is always a tedious task to do. Agreed?

AngularJS Developer is assisted with an efficient bundle of Angular developer tools to help every developer work efficiently within less time. Let’s go through some of the prominent Angular development tools available for Angular web application development ingeniously and efficiently.

10 Most Popular Angular Development Tools

Let’s highlight some of the best Angular developer tools that make it easy for Angular developers to do coding smoothly.

  1. Karma

    Karma Angular Development Tool
    Karma is considered one of the leading angular tools that are a boon for Angular developers to test AngularJS codes in a real-time environment without any hassles.

    This QA, testing, and open-source framework allows developers to uncover potential flaws, defects, and glitches quickly and helps developers ease the testing task. The exciting part of this framework is that developers deploy Karma to test their products directly on actual devices and browsers.

    With its ‘on-ground testing’ capability, Karma is solely responsible for identifying potential issues, bugs, and glitches compared to a simulated/lab setting.

    Once the Angular developer runs a specific test in the browser, reports are generated in the CLI (Command Line Interface), giving steady criticism on each test’s status. Karma Angular developer tools is solely responsible for performing different tests like E2E testing, midway testing, unit testing, and so forth.

    Want to know more about the Angular frameworks in detail? Continue reading the article on what is Angular.

    Pros Cons
    Easy-to-use Angular developer tools for Angular development No Support for NodeJS testing
    Easily extensible No plugin for Eclipse (yet)
    You can easily deal with browser-based testing configuration and headless tests This Angular development tool has a steep learning curve.
    Provides the option of running clients/servers either separately or on the Development computer. You need to perform a full restart when any change in the plugin updates is done.

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  2. Jasmine

    Jasmine - Angular UI Development Tool
    The next in our list of Angular development tools is the Jasmine framework.The Jasmine framework is one such AngularJS development tools helps Angular team eliminate the need to rely on browsers or other JavaScript testing environments.

    Jasmine typically follows an easy-to-use syntax that brings convenience to the developers while writing and testing AngularJS codes. As a result, Jasmine works best while testing Node.js code and on websites or web pages that support Java script languages and Javascript runtimes, making Jasmine one of the primary Angular devtools.

    Jasmine is an open-source Angular development tool designed explicitly for testing and can run on any JavaScript-empowered stage.

    The Jasmine framework is solely responsible for dealing with both BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) and TDD (Test-Driven Development). Moreover, testing and debugging features become easy when you have these Angular development tools in your arsenal to easily create websites or web pages for your business.

    Pros Cons
    Complete transparency in using every library or framework of your choice. You’ll require plenty of configurations to work with this open-source platform.
    Jasmine’s community is quite big. You need to opt for an assertion library or a mocking framework before making use of the Jasmine framework.
    Quite easy to learn the Jasmine framework. The entire configuration process is a very challenging one.
    You’ll get a robust programming style and patterns as per your needs. Compared to other frameworks, it’s quite a heavy platform.
  3. Protractor

    Protractor -Angular UI Development tools.
    ProtractorOne of the best and most preferred AngularJS development tools and IDE created by Google and is an end-to-end testing framework is Protractor. It is specifically used for developing web applications, including testing and quickly runs on browsers.

    The Protactor typically conducts tests in real software and allows your tests to be automatically synchronized to the page. This software development tool supports Node.js, Mocha, Jasmine, and Selenium to deal with rapid development capabilities.

    Protractor stands out in the crowd of Angular JS testing frameworks because it can autonomously sync the web page being worked upon with the testing sessions as soon as the runtime ends. This offers a true-to-life testing ecosystem experience.

    Pros Cons
    Easy to write and manage page objects. It supports only javascript.
    It supports behaviour-driven frameworks like Jasmine, Mocha, Cucumber etc. It runs very well in the chrome browser. It doesn’t have much support on other browsers.
    Running automation script in multiple machine is achieved in an easy way in protractor. You’ll not find any robot class support in the Protractor framework.
  4. Webstorm

    Webstorm -Angular Development Tools
    Webstorm is the best Angular IDE many developers from AngularJS development company use regularly. Webstorm includes an Angular online editor and is typically compatible with leading technologies like Node.js, HTML, and CSS.

    This IDE for AngularJS is one of the most-popular Angular development IDE and is considered an intelligent code editor, making it a suitable choice for developers to work efficiently. In addition, Webstorm is considered to be the best IDE for AngularJS development and offers innovative coding options including better source code management to AngularJS developers with great navigation angular tools and error-detecting unique features.

    Pros Cons
    All the bug-related updates are available to you frequently for improving the app performance. Performance – it’s pretty resource-hungry.
    Fast and efficient. A full restart of the Angular IDE is mandatory for every plugin update.
    This Angular development tool comes up with great JavaScript support (Web + NodeJS) Initially, it will take some time for the app startup & will load the whole project.

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  5. Mocha.js

    Mocha- Best Angular Development Tool
    Mocha.js is a testing framework with impressive features for performing asynchronous testing. Its active support in browser and Node.js includes a profound interface that can intuitively test code for synchronous and asynchronous.

    It is considered one of the top-rated Angular development tools many developers use to perform tests in sequential order. Moreover, it allows the developers to provide complete customization option and fair reporting while mapping unidentified issues to their relevant test cases.

    This JS considers nonconcurrent testing for reporting and planning and makes it adaptable for accuracy.

    Pros Cons
    Mocha.js is an Angular development that has a clear and simple API. Tests cannot run in random order.
    You can use an assertion library that is solely responsible for throwing exceptions on failure. Mocha.js is a tool that allows the use of any assertion library.
    This Angular development tool comes up with BDD-oriented or TDD-oriented business functions. No auto mocking or snapshot testing.
    With the help of this Angular development tool, asynchronous testing is very simple. It requires deep configuration.
  6. Angular Kickstart

    Angular-KickStartbest -Angular Development Tool
    The primary use of Angular developer tools is to make Angular applications faster. In addition, it helps the Angular developers for hire automate the development process easier during the entire Angular application development.

    Its easy-to-use interface makes Angular Kickstart the top-rated Angular development tool. As a result, the developers can efficiently deal with the quick gratifications of all the essential business requirements.

    Angular Kickstart is one such Angular development tool that for enhancing the pace of development process initiative by bringing together Gulp JS, Bower, and Angular JS to increase the speeds of your Angular JS development endeavour.

    Not only does Angular speed up the development process its modular structure also caches code to make it reusable, thus easing development process even further.

    Pros Cons
    Angular Kickstart is one such Angular development tool that brings a clear and simple API for AngularJS development. The testing process becomes challenging for the developers and that’s what makes the long development process.
    You can quickly address all bugs due to subsequent updates of the product. You’ll need a full IDE restart for plugin updates.
    Communication with the server becomes easier with this Angular development tool. It runs very well in the chrome browser and not on other browsers.
  7. Angular Fire

    Angular Fire The Angular Development Tools
    Angular Fire is a backend development tool that fosters dynamic API features, 3-way data binding, and superior development capacity.

    This impressive AngularJS developer tool provides developers with flexible API and 3-way data binding with additional development capabilities to ease development. This helps to develop the web app back end of your Angular projects quickly.

    Angular Fire facilitates dynamic API features and superior development capacity that efficiently manages everything ranging from binary data files like images, videos, and blobs to synchronized real-time binding files.

    Pros Cons
    There are well-established good practices and patterns to follow when one uses Angular Fire. Angular Fire is one such Angular development tool that has a very steep learning curve.
    make beautiful and remarkable works through which, we can then test your business web applications simply. Testing in a Development Environment does get confusing why deployment takes long.
    Easy to use and easy to maintain. You’ll come across multiple challenges like loss of $watch, observables, $emit,$broadcast and $on.
    This Angular development tool is the best option for UX, it is easy and information loads. With the need of a bigger app for your needs, you’ll require more resources and of course, the app performance will get affected too.

    Related Post: Angular Vs React Vs Vue

  8. Djangular

    Djangular- Angular Development IDE
    Djangular is an Angular development tool that allows developers to create content explicitly using Djangular per application.

    In simple words, Djangular provides a reusable app that offers better app integration with AngularJS. As a result, the developers can efficiently find it easy to use Angular apps per site. Moreover, they can even create a consistent structure across all of your Django apps.

    One of the features of DJangular is that it offers namespacing AngularJS content and a flexible framework, including Angular components libraries.

    Pros Cons
    Allows namespacing AngularJS content per Django app. You’ll require plenty of configurations to work with this platform.
    This Angular development tool allows the AngularJS apps and modules to be included (or not) based on Django’s settings. Compared to other frameworks, it’s quite a heavy open-source platform.
    Includes an AngularJS module that includes a subset of features similar to Django. the end-to-end testing is quite confusing as it might take a long time to deal with the entire deployment process.
    This AngularJS tool allows you to efficiently include a patch to AngularJS’s $resource module directly to enable end-of-URL slashes as per the requirements of Django framework. With the need of a bigger app for your needs, you’ll require more resources and of course, the app performance will get affected too.

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  9. Rest-angular

    It is one of the essential Angular material tools for developers to deal with large data consumption from REST API. The primary responsibility of the Rest-Angular tool is to utilize the web application information directly from the RESTful API.

    It simplifies standard GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATES requests and requires minimum client code.

    Pros Cons
    This Rest-Angular tool allows you to use HttpClient API to handle the HTTP requests. Components in your application are not allowed to fetch or save data directly to your application.
    Communication with the server becomes easier with this Angular development tool. The testing process is quite confusing as it might take a long time to deal with the entire deployment process.

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  10. NG-Inspector

    NG Inspector -Angular Development IDE
    Ng-inspector is an impressive tool that enables browsers with an inspector pane that helps Angular developers to develop, debug, and understand Angular applications quickly.

    With the help of this innovative tool, developers find it easy to deal with scopes by utilizing controllers and directives for Angular applications.

    NG-Inspector is nothing but an extension for Safari and Google Chrome. Moreover, the developers can distinguish each display scope faster by utilizing Directives and Controllers. Finally, it can add an auditor sheet to the browser to help in the development phase, troubleshooting, and grasping the AngularJS applications.

    Pros Cons
    Browser extension for Chrome, Safari and Firefox. With the need of a bigger app for your needs, you’ll require more resources and of course, the AngularJS applications performance will get affected too.
    This Angular development tool plays an essential role to develop, debug and understand your AngularJS applications. Ng-inspector is a tool that takes a while to start up and load the entire project.
    You can easily see the whole scope hierarchy in your AngularJS application. Ng-inspector is a tool that takes a while to start up and load the entire Angular app projects.
    As you mouse over the scopes in the pane, their DOM nodes are highlighted on the page. You’ll need a full Angular IDE restart for plugin updates.

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So, we have seen the list of top AngularJS development tools or we can say Angular Dev tools that helps software developers to deal with web app development smoothly.

Angular development is the best option to make web apps faster by integrating seamless features and functionalities. So, if you are planning to build a new web app or Angular application, the perfect option is to hire an AngularJS developer proficient in web development that help you deal with the best Angular developer tools.

At Albiorix, we have a large pool of talented and experienced AngularJS developers who helps you in building a dynamic app to streamline your Angular JS project objectives using a streamlined Angular JS development environment.

How Does Angular Work?

Angular is a framework for building client-side web applications. It typically uses HTML, CSS and TypeScript language. The exciting part of the Angular framework is that Google develops it.

Angular provides developers robust tools for the development of client-side web Applications. Angular is a purely Javascript framework that completely follows component-based architecture to build a robust and responsive single-page application (SPA).

But the main question arises in mind: how does Angular work? So we have covered detailed information about the scenes of working on the Angular applications.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular is a structural framework for building web applications that uses TypeScript as its programming language.
  • Angular follows a component-based architecture that allows developers to create reusable UI components and build complex applications with ease.
  • Angular has a powerful set of features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives that make it easy to develop dynamic web applications.
  • Angular has a hierarchical dependency injection system that allows components to be loosely coupled, making it easy to replace or update individual components without affecting the entire application.
  • Angular has a modular architecture that allows developers to break down an application into smaller modules that can be loaded on-demand, improving performance and reducing load times.
  • Angular has a built-in router that enables developers to build Single Page Applications (SPAs) that provide a smooth and seamless user experience.
  • Angular provides a set of tools like the Angular CLI that automates the process of creating, testing, and deploying Angular applications.

What is Angular Framework?

Angular is an open-source framework as well as a platform that is designed explicitly for developing web apps and single-page applications. Angular is written in TypeScript programming language and strictly follows HTML template and a great declarative language for building robust web applications.

The developers working with an AngularJS development company typically uses Angular framework to design and build scalable web applications by implementing core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries.

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Understanding Angular App Development Structure

After exploring the basic concept of what is Angular framework, it’s time to understand how Angular works, it becomes essential for the developers to deeply analyze the workspace structure and application configuration involved in the Angular structural framework process.

Every Angular app works in the form of a workspace. By default ng new name_of_application command generates a skeleton application at the root of the workspace in the below fashion.

workspace/(folder name is name_of_application given at cmd)
... (workspace-wide config files)
src/ --(source and support files for application)

The developers usually refer to this structure as a ‘multi-repo’ development style where each application has its workspace. In addition, the ‘workspace’ folder consists of workspace-specific configuration files, whereas the ‘src’ folder consists of application-specific files and folders.

Let’s see details about the essential configuration files related to the workspace for building dynamic applications.

Workspace Configuration Files

  • angular.json – The file manages the workspace and project-specific defaults for every Angular build and development purpose. No matter how many npm packages the developers have installed in the workspace, they need to specify the list of packages to be used when they need them in your application in angular.json.
  • package.json – This AngularJS framework file includes the project’s metadata and plays an essential role in managing the project’s dependencies, scripts, npm package versions and many more.
  • package-lock.json – This file includes all the information related to npm packages installed in the npm_modules folder. Some info like package version, hash to verify the package integrity and list of its dependencies are included in the file.
  • tsconfig.json – TypeScript is a language developers typically use to develop Angular apps. This file specifies root files and compiler options required to compile our web application development process.

Application Configuration Files

index.html – It’s the same page of HTML rendered for the AngularJS app and displayed to the user in the browser.
main.ts – It’s an important file in the Angular application and is responsible for compiling all reusable components and template files with JIT(Just In Time) compiler. Moreover, the developers can also use the Ahead Of Time compiler by adding –aot flag to ng build or ng serve CLI commands(Recommended for production environment).

Related Post: What is Promise in Angular

How Does Angular Work?

In an Angular application, a module is nothing but a collection of components, directives, pipes, and services that are typically used in the application. All such groups communicate with each other to effectively build robust functionality to make your application secure and robust.

Angular comes up with a list of built-in modules like the HTTP module (to make an HTTP call from the application), and an extensive enterprise application is nothing but a collection of such modules.

Below are the eight building blocks of Angular application that every developer typically use on a regular basis to make smooth application development process:

  • Modules: For every Angular application, you will have only one root module named AppModule. The module usually provides the Angular developers with the bootstrap mechanism that makes it easy to launch the new application secure and robust.
  • Components: Like modules, every Angular project contains at least one component, the root component. The primary role of the root component is to connect the component hierarchy with a page document object model (DOM) element.
  • Services: The Angular developers create a service class when no specific data or logic is associated with the particular view. In addition, the developers can even share the data or logic among different reusable components. The @Injectable decorator immediately precedes the service class definition.
  • Templates: Angular templates are nothing but a combination of HTML and Angular markup. The primary aim of such templates is to modify HTML elements before they are displayed quickly. In addition, template directives provide program logic, and binding markup connects your application data and the DOM manipulation.
  • Metadata: Metadata is nothing but an instructor that informs Angular about how to process a class. It is designed explicitly to decorate the class so that the developers can quickly configure the expected behavior of a class.
  • Data Binding: The Angular data binding concept typically handles real-time communication between a template and its related component. Moreover, data binding is also a boon for communication between parent and child components.
  • Directives: Angular components libraries and directives are interconnected with each other. In simple words, we can say that directives and components both are essential building blocks of blocks of Angular web apps.
  • Dependency Injection: The primary role of the Angular developer is to keep the component classes short and straightforward. And that’s what Dependency Injection (DI) does. Dependency Injection eliminate such task and is not responsible for fetching data from a server, validating the user input, or logging directly into the console.

To know more about each building block in detail, click here.

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Angular Bootstrapping Process

When an Angular application loads, that specific process is known as bootstrapping. Generally, the Angular project file structure is divided into three categories:

  • Application files
  • Bootstrap files
  • Configuration files

The below figure demonstrates the exact location of these files.

Angular Bootstrapping Process

Angular application’s bootstrapping process usually initiates from the main.ts file. This file includes the basic configurations for the main module that need to be loaded initially.

In the below figure, you can see that we have passed the bootstrap module in the main.ts. Subsequently, write code flows to Appmodule from this main.ts.

Angular Loads Appcomponent

In an App module, we can define a bootstrap Array specifically at the @NgModule decorator. So, at this point, Angular loads AppComponent as the root component on UI.

Passed The Bootstrap Module in the Main.ts.

Let’s recall; Bootstrapping is the technique of initializing the root module and loading the root component into the index.html file In the Angular eco-system. So multiple things happen in the background when we run ng serve, or ng build.

Background When We Run NG Serve, or NG Build

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Now, let’s see how a bootstrapping process works step-by-step.

  • With the help of the tsc TypeScript compiler, the compilation of application Javascript code starts.
  • Webpack is used for bundling and minification of javascript files.
  • The deployment and bootstrapping process take place.
  • Run JIT compiler for all components, AngularJS directives and pipes.
  • Render index.html in the browser.

Do you know the primary difference between JIT and AOT compiler?

In the AOT compiler, the compilation process usually occurs during build time, whereas in JIT, the compilation happens during runtime in the browser.

The angular.json file usually includes multiple configuration properties related to building and development. However, the ‘builder’, ‘index’ and ‘main’ properties under ‘build’ are the essential parameters that play a vital role in Angular development.

"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"index": "src/index.html",
"main": "src/main.ts",

So, once the developer gives the command ng serve or ng build, Angular CLI searches for angular.json for these specific properties.

‘builder’ property informs Angular CLI where it can find developers to build Angular apps for the browser environment.
‘index’ and ‘main’ properties help AngularJS developers to specify an index.html file to be rendered in the browser and main.ts, which handles the bootstrapping process.

Now, it’s time for the Angular CLI to call the typescript compiler to transpile all the typescript codes into a javascript code using the configuration provided in tsconfig.json.

And if we talk about “index.html” file, you’ll see only element defined inside the tag. is the root component template language injected specifically at runtime.

Apart from these, there is neither any javascript file nor any reference to style links.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Sample Application</title>
  <base href="/">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.a7a7ed6d783a0950.css" media="print" onload="this.media='all'">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.a7a7ed6d783a0950.css">
  <script src="runtime.0298365924d274ea.js" type="module"></script>
  <script src="polyfills.daf14d28d6c3636f.js" type="module"></script>
  <script src="main.94e04dd2c597738f.js" type="module"></script>

Once the angular developer transpiles the typescript codes, Angular CLI uses Webpack to minify and bundle all the essential files easily. And such files are then added as a reference to the index.html file.

Let’s look at the working of each file:

  • runtime.js – It contains utility codes used by Webpack, making it easy for the developers to load other files.
  • vendor.js – It has 3rd party library codes which are imported into ngModules.
  • polyfill.js – It contains the polyfills required to make the app compatible among different browsers.
  • main.js – It contains all the javascript codes written in our application.

When the developer runs the ng serve command, application codes are specifically built in the local environment and served from memory. On the other hand, ng build returns all the transpiled codes into the dist folder, which can be deployed to any hosting vendor and served from there.

At runtime in the browser, main.js is one file solely responsible for bootstrapping Angular apps. Therefore, it is a crucial file containing all application codes and how to compile and run them. And as we know that Angular CLI search for angular.json to get the main.ts file.

Let’s look at the static documents like main.ts file; it has a couple of import statements along with some lines of code.

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';

import { environment } from './environments/environment';

if (environment.production) {

.catch(err => console.error(err));

Instead of using import statements, the developers can utilize the business logic code to enable production mode if the target environment is production. In the above code, the line platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);. defines a lot of action when executed by Angular CLI.

As we can see from the above code, you need to import the platformBrowserDynamic module from the @angular/platform-browser-dynamic library.

Next, the developer calls platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule) by passing the root AppModule as a parameter.

Behind the scenes, the bootstrapModule is responsible for creating a JIT compiler instance where it crawls through all components, directives and pipes declared in AppModule @NgModule decorator and other feature modules imported in AppModule.

Once it finds the Component having ‘app-root’ as its selector, it will render the component template in index.html.

But how does Angular know where to find a template for in index.html? Let’s find out in the next section.

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The root AppModule we passed earlier refers to the @ngModule decorator in AppModule. @NgModule decorator contains metadata of all the components, directives and pipes, along with other feature modules imported under AppModule.

It also specifies services available at the app level under providers and bootstrap property, specifying the root component as shown below.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once the developers identify the root AppComponent, it utilizes the @Component decorator in AppComponent. @Component contains metadata of the below properties :

  • selector: It is used to identify all the components in the Angular app.
  • templateUrl: It provides a path to the component HTML template file.
  • styleUrls: It gives the path to component styles.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Sample Application';

There it is! app-root specified in selector matches with app-root in index.html. It then finds an HTML template along with styles and renders the same in index.html where app-root is present.

Related Post: Resolver in Angular


Finally after this post on how angular application works, we can say that an Angular application is a tree to component and these components are further enabled to add behavior to UI through

  • Services
  • Pipes
  • Directives
  • Dependency injection, and
  • Modules

Such aspects are basically a logical unit of a big application, many modules are tied together to build a robust Angular Application.

For some core and basic key features, AngularJS solves majority of issues as it provides us with some built-in modules, pipes and directives and we can also create our own building blocks and tie them together to build an enterprise-level application.

So in nutshell Angular application works as a component of trees tied together to build modules and an enterprise-level Angular application.

Contact Albiorix to unlock limitless possibilities with Angular to build the next-generation, modern, and responsive web application for business. Our dedicated Angular developers create stunning web applications using their expertise.

Angular Best Practices in 2023 To Build Web Applications

Developed and maintained by Google, Angular which is a complete rewrite of the AngularJS framework is designed explicitly for building dynamic programming structures. The primary base or we can say that Angular’s main building blocks are modules, components, metadata, templates, data binding, services, directives, and dependency injection.

It typically comes up with a wide spectrum of other internal platforms for designing SPAs using leading technologies like HTML, CSS, and Typescript. And as we know that TypeScript development services is a superscript of the JavaScript framework that is specifically used fordeveloping Angular apps.

By using Angular technology, we can create more compatible and robust UI applications. Because of these functionalities, Angular is still one of the most popular front-end frameworks in 2023. To make it easy, we have come up with an article that demonstrates the angular best practices that every developer needs to adapt to build robust web applications.

Key Takeaways

  • You’ll come across various Angular best practices in 2023 that help you improve the efficiency, maintainability, and performance of Angular applications.
  • It covers topics such as lazy loading, Angular CLI, Angular Material, reactive forms, RxJS, AOT compilation, and error handling.
  • By following these best practices, developers can streamline their development process and create high-quality Angular applications.

16 Angular Best Practices That You Need To Follow

Angular is the best framework for developing feature-rich and robust web applications for your business needs. To know more about the AngularJS frameworks, read the post on what is Angular. Now, let’s explore some of the Angular best practices that you need to follow in 2023 for designing and building robust web application development.

  1. Use Angular CLI

    Angular CLI (Angular Command Line Interface) is an end-to-end and robust tool that helps you with initialization, development, maintenance, test process, and even debug Angular applications. The primary role of the Angular command line interface tool is to simplify the overall approach and fast-track schedules.

    So, when using Angular CLI for your in-house Angular apps, you must know the essential functions of Angular CLI. So, if you want to install CLI using NPM packages, you must use npm install -g @angular/cli.

    Now, let us explore some of the commands that help you deal with Angular CLI commands.

    • ng new: To create a new Angular app from scratch and can start a fully functional application right out of the box.
    • ng create:To use test shells for creating components, routes, services, and pipes with a single command.
    • ng serve: It is primarily used for an application developed locally and needs to be tested in the developing phase.
    • ng test:It runs end-to-end or local unit tests of the most common command.
    • ng lint: It plays a vital role in creating a code shine using its own lint rules.
    • ng add @angular/pwa: If you want to set up an Angular service worker.

    With the help of Angular CLI, you find it easy to initiate the website development process, and is considered to be one of the easiest ways to understand the business logic, no matter, if some other developer has worked on it. It will eventually reduce a lot of costs and boosts the time of developers.

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  2. Use ES6 Functionality

    The full form of ES6 is ECMAScript 6 which allows you to deal with new syntax and angular features to make code that is more modern and clear. ES6 is continuously modernized with new functionalities and features.

    Often, there exist many ES6 features like Let and Const, Arrow Functions, and Object Literals string interpolation making JavaScript programming easier for you.

  3. Maintaining Proper Angular Folder Structure

    One of the most common Angular JS best practices is maintaining files and folder structure that make the work easier for you. Let’s see angular folder structure best practices and how you need to name files and classes and how to organize the angular folder system in an Angular project.

    • File Naming

    As a part of angular folder structure best practices, you must give special attention to the file name, especially during file creation. In addition, the file names must be consistent with the same pattern in which we mention the file’s feature module first and then the type, dot separated.

    It means that you must use the same file name and same template file for your Angular app.

    Some examples of file naming are home.component.ts or home.component.html file, or auth.service.ts. You can add more descriptive names to the existing environment files by using a dash(-) to separate the words in the name: menu-admin-user.component.ts.

    Above all, the most important thing is that the file and folder names should convey their purpose.

    • Class Naming

    The proper use of the upper camel case style with the added suffix typically represents your file type in the class names. Some examples are TcHomeComponent, and AuthService.

    • Folder Structure

    Apart from the file name, maintaining the angular folder structure plays an essential role in Angular framework development. The best way to manage the folder system is depicted in the image shown below:
    Folder Structure for Angular Best Practices

  4. Make a Habit of Using Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading typically loads different modules like documents, JS, CSS, videos, images, etc. It is solely responsible for enhancing the application’s load time speed, and it is usually done by breaking it into multiple packets and loading them on request.

    Instead of using other related functions to perform a lazy load of the feature modules, lazy loading can be helpful to you while your large application loads.

    Lazy load processing will only take place when something is really used. The Angular developers working in the best AngularJS development company utilize the lazy-loading function to loadChildren instead of loading the component level in the AppRoutingModule routes configuration using Angular router module.

    Once your Angular application starts, a distinct app feature module can be lazy-loaded or loaded on demand. And is considered to be one of the Angular best practices in 2023 to follow.

    const routes: Routes = [
        path: 'profile',
        loadChildren: () => import('./modules/profile/profile.module').then(m => m.ProfileModule)

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  5. Angular Coding Practices

    One of the most common Angular best practices is that you must follow Angular code standards. This is one of the Angular services’ best practices that is an impressive way of programming web applications and mobile development.

    In Angular applications, you can follow certain Angular coding structure, standards and styles to get the best user experience.

    It becomes challenging for Angular developers to fix bugs and reflect on immediate issues, especially when dealing with complex code structures.

    Let’s explore some angular code standards, as a part of Angular guidelines, need to follow to make web application development comply with the angular coding standards guide.

    • For every file, the code must not exceed 400 lines limit.
    • For every function, the code must not exceed 75 lines.
    • You may use the custom prefix to eliminate particular container element name collisions with other Angular apps’ parent and child components and native HTML elements.
    • Make a habit of using “const” if you find only the possible values of the environment variables, Angular app is intact.
    • Property name ,file name, and method name must be in lower camel case.
    • The best option is always to leave one empty line between imports and modules like third-party and application imports and third-party modules and custom modules.
    • As in some programming languages, we shouldn’t name our interfaces with the starting capital I letter.

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  6. Using “trackBy” Along With ‘ngFor’

    ‘ngFor’ allows Angular developers to quickly re-render the whole DOM tree after making any significant changes in the array. It will eventually help Angular make DOM changes specific to defined array rather than re-rendering DOM.

    Obviously, Angular re-renders is one such process that will take more loading process and typically take more time than utilizing ‘trackBy’.

    If you are using ‘ngFor’ like:

     <li *ngfor= "let item of collection;"> {{item.id}} </li>

    So, you make any change, the entire DOM elements tree will be automatically re-rendered.

    selector: 'my-angular-app',
    template: '
     <li *ngfor=let item of collection; trackBy: trackByFn"> {{item.id}} </li>
    <button (click)="getItems()"> Refresh Items </button>',
    export class App {
    constructor() {
       this.collection = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}];
    getItems() {
       this.collection = this.getItemsFromServer();
       return [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id:4}];
    trackByfn(index, item) {
       return index;
  7. Using Interfaces

    Interfaces play an essential role, especially when they need to create a contract for class. Moreover, it helps you to create the class to implement functions and properties declared inside the interface.

    One example is to have angular life cycle hooks in the component: class HomeComponent implements OnInit and OnDestroy in the Angular application.

    With the use of interfaces, you can easily deal with object literals. If our object is an interface type, it is obligated to implement all of the interface’s properties.

  8. Single Responsibility Principle

    One of the standard Angular best practices that every developer needs to follow is not to create more than one component, service, or directive inside a single file.

    As a part of the single responsibility principle, every file in an Angular application should be solely responsible for developing a single and separate functionality. With the help of the single responsibility principle, we are keeping our files clean, readable, and maintainable.

  9. Make a Habit of Using Safe Navigation Operator (?)

    On the safer side, the developers must use the safe navigation operator to access a property directly from only one object in a component’s template.

    For a null object, when you try to access a property, they will get an exception. But if they make a habit to use the save navigation (?) operator, the template will ignore the null value and will access the property once the object is not null anymore.

    Related Post: Resolver in Angular
  10. Use OnPush change detection strategy

    By using the OnPush change detection process, Angular will only check for changes when the input changes, rather than every time there is a change in the application.

    // app.component.ts
      selector: 'app-root',
      templateUrl: './app.component.html',
      changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
    export class AppComponent {
      @Input() items: Item[];
  11. Prevent Memory Leaks in Angular Observable

    Observable memory leaks are common in almost every programming language, framework, or Angular component libraries. And yes, Angular is no exception to that.

    Observables play a vital role to prevent memory leaks and helps in designing and building an Angular project for every business need in the Angular applications. It is solely capable to streamline the application data, but memory leak is one of the severe issues that might occur if you are not focused. It can create the worst situation in mid of development.

    Angular Best Practices That Developers Need to Follow To Avoid Leaks.

    • Using async pipe
    • Using take(1)
    • Using takeUntil()
  12. Using index.ts

    index.ts helps you to keep all related things together so that they don’t have to be bothered about the source file name. This helps reduce the size of the import statement.

    For example, we have article/index.ts as

    export * from './article.model';
    export * from './article.config';
    export {ArticleComponent} from './article.component';

    You can easily import all such things directly using the source folder name.

    import {Article, ArticleConfig} from '..article';
  13. Build Reusable Components

    If you need to use UI in many places in the Angular application, they need to build a component out of it and use the feature.

    It will save you from a lot of trouble if there are some drastic changes in the UI. So, you need not change the UI code quality in all places. Instead, you can change the code in the component, and that is it.

    For this, you may have to use property and event bindings to pass inputs to the reusable components as a part of Angular material best practices and receive output events from all the components, respectively.

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  14. Using Immutability

    Objects and arrays are the reference types in javascript. If we want to copy them into another object or an array and modify them, the best practice is to do that in an immutable way.

    By upgrading such types immutably, we are preserving the original objects and arrays and modifying only their copies. The easiest way to modify objects and arrays immutably is by using the es6 spread operator (…):

    this.user = {
      name: 'Mike',
      age: 35,
      address: 'Text Street 134'
    let updatedUser = {
      name: 'Mark'

    We are copying the user object and then just overriding the name property.
    Let’s take a look at how to use the spread operator with arrays:

    public results = [20, 22, 24];
    let newNumbers = [...this.numbers, 55, 57];

    Now if we remove or modify any of the numbers from the newNumbers array, the original array is going to be preserved with all of its values.

  15. Implementing Lazy Loading

    Implementing a lazy loading feature is strictly recommended for you, especially when dealing with multi-modular structure applications.

    The good part of this approach is that they can quickly load resources on demand, not all at once. It will eventually help them in decreasing the startup time. Modules we are loading applications lazily as soon as a user navigates to their routes.

    Related Post: jQuery vs Angular

    Let’s show how to set up a lazy load in our module:

    const appRoutes: Route[] = [
      { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
      { path: 'owner', loadChildren: "./owner/owner.module#OwnerModule" },

    In this code file example, the HomeComponent loads eagerly but the OwnerModule and all the smart components registered in that core module file loads in a lazy manner.

  16. Try Not to Use ngIf with complex expressions

    Rather than using ngIf, one of the best Angular best practices that you must follow is adopting using ngSwitch for better performance.


We’ve come across the Angular best practices in terms of Angular coding and other essential parameters that make the Angular application process smooth. The Angular project framework makes it easy for you to design and build web applications.

With this comprehensive, opinionated blog on the best practices, we have covered all the major aspects and best practices that can be used by businesses in their Angular development process and reap maximum benefits from it.

In addition, there’s always scope to improve and write code as per angular coding standards and build web and mobile apps. You can unlock the full potential of Angular with Albioirx comprehensive Angular development expertise, Let’s get started!!

What is Angular? Architecture & Advantages That You Must Be Aware Of

Nowadays, the demand for websites is becoming a boom for many businesses ranging from social media to healthcare, from eCommerce to online banking. Besides, billions of people use the web and mobile apps for almost everything globally.

And yes, of course, as per the user’s demands, such business websites need to be updated. But the main question still arises: which is the best and most convenient method to create a web application?

You’ll come across many front-end tools and other frameworks like ReactJS, Vue, and many more. I think Angular is the preferred and excellent framework that makes it easy to design and build web applications smoothly.

We have come up with an article that answers your question, “what is Angular?” You’ll get detailed information on the Angular framework and why should you opt for this awesome framework.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular is a popular open-source framework for building web applications. It was developed and is maintained by Google.
  • Angular is a complete framework, which means it provides everything you need to build a web application, including templating, routing, and data binding.
  • Angular is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features.
  • Angular uses a component-based architecture, where components are building blocks that make up the UI of an application.
  • Angular provides a powerful set of tools for building reactive and dynamic UIs, including observables, operators, and subjects.
  • Angular also provides built-in support for testing, debugging, and performance optimization.
  • Angular has a large and active community of developers, which means there are many resources available for learning and getting help with the framework.

What is Angular?

AngularJS is the first version, while the Angular 2+ version is referred to as Angular. Angular is a framework as well as a platform that is designed explicitly for developing web and single-page applications. Angular is an open-source framework and is written in TypeScript programming language and strictly follows HTML template language for building robust web applications.

Angular is one of the best JavaScript frameworks that is solely responsible for implementing core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.

Angular specifies a certain style and certain rules for Angular libraries that developers working with an AngularJS development company need to follow and adhere to while developing apps.

What is the Difference Between Angular and AngularJS?

One of the biggest questions that arise in your mind when you hear the word “Angular” is: What is the ultimate difference between AngularJS vs. Angular? What is Angular vs. AngularJS? Are Angular and AngularJS the same?

To answer the question, I’ve highlighted the best differences between Angular vs. AngularJS.

  • AngularJS is the first version, while Angular version 2+ is the Angular framework.
  • AngularJS uses JavaScript as a primary language, while Angular is an open-source framework and typically uses TypeScript as a programming language.
  • Angular and AngularJS are the front-end and open-source platforms that help you create dynamic SPAs for your business needs.
  • AngularJS typically uses MVC architecture, while Angular follows the components and directives approach.
  • AngularJS framework is not mobile-friendly, while Angular is a mobile-friendly framework.

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How Does Angular Work?

As discussed, Angular is a framework for building web applications using HTML and JavaScript. Also, it uses a TypeScript language that makes it easy for the developers to compile it to JavaScript.

After having a look at what is Angular, the main question arises: how does Angular work? To answer this question, you need to understand the basic concept of working on Angular applications.

The framework typically follows Angular architecture patterns that consists of several Angular component libraries, some the core and some optional.

Angular architecture patterns

From the above diagram, we can see that the framework follows Angular architecture patterns and is usually divided into 8 main blocks:

  1. Modules

    For every Angular application, you will have only one root module named AppModule. The root module usually provides the Angular developers with the bootstrap mechanism that makes it easy to launch the new application. Modules are the one of the most essential aspect, if you’re understanding what is Angular.

    An app typically contains many functional modules. Let’s say you are planning to use another custom Angular module for your application; then, it becomes mandatory for you to register the same module in the app.module.ts file.

    One of the best option is to hire Angular developers from reputed organization where they can easily organize the source code into distinct functional modules. It helps you in managing the complex web application development and designing for reusability.

  2. Components

    Like modules, every Angular project contains at least one component, the root component. The primary role of the root component is to connect the component hierarchy with a page document object model (DOM).

    Inside every component, the developers define the class that contains application data and logic. Moreover, the Angular material components are associated with the same HTML template that defines the view displayed in a target app. The Angular components control a patch of the screen called a view.

  3. Templates

    Angular templates are nothing but a combination of HTML and Angular markup. The primary aim of such an Angular template is to modify HTML elements before they are displayed quickly. In addition, template directives provide program logic, and binding markup connects your application data and the document object model (DOM).

    Generally, there are two types of data binding.

    • Event Binding: With the help of Event Binding, you can efficiently build an app that efficiently responds to user input in the target environment by updating your app data.
    • Property Binding:Angular is a component-based framework that supports Property binding where the developers interpolate values computed from app to fetch data into the HTML elements of the web page.
  4. Metadata

    Metadata is nothing but an instructor that informs Angular about how to process a class. It is designed explicitly to decorate the class so that the developers can quickly configure the expected behavior of a class.

    If you are working with the Angular 2+ version, decorators are one of the essential concepts you need to deal with. The user can use metadata to a class to tell the Angular app that AppComponent is the main root component. In addition, metadata can be attached to the TypeScript using the decorator.

  5. Data Binding

    The Angular data binding concept typically handles real-time communication between a template and its related component. Moreover, data binding is also a boon for communication between parent and child components.

    Angular allows communication between a component and the DOM, making it very easy to define interactive applications without worrying about pulling and pushing the data.

  6. Directives

    Angular components and directives are interconnected with each other. In simple words, we can say that directives and components both are essential building blocks of Angular applications.

    One such Angular directive is ngClass, a better example of the existing Angular attribute directive.

  7. Services

    The Angular developers create a service class when no specific data or logic is associated with the particular view. In addition, the developers can even share the data or logic among different components.

    The @Injectable decorator immediately precedes the service class definition. The decorator provides the metadata that allows your service to be injected into client components as a dependency.

    The main functionality of the Angular framework is to distinguish components from services. And it leads to increase modularity and reusability for your application. For example, once the developers separate a component’s view-related functionality from other processing, you can make your component classes lean and efficient.

  8. Dependency Injection

    The primary role of the Angular developer is to keep the component classes short and straightforward. And that’s what Dependency Injection (DI) does.

    DI is not responsible for fetching data from a server, validating the user input, or logging directly into the console. In addition, they are accountable for delegating such tasks to the services.

    DI is equipped with the AngularJS framework and is typically used by developers everywhere to create new components using the user input validation system with the services. Components consume services; you can inject a service into a component, giving the component access to that service class.

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Advantages of Angular Framework

Let’s highlight some of the biggest and most beneficial advantages of Angular that bring convenience to building web applications for your business needs.  Moreover, the biggest advantage that we can say for sure is that there are many leading websites built using the Angular framework.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Supported by Google

    One of the biggest advantages that have come up with the Angular framework is the Long-Term Support (LTS). Google offers long-term support for Angular, which help you to deal with Google’s plan to keep using the framework and expand the Angular ecosystem.

    The exciting part about Angular ecosystem is that Google employs Angular and plays a vital role in improving the performance of the web application. With its active support of LTS, Angular help you scale your web application easily.

  2. TypeScript

    TypeScript is the primary language that is built explicitly for Angular application development. TypeScript is nothing but a superscript for JavaScript, and it allows for optimal code quality, making the web application more secure.

    Its active support of TypeScript helps Angular developers easily detect and eliminate mistakes early to deal with completely rewrite the code or performing maintenance operations.

    Browsers will not execute TypeScript directly. First, the Typescript code must be “transpiled” into JavaScript with the help of tsc compiler, which requires some updates in Angular configuration file.

  3. Declarative UI

    With the help of dynamic HTML elements, the user interface (UI) of the Angular application is built. HTML is a more simple language as compared to JavaScript programming language. Angular is also a declarative and easy-to-use language that exclusively supports directives such as ng-app, ng-model, etc.

  4. POJO (Plain Old Java Object)

    POJO approach is included in the Angular framework. The developers do not need to use Angular’s getters and setters method.

    By including POJO, the developers find it easy to perform object manipulation via all of JavaScript’s standard functionalities. Moreover, one of the best Angular practices that developers can perform is to simply quickly remove or add properties from the things while also iterating over them as needed.

  5. SPA and PWA

    One of the most cost-effective methods for website development to make it behave like mobile apps is a Progressive Web App (PWA). It is responsible for minimizing the network requirements and, most importantly, enhancing the web app performance.

    Single-page web applications (SPA) may be written primarily when the developers need to utilize the server-side rendering capabilities of Angular. Moreover, single-page web applications it helps the developers to load the home page quickly and improves website performance on mobile and low-powered devices.

    You can even make use of Angular Ivy to compile components more independently of each other quickly for your business applications.

  6. Simplified MVC Pattern

    The Angular framework typically uses the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture rather than an MVC (Model-View-Controller). With the help of the MVVM model, the developers can efficiently deal with two-way data binding between View and ViewModel.

    In addition, Angular platform allows the developers to deal with the automatic propagation to change within ViewModel’s state to the view. ViewModel data strictly uses the observer model to inform changes to the ViewModel model to model.

  7. Modular Structure

    The entire Angular source code is grouped into different essential web page elements like Angular components, directives, pipes, and services. Modules are considered to be the heart of the Angular framework’s intuitive application structure. The developers can easily deal with framing the features of applications using the entire tree structure smoothly.

    Modules play a vital role in lazy loading. In simple words, by including modules in the Angular application, you’ll find featuring differential loading functionality of the application website’s on-demand turns to be faster.

    With the help of Angular, you may develop a complex app while dividing work and ensuring organized and generated code. When you have a solid grasp of these, you may make the most of the modules. Modularization might enhance developer efficiency in certain situations.

    So, these are the best advantages of using Angular framework that you need to be aware of while developing a robust web app for your business needs.

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Limitations of Angular Framework

It’s time to highlight some of the drawbacks of the Angular framework. But with the recent updates, the Angular community is working hard to remove such limitations.

Advantages of Angular

  1. Limited Search Engine Optimization Options

    Generally, the Angular framework comes up with the platform’s limited Search Engine Optimization (SEO) options and poor accessibility for search engine crawlers. And it’s one of the major drawbacks of using the Angular framework.

    Being that Google is the number one search engine on the planet, we can’t imagine this problem will continue to persist for much longer before a solution is presented in another update.

  2. Steep Learning Curve

    Another glaring con of using the Angular framework is that it can be quite difficult to learn.

    With such a complex web of modules, coding languages, integrations and customizing capabilities, understanding Angular definitely takes some time.

    Fortunately, Angular provides phenomenal support and there are a number of online tutorials and courses you can take to catch up and start taking full advantage of all the program has to offer.

  3. Migration

    One of the reasons that companies do not use Angular frequently is the difficulty in porting legacy js/jquery-based code to angular-style architecture. If I talk about jQuery vs Angular, both are meant for different perspectives. Also, each new release can be troublesome to upgrade, and several of them are not backward-compatible.

  4. Performance

    Dynamic applications didn’t always perform that well. Complex SPAs could be laggy and inconvenient to use due to their size. One of the primary reasons that why we use Angular is the enhancing the performance of your business web applications.

  5. Lacking CLI Documentation

    Some developers express concerns with the current state of CLI documentation. While the command line is very useful for Angular developers, you won’t find enough information in their official documentation on GitHub and you have to spend more time exploring threads on GitHub to get answers.

What are the Angular Best Practices That You Need to Follow?

Understanding and following Angular best practices is one of the most essential factors for both developers and business owners. Let’s highlight some of the common Angular best practices that you need to consider while developing web application.

  • Make a habit of using Angular CLI.
  • Utilize the ES6 functionality to make robust web app
  • Creating and maintaining proper folder structure
  • Use Lazy loading feature as and when required
  • Always following the coding practices for Angular development
  • Use “trackBy” along with ‘ngFor’
  • Use Interfaces to deal with object literals

By taking care of the above Angular best practices, let’s move to the section about how to develop Angular applications from scratch.

What are Angular Development Tools?

The Angular development process is made easier by utilizing the best tools, especially for developers. Herein, we’ve highlighted the list of the best Angular development tools that will make work easier for developers to perform coding efficiently.

  • Karma: Makes your code testing process smooth. You can quickly recover from potential flaws, errors, and defects using the Angular testing framework.
  • Jasmine: No need to rely on any browser or other JavaScript testing environment. With its easy-to-use syntax, Jasmine allows you to write and test the code easily.
  • Protractor: You can quickly perform testing Angular applications directly on the software, and such tests can be easily synchronized to the page.
  • Webstorm: It is considered to the best IDE for performing coding efficiently. The Angular developers find it relatively easy to deal with best coding practices.
  • Mocha.js: It’s a robust testing framework that typically deals with asynchronous testing functionalities.
  • Angular Kickstart: Its easy-to-use interface allows you to work with faster satisfaction of all your business needs.
  • Angular Fire: It is solely responsible for fostering dynamic API features, three-way data binding, and other essential features.
  • Djangular: You’ll get a reusable application with responsive app integration with the AngularJS framework.
  • Rest-angular: This Angular development tool is solely responsible for dealing with large data consumption from REST API.
  • Ng-inspector:This tool enables browsers with an inspector panel, helping developers to develop, debug, and understand develop Angular applications quickly.

How To Create Angular Application?

I hope you’re now clear with what is Angular. Right? So let’s move ahead and focus on essentials steps to create an Angular application from scratch. We will discuss the complete step-by-step guide on how to proceed ahead with a new Angular application.

Before that, the developers need to analyze the list of the best Angular development tools to make the web app development process smooth.

Step 1: Angular CLI Installation

Angular CLI (Command-line Interface) is the official and main tool for creating Angular applications. To install CLI, we need to provide the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli.

Step 2: Angular Project Initialization

To initialize the Angular application, first of all, you need to navigate to the location where you want to keep your project.

cd ~
ng new angular-application”

So, it’s the first and most important step that is going to be used for creating a new Angular application. Once you give this command, the CLI will prompt you with multiple options that you want to configure for your application.

creating angular application

Step 3: Adding Angular HttpClient

Now, we need to import HttpClientModule to our app.module.ts file.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';

declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Likewise, whatever the components you add, do not forget to import them; otherwise, it will throw an error. When the developers are dealing with asynchronous operations like an HTTP request, you need to deal with promise in Angular development.

Step 4: Creating UI Components

As stated earlier, Components are the building blocks of Angular application. Creating an Angular component is simple.

creating ui components

Here, we have created the “employee” component. And as you can see that all the essential files are automatically created by the Angular CLI makes you create a rich user interface..

created by the angular cli

Likewise, let us create one more component (admin) in our Angular application. So, now we have two components employee and admin.

Step 5: Adding Routing Functionality

We will perform the redirection of the empty path to the employee component. This, in order, will constitute the first-time users’ automatic redirection to the home page.

You’ll need a class, technically known as resolver in Angular, development that is solely responsible for implementing the Resolve interface of Angular Router.

We’ll be running the following set of routes into our src/app/app-routing.module.ts file:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { EmployeeComponent } from './employee/employee.component';
import { AdminComponent } from './admin/admin.component';
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'employee', pathMatch: 'full'},
{ path: 'employee', component: EmployeeComponent },
{ path: 'admin', component: AdminComponent },
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

This way, we can work with the Angular framework. Yes, it is the basic concepts that help you create a simple Angular application from scratch.

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Which are the Leading Websites Built Using the Angular Framework?

After having a detailed look at the concept of what is Angular, you must be having a big question in mind: which are the websites built using the Angular framework. I have listed the best websites developed using the Angular framework:

  1. Google
  2. UpWork
  3. Gmail
  4. Deutsche Bank
  5. Paypal
  6. Freelancer
  7. Microsoft Xbox
  8. WikiWand
  9. Forbes

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Summary of Angular Framework

After having a detailed look at what is Angular framework, we can give a final summary:

  • For front-end development process, Angular is a one-stop solution for developers. Apart from Angular, ReactJS is also best option for it. If we talk about Angular vs React, they are equally important for web app development. It involves the applications client-side and has little to do with the back end.
  • Angular is best utilized for completing advanced, large-scale Angular projects under the direction of a seasoned developer.
  • The developers can easily add Angular elements to projects utilizing a different platform, such as React or Polymer.
  • Google supports the Angular framework.
  • This program is not up to par with SEO best practices, so opt for a different platform if your primary focus is search engine optimization.
  • Angular is a JavaScript framework—not a JS Library.

I hope you got a clear understanding of the Angular framework and its usage. If you are planning to build a new web application for your business needs, Albiorix is a one-stop solution for Angular development services.

Resolver in Angular – Explained Angular Resolver With Examples

In regular Angular application development, the developers typically fetches data from the API with the ngOnInit hook, and then rendering it to the UI. While the Angular router waits for the API response to return the complete data, the component renders the loading, skeleton. etc

But, there’s also alternate way to get the data first and then redirect your component. It’s call Route Resolver. One of the common issues that many Angular developers have in mind is how to handle multiple requests without affecting the user experience.

One of the global solutions to this issue is to implement Angular Resolver. In this resolver in angular post, we have come up with an answer to the above question and will understand the implementation of Route Resolver in Angular.

What is Resolver in Angular?

Angular route resolver allows the developers to get data before navigating to the new route. In simple words, we can say that it’s a smooth approach that quickly improves user experience and user interaction actions by simply loading Resolved data just before the user navigates to any specific component.

A Resolver in Angular development is nothing but a class that implements the Resolve interface of Angular Router. We can say that Resolver is simply a service call that has to be included in the root module. A angular resolver development works like just a simple middleware, which can be executed before a component defined is loaded.

To know more about Angular in detail, you can read the article on what is Angular

Difference Between Basic Routing Flow and Angular Resolver Flow

Basic Routing Flow Angular Resolver Flow
The end-user clicks on link The end-user make a click on the link.
The Angular framework simply loads data from the respective component Angular executes certain code and returns a value or resolved data observable.
You can collect the returned value or observable in the constructor or in ngOnInit, in the data provider class of your component which is about to load.
Use the collected data for your purpose.
Now you can load your component.

In angular functional resolver, steps 2,3 and 4 are done with a code called Resolver.

As a concluding point, we can say that Resolver in Angular development is an intermediate code that deals with the execution process between clicking the link and loading the component.

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Why Should You Opt For Angular Resolvers?

Angular Resolvers is responsible to fetch data or remove resolved data directly from the server before the activatedRoute of an upcoming component is finally activated. There is no involvement of a spinner until the data is fetched because the dedicated angular developer find it challenging to navigate to the next component unless the server data needed is retrieved.

To understand it better, let’s take one scenario- we want to display the array of items in a component received in an unordered list or table in our Angular project.

Let’s say the Angular developer is giving the command *ngIf=” passing some condition” and our business logic depends upon the length of an array, which will be altered once the API call is successful.

We might face an issue in such a case as the component will be ready before receiving the data (the array item isn’t yet with us).

Here comes Route Resolver to rescue. We can use Angular’s Route Resolver class for fetching the data before your component is loaded. And then, the conditional statements can work smoothly with the angular functional Resolver.

How to Implement Angular Resolver?

First of all, we need to understand the working process of the Resolve Interface. It is an essential part that Angular developers need to follow.

export interface Resolve {
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable | Promise | T {
  return 'Data resolved here...'
} }

To implement a Routing Resolver in Angular web development project, the angular web developers need to create a new class that will be responsible for implementing the above-defined user interface. This Angular routing module interface defines two main route parameters (if you need them) with an interface resolve method:

  • Route: It is of type ActivatedRouteSnapshot
  • State: It is of type RouterStateSnapshot

Here, you can create an API call that will get the data you need before your component initialization is loaded.

The route parameter helps the developers to get private route parameters that may be used in the API response call for only resolved data just before corresponding component initialization takes place. On the other hand, the resolve method can return an Observable, a promise or just a custom type.

Implementation of a Route Resolver in Angular

To make it simple for you, you can even use a JSON placeholder to implement a demo API for fetching employee data to demonstrate or create API calls with Angular route resolvers.

First of all, we will need a service that will fetch the employee data for us. In this service, we have a function called getEmployees() data that returns an observable.

providedIn: 'root'
export class EmployeeApiService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
  private employeesEndpoint = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/employees";
  getEmployees(): Observable {
      return this.http.get(this.employeesEndpoint);

It is important no to subscribe to the function getEmployees(). The route resolver service called EmployeeResolver will take care of this for you. The next step is to create a new service called EmployeeResolver which will implement the resolve data function of the Resolve method interface of the private router.

providedIn: 'root'
export class EmployeeResolverService implements Resolve {
  constructor(private employeeApi: EmployeeApiService) { }
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    return this.employeeApi.getEmployees().pipe(
      catchError((error) => {
      return empty();

This service, EmployeeResolver, will subscribe automatically to the getEmployees observable and provide the Angular’s router supports the fetched data. In case of an error, while fetching the data, you can send an empty observable and the router event data will not proceed to the route.
The successful route navigation will be terminated at this point.

To understand more details you can activate tracing support by passing a flag when it’s added to the app routes in your business data, like so:

	imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { enableTracing: true })],
	exports: [ RouterModule ]

export class AppRoutingModule {}

Our own Route reuse strategy help to avoid destroying the particular component during the navigation process.This last step is to create a component that will be called when the user goes to the /employees route.

Typically, without an Angular Router Resolver, you will need to fetch data on the ngOnInit hook of the component and handle the errors caused by ‘no data’ exists. The employee’s component is a simple one. It just gets the employee’s data from the ActivatedRoute and displays them into an unordered list.

So, once the data load fails, you can efficiently replace it the same with an error message and a retry link.

After you have created the employee’s component, you need to define the routes and tell the Angular router to use a resolver in Angular development ( EmployeeResolver). This Angular routing process could be achieved with the following angular resolver example code into the routing module file named app-routing.modulte.ts.

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'employees', component: EmployeesComponent, resolve: { employees: EmployeeResolverService } }

  imports: [
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

You need to set the resolve property into the employee’s following route configuration named “const routes” and declare the EmployeeResolver as the component defined in the above code. The resolved data from the export class AppModule will be passed into an object with a property called employees. After that, you are almost done. There is only one thing you need to do. You must get the fetching data into the employees’ component by using the activated route data property via the ActivatedRoute with the following code.

After that, you are almost done. There is only one thing you need to do.

You must get the fetching data into the employees’ component by using the activated route data property via the ActivatedRoute with the following code.

There is only one thing you need to do. You must get the fetched data into the employees’ component via the ActivatedRoute with the following angular code.

constructor(private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute) { }

employees: any[];

ngOnInit() {
  this.activatedRoute.data.subscribe((data: { employees: any }) => {
  this.employees = data.employees;

Then, you can just display them into HTML without any *ngIf statements ( *ngIf=”employees && employees.length > 0 ) because the load data depends on the activation process, and it will be there before the component rendered is loaded.

<h2>Fetched Employees:</h2>
<li *ngFor="let employee of employees">{{ employee.name }}</li>


angular functional resolver can be beneficial because it ensures that data is available before a component is rendered. This can prevent issues with undefined or null data being used in a component’s template, which can cause errors and lead to poor user experience.

So, we have seen the implementation of a angular resolver development that gets loaded data from the Employees API before navigating to a route related property that displayed the gathered data. And it is made possible by utilizing @angular/router, @angular/common/http, and rxjs.

Get in touch with one of the best AngularJS Development company that always strive to provide the best possible web app solutions for your business requirements.

Angular Vs React Vs Vue : Which is the Best Framework To Use in 2023?

Nowadays, you’ll come across many front-end Javascript frameworks that make your web development process more accessible than ever. But the main focus of the area is to select one of the best from the rest.

How will you achieve that?

Well, said enough, here in this article, we have come up with detailed information and differences between the three web development frameworks like Angular Vs. React Vs Vue.

Now you’ll ask why these three web frameworks.

The answer lies in the statistics shown below.

Now, let’s start with some basic information about these best Javascript frameworks to make it easy to select the best one and why you should go with it.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular, React, and Vue are all popular JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications.
  • Angular is a comprehensive framework that offers a lot of features out of the box, including a robust set of tools for building complex applications.
  • React is a library that focuses on the view layer of an application. It provides a simple, easy-to-learn API for building reusable UI components.
  • Vue is a progressive framework that can be used as a library or a full framework. It is similar to React in many ways, but with a few key differences. Vue has a simpler syntax than React, which makes it easier to learn and use.
  • Ultimately, the choice between Angular, React, and Vue depends on your specific needs and preferences.
  • If you need a comprehensive framework with a lot of built-in features, Angular might be the best choice.
  • If you’re looking for a library that focuses on UI components and is widely used, React is a good choice.
    And if you want a lightweight framework that’s easy to learn, Vue might be the way to go.

What is Angular?

Angular is the only typescript-based Javascript framework that allows you to fill the gap between the increasing technology stack demands and application performance strategies for your business web development process.

Launched in September 2016, Angular is an open-sourced JavaScript framework designed explicitly for developing web, single-page applications, and even mobile applications.

The first version was AngularJS. Then came Angular 2 (the most popular Javascript framework). Finally, Angular 14 is the latest version. Being a proficient AngularJS development company, Albiorix has a team of expert Angular developers who strives to provide the best possible solutions.

What is React?

After having a look at what is Angular, React is the next on our list, which is actually not a framework but just a Javascript library developed by Facebook, which makes it easy for you to build UI components.

Not only this, React allows you to perform Javascript code in a more leisurely way that can be easily understood and deploy your application.

React Javascript framework uses server-side rendering to provide a flexible, performance-oriented solution. Albiorix is a ReactJS development company that provides the best web app solutions for your business needs.

You May Also like To Read: Best React UI Frameworks

What is Vue?

Vue.js is a simple, easy-to-use frontend, and basic framework that overcomes complexities that you might face in Angular development.

The two main advantages that make Vue more familiar are: visual DOM and component-based architecture. Two-way binding is additional functionality apart from these benefits.

Vue.js is a flexible and progressive framework that allows you to build applications ranging from web, and mobile to progressive web apps. Sounds interesting, right?

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Pros of Angular Vs React Vs Vue

It’s time to explore the pros of these three web development frameworks.

Pros of Angular

  1. As Angular is an entirely Google-supported platform, it allows you to develop dependable and trustworthy web apps and mobile apps as it deals with Google’s occasional updates and announcements.
  2. With the help of the Angular, you have the option to select any third-party integrations to enhance the performance of your Angular applications.
  3.  With its “ahead-of-time compiler” functionality, Angular provides quick load time and enhanced security. Angular easily compile HTML and TypeScript into JavaScript for building dynamic web applications. In simple words, all previous html code differences is compiled before the browser even loads your web app.
  4. The Angular applicationis equipped with advanced elements and modules that are customised, giving power to the developer and designers. The developers can easily include such elements to the application created using other Javascript frameworks, providing an attractive appearance to your application.
  5. If you have skills in dealing with dependency injection, then the Angular framework is a boon for you. In addition, the Angular is a complete framework that brings convenience to the developers to implement MVC architecture, even if they’re working with large-scale applications.

Cons of Angular

  1. The Angular is a complete dynamic solution to build web and cross-platform mobile applications; the learning curve is steeper to execute the operation.
  2. Angular sometimes follows a complex structure, making it challenging for the developers to code well during the web application development phase and making more complex apps.
  3.  Code optimisation and following the best angular practices are the negative points from the developer perspective.
  4.  For new techies, the Angular feature can be somewhat challenging.
  5.  The Angular Scopes are hard to debug Limited Routing.
  6.  You might face some complexities during the migration process.

Pros of React

  1.  With its simplicity in designing, React is easy to learn.
  2. React applications strictly follows HTML-like syntax, allowing developers to use templates and highly detailed proper documentation.
  3.  React allows developers to spend more time writing modern JavaScript and less time concerning the framework-specific code.
  4. React is a front-end development framework that supports server-side rendering and solid React elements, making it a robust framework for content-focused and complex applications.
  5.  Facebook offers a “codemod” feature to automate much of the process.
  6. React is a complete framework that can be easily used for developing native-based applications.
  7.  ReactJS, when combined with ES6/7, can effectively manage heavy application loads more efficiently.

Cons of React

  1. When developers integrate ReactJS with some traditional MVC framework, they need to deal with complex configurations for developing complex applications.
  2.  ReactJS developers must have in-depth knowledge related to the integration and building user interfaces into the MVC framework.
  3. React has a learning curve, especially for developers who are new to it or who have limited experience with web development in general. The framework has a lot of concepts and terminologies that may take time to understand.
  4. React only focuses on the view layer, which means it requires additional libraries or tools to handle other aspects of application development such as routing, form validation, and state management. This can lead to a more complex development process and a larger learning curve.
  5. React requires writing more boilerplate code than other front-end frameworks like Vue or Angular, which can be time-consuming and repetitive.
  6. React’s documentation can be confusing for beginners, and it may not always provide the best examples or explanations.
  7. React can overcomplicate simple tasks, leading to longer development times and increased complexity.
  8. React can have performance issues when working with large-scale applications or data-intensive operations, leading to slow load times and rendering speeds.

Pros of Vue

  1.  Small-size application
  2.  Low-storage requirements
  3.  Simplicity in designing and building applications
  4.  Detailed documentation
  5. Advanced reusable components
  6.  Secure and flexible

Cons of Vue

  1.  Language barriers and restricted community
  2.  Spoilt for options
  3.  Lacking scalability and plugins
  4.  Community-related limitations
  5. Lack of financial support for large-scale and complex projects.
  6.  Limited resources
  7.  Excessive code flexibility

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Some Basic Differences Among Angular Vs React Vs Vue

It’s a high time to view the head-to-head comparisons between Angular vs React, Angular vs Vue, and Vue vs React? We have summarized it in an easier way that will make it easy for you to analyze them for your project requirements.

Angular vs React

Angular vs React Differences

Let’s start with understanding the common difference between Angular vs ReactJS. We have seen almost all the possible pros and cons of both these technologies in the previous section. 

To state it easier, both Angular and React applications are the Javascript libraries that can be efficiently used for building web applications, mobile applications, and cross-platform applications like React Native mobile apps for your business needs. At the same time, Angular is generally better for more complex enterprise-ready apps.

React is one such framework that typically requires extra modules and components, making the usage of the core Javascript library small; it means that you need to deal with some additional outside development tools for web application development for your business needs.

React is an UI library that is a boon for many intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers and those familiar with concepts from ES6 and up. And if we talk about the Angular, it favours experienced developers who are familiar with TypeScript development services.

React vs Vue


The subsequent comparison is for ReactJS vs VueJS; trust me, it’s not easy to debate. Vue is a feature-rich framework that comes up with a vibrant and ever-growing community, and of course, it has taken over popularity compared to React framework.

You’ll be surprised that React developers are still churning out many new components and extras, so no sign React is on the decline either, thereby has steep learning curve.

Vue is the best option for developing smaller, less complex apps, and if you’re a learner, then it is one of the superb options to start coding using VueJS development. In addition, VueJS can be easier to integrate into new or existing projects, and many feel its use of HTML templates and JSX is an advantage.

Vue might be the best choice for new web developers, and you do not need to deal with some advanced JavaScript concepts. On the other hand, React suits the best for experienced programmers and developers who have worked with object-oriented JavaScript programming language, functional JavaScript, and similar ideas.

Angular vs Vue

Angular vs Vue-Differences

Last, the comparison between Angular and Vue is one of the deciding critical factors for front-end development. Both technologies are different libraries with different feature sets and learning curves. As a result, Vue is a boon for less experienced developers, and Angular is the perfect option for those working on more extensive or complicated programs.

The Angular framework brings more convenience to Angular developers by adding innovative features in every new Angular release. And if we talk about the VueJS framework, the difference between Vue2 Vs Vue3 says it all. 

And the excellent part about Vue is that the creator of this framework is a developer who formerly worked on Angular for Google. So that’s another thing to keep in mind, though that wouldn’t significantly impact your decision.

Comparison Table of Vue Vs React Vs Angular

Let’s see the basic comparison of Angular Vs React Vs Vue.

Angular React Vue
Created by Google Facebook Vue
UI/DOM Manipulation Yes Yes Yes
State Management Yes Yes Yes
Routing Yes No Yes
Form Validation & Handling Yes No No
HTTP Client Yes No No

Angular Vs React Vs Vue: Which is Better To Use in 2023?

Which is better for front-end development? Angular, React or Vue.

Ultimately, it depends on your project requirements and how you want to represent your application.

All the framework options that we’ve gone through in this article are the best to develop single-page applications.

Whatever your perception of the discussion about Angular vs ReactJS vs VueJS, you need to make choices based on your requirement for functionality and usability. Albiorix is a top-rated custom software development company having core expertise in leading Javascript and Typescript technologies.

Angular vs AngularJS : Key Differences You Must Know

Nowadays, many javascript frameworks are available in the market that is explicitly used for web and mobile app development. If we talk about front-end development, Angular and AngularJS are the most popular frameworks that are hitting the market.

But what’s the major difference between angular vs angularjs? Do they really differ from each other? Such questions might be hitting your mind. To answer such questions, we have come up with an article that demonstrates the difference between Angular vs AngularJS.

Before we start to understand the concept of Angular Vs AngularJS, let us have a look at the basics of AngularJS and the Angular framework and explaore the angular and angularjs difference.

Key Takeaways

  • Angular is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, designed to overcome limitations and enhance performance.
  • Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, while AngularJS uses plain JavaScript.
  • Angular follows a component-based architecture, where the application is divided into reusable components, while AngularJS uses a directive-based approach.
  • Angular has a more modular and scalable structure, making it easier to maintain large applications, whereas AngularJS is better suited for small to medium-sized projects.
  • Angular has a more powerful and expressive template syntax, with features like data binding, pipes, and reactive forms, which make it easier to manipulate and display data.
  • Angular has a more efficient change detection mechanism, resulting in better performance compared to AngularJS.
  • Angular provides better support for mobile development through Angular Mobile Toolkit and the Ionic framework, while AngularJS lacks such specific mobile development third-party tools.
  • Angular has a more comprehensive ecosystem, including official documentation, a dedicated CLI, and a larger community support, while AngularJS has a more mature library ecosystem due to its earlier release.
  • Angular has a well-defined migration path from AngularJS, allowing developers to gradually upgrade their applications.
  • Angular has regular release cycles, introducing new features and improvements, while AngularJS is in long-term support (LTS) mode, receiving only critical bug fixes and security updates.

What are the Types of Angular Versions?

We will differentiate between all the versions of Angular in detail below. But before that, let’s understand what every version brings to the table and the major difference between Angular and AngularJS.

Angular JS

  • It’s an official name, but it is often known as Angular 1. 
  • An open-source and front-end web application framework that typically uses JavaScript technology to build single-page applications.
  • You can effectively utilize HTML programming language as a template for responsive design. 
  • In AngularJS, you can quickly combine the data and expression syntax for designing and developing performant web applications.
  • AngularJS helps simplify the ready-unit testing feature and application development process by strictly following a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) and Model–View–ViewModel (MVVM) architectures. In short, it uses component-based web application architecture.
  • You can even create components that are vital in building rich Internet applications.
  • It uses the controller approach where the view communicates using a $scope.

Angular 2

  • The next version of AngularJS is Angular 2. 
  • Unlike AngularJS, Angular 2 is not a regular update. 
  • It’s a complete rewrite of its counterpart. 
  • Angular 2 uses the component-based approach in developing HTML and JavaScript Web applications for your business needs.

Angular 4

  • Angular 4 is a typescript-based open-source and front-end framework for web app development and plays an essential role in dealing with cross-platform development.
  • Being the successor of Angular 2, Angular 4 is not a complete rewrite, and both Angular versions use the same patterns and concepts.
  • Angular 4 comes up with advanced and noteworthy AngularJS features like smaller and faster apps, an animation package, AS keywords, etc.

Angular 5

  • After Angular 4, Angular 5 was launched with more advanced and enhanced features for efficiently designing and building web applications.
  • The excellent part of Angular 5 is that Angular makes it easy for AngularJS developers working in leading AngularJS development companies to remove unnecessary codes from their applications.
  • Other improved features are a code-sharing feature, less time for assembling dynamic web applications, and so on. 
  • Moreover, it has DOM elements support, and its compiler helps with incremental compilation.

Angular 6

  • The improvements in this Angular version 6 are even better than previous versions. 
  • Angular 6 is the framework introduced to make the web parts of applications that can quickly deal with most cutting-edge web and popular mobile browsers.
  • Its impressive features of Angular 6 bring convenience in creating Angular web component and using it in various HTML pages later.

Angular 7

  • Angular 7 framework helps you to build web apps using leading technologies like HTML, Javascript, and Typescript. 
  • With the help of Angular 7, you can quickly grab the features like better mobile apps with CLI prompts, drag-and-drop functionality, improved app performance, component dev kit (CDK), and virtual scrolling with this framework. 

Angular 8

  • Angular 8 supports Ivy as the default rendering engine. 
  • Some of the best features of this mobile support AngularJS framework include differential loading of modern JavaScript, support for web workers, and dynamic support for lazy loading routers.
  • Angular 8 was more famous for the much-anticipated Ivy compiler as an opt-in feature. 

Since Angular version 9+, there are some minor updates introduced compared to previous versions.

Angular 9 

  • Angular 9 came up with new and enhanced Ivy compiler and runtime features, a better debugging process, quick ready-unit testing feature, and many more improvements that make it easy for you to deal with the web app development process easier.
  • Angular 9 is most popularly known for its Ivy default compiler and improved bundle size.

Angular 10 

  • Angular 10 represents new dynamic features of the “new date range picker” in the Angular Material UI (User Interface) component library.
  • Moreover, you will also find additional features like warnings for CommonJS imports and more exciting features on the Angular 10 version. 

Angular 11

  • Like Angular 10, Angular 11 include stricter types, automatic font inlining, and Angular router performance improvements.
  • Angular 11 is an Angular framework version that allows you to smoothly design and develop applications from scratch.

Related Post: Angular Vs React Vs Vue

Angular 12

  • In Angular 12, the View Engine has finally been deprecated.
  • Angular 12 allows you to migrate from legacy i18n message IDs quickly
  • It allows you to start new or running tasks, and you can even furnish alternatives with famous 3rd party comprehensive solution in the CLI tool.
  • It eliminates support for IE11 in Angular v12.

Angular 13

  • Angular 13 support TypeScript 4.4.
  • Angular 13 is 100% Ivy
  • A new type called FormControlStatus has been added in Angular 13. 
  • In Angular13, the router will no longer supplant the browser URL whenever the new navigation cancels the ongoing navigation.

Angular 14

Angular 14 is Angular version that came up with the latest features and updates that you must be aware of while developing single-page applications or upgrading the Angular versions.

  • In Angular 14, TypeScript versions older than 4.6.0 are no longer supported.
  • Make sure you are using Node 14.15.0 or later.
  • It supports Reactive form types such as FormControl and FormGroup now have generic type parameters and infer stricter types.

Angular 15

Angular 15 release date is 16th November 2022 and brought a big smile to Angular developers globally. The reason was quite obvious as they were expecting something big to announce and it really happened..

  • Stable standalone components API
  • Develop a multi-route application
  • Directive Composition API
  • Easily deal with web and mobile development
  • Stable “NgOptimizedImage” Image Directive
  • Easily Reduce Boilerplate in Guards
  • Better Stack Traces For Debugging Process
  • CDK Listbox
  • ESBuild Support of Angular 15

Angular 16

Angular v16 has arrived, bringing with it a host of new angular features and enhancements that will excite developers and tech enthusiasts alike.

  • Angular v16 includes several performance improvements, such as faster compilation times, faster startup times, and improved change detection.
  • Angular v16 includes improvements to the Angular CLI, such as faster builds, improved error messages, and better support for web workers.
  • Angular v16 includes updated and improved documentation, making it easier for developers to get started with Angular and find the information they need.
  • Angular v16 includes improved compatibility with TypeScript 4.4 and higher, as well as other dependencies such as Node.js.
  • Angular v16 also includes some new features, such as support for custom element tags and improved support for internationalization (i18n).

What is the AngularJS Framework?

AngularJS is an open-source web application framework for developing dynamic web application development services. AngularJS helps you utilize HTML as a declarative template language and lets you extend HTML syntax to express your application’s components clearly and concisely. Angular developers often turn to AngularJS frameworks to simplify the development process.

AngularJS is entirely based on HTML and JavaScript. The primary role of AngularJS is to change static HTML to dynamic HTML. The entire coding structure of AngularJS is divided into JavaScript files and can be embedded into a web page using the <script> tag.

Top Features of AngularJS Framework

After having a look at the basics of what is Angular, it’s high time to explore the best features of the AngularJS framework.

Angularjs Framework Features

  1. MVC (Model-View-Controller)

    AngularJS framework typically uses the Model-View-Controller approach for developing web applications. This design pattern is meant explicitly for splitting the business logic layer, the data layer, and the presentation layer into separate sections.

    • Model is considered to be the lowest level of the pattern specifically for maintaining data.
    • The View is responsible for displaying all or a portion of the data to the user.
    • The Controller is nothing but a software code that efficiently controls the interactions between the Model and View.
  2. Data Model Binding

    AngularJS makes it easy for the web developers to add a few writing code snippets directly into the structure, irrespective of writing additional external code to bind data. Furthermore, once you add some code snippets, it becomes easy for you to attach data directly from HTML control to application data.

  3. Writing Less Code

    AngularJS framework has become a boon for Angular JS developers as it allows them to write less amount of external code for DOM manipulation. Moreover, the developers are free from writing long code structures for building web applications.

  4. Unit Testing

    The Google development team has not only introduced the AngularJS framework but has defined a unit testing framework named “Karma”. The primary role of Karma is to help developers to design a unit testing approach for AngularJS applications.

  5. Directives

    Directives in the AngularJS framework are real-time markers on the DOM element that instructs AngularJS to attach a specified behavior inside the application. Moreover, it is responsible for handling the DOM element or even transforming it with its children.

    In simple words, we can say that AngularJS extends HTML with additional attributes, “directives”. AngularJS has a set of built-in directives which offers functionality to the applications. It also defines its component structural directives. Angular provides a way to create custom directives too.

  6. Not-Browser Specific

    Angular applications do not involve any browser constraint. Therefore, it can efficiently run on all major web and mobile browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE8, and Android, except internet explorer 8.0.

  7. Dependency Injection

    With the help of dependency injection, it becomes easy for AngularJS developers to design and build applications faster. Moreover, dependency injection it allows an application easier to test. It allows you to ask for your dependencies rather than having to look for them or make them by yourself.

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AngularJS Architecture

AngularJS Architecture

  • Controller: The Controller is an integral part of the AngularJS application. Its primary duty is to represent the essential layer that typically covers the business logic. The event-triggering or event-binding function occurs, whenever the user makes clicks on it. All the essential functions are stored inside the controller.
  • Views: Views are an essential aspect of the AngularJS application that is primarily used to represent the presentation layer that is provided to the end-users.
  • Models: Models are used to represent your data. The data in your model can be as simple as just having primitive declarations. For example, if you are maintaining a student application, your data model could just have a student id and a name.
    Or it can also be complex by having a structured data model. If you are maintaining a car ownership application, you can have structures to define the vehicle itself in terms of its engine capacity, seating capacity, etc.

Pros and Cons of AngularJS Framework

Pros Cons
 Two-Way Data Binding  JavaScript Support Mandatory
 DOM Manipulation  Inexperience With MVC
 Improved Server Performance  The Scope
  Faster Application Prototyping  Other Complex Feature
 Responsive Web App  Possible Time Consumptions
 Highly Testable Product  Difficult Learning

Pros of AngularJS

  1. Two-Way Data Binding

    AngularJS facilitate faster and easier data binding which doesn’t require a developer to interfere at all. Referred to as two-way data binding, it ensures that ongoing changes made to view are instantly displayed in the model and vice-versa.

  2. DOM Manipulation

    Unlike other popular JavaScript frameworks, Angular conveniently relieves the developer of actively manipulating DOM (Document Object Model), all thanks to its two-way data binding approach. It means that the developer saves time and effort in code, performing input binding, translating and updating the DOM elements.

  3. Improved Server Performance

    Because it supports caching and many other processes, Angular reduces the burden on server CPUs. It means that the server performs extremely well thanks to reduced traffic and because it only serves static typing files and responds to API calls.

  4. Faster Application Prototyping

    Rapid prototyping is indeed a buzzword thanks to the existence of frameworks like Angular. In no time and by writing significantly less code, you can develop app prototypes with good functionality, obtain feedback and make changes without getting annoyed.

  5. Responsive Web

    There’s nothing better than arranging an outstanding end-user experience and AngularJS makes it possible by letting responsive, fast-loading and seamlessly-navigating websites and apps.

  6. Highly Testable Products

    One of the underlying aspects of Angular is that it builds highly testable websites and applications. Allowing unit testing and end-to-end testing makes easy testing and debugging much simpler than you can imagine. Hierarchical dependency injection, for example, allow various components to be isolated and mocked. Protractor, Jasmine and Karma are other unique testing and third-party tools that the framework offers.

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Cons of AngularJS

  1. JavaScript Support Mandatory

    It’s pretty obvious that your computer or laptop usually handles the server. And your server must be a plain JavaScript-supported system as you need to control the overall design. Moreover, the users will not be able to access your system if your server is not Javascript-supported.

  2. Inexperience with the MVC Approach

    The Angular framework becomes somewhat complex if developers use the traditional approach to develop mobile and web applications. It becomes possible for the developers to adopt the MVC approach for making the Angular responsive application. AAngular becomes time-consuming if they are unaware of the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern.

  3. The scopes

    Scopes in the AngularJS framework can be rugged for the developers to handle the functionality. The primary reason is it follows a layered and arranged hierarchical dependency injection system. Besides, debugging the scopes becomes the prime destruct for the developer while developing the application.

  4. Other Intricate Features

    Utilizing directives in AngularJS is somewhat challenging for the developers. Apart from directives, other essential AngularJS features like dependency injections and factories bring more complexities for traditional developers.

  5. Possible Time Consumption

    With the help of the AngularJS framework, the browser may usually take time to make pages of websites and applications. The primary reason behind it may be due to overloaded browser functionality like DOM manipulation.

  6. Tough Learning

    Instead of approaching a straight learning graph, the developers may find it challenging to adopt the AngularJS framework. In addition, the limited documentation available may further affect the learning process. However, the day-by-day extending Angular community is making it more manageable.

What is Angular?

AngularJS is the first and foremost version of Angular. After the release of AngularJS, Angular 2+ is commonly known by the name “Angular”. It’s normally a framework that is specifically used for building client applications in HTML and either JavaScript or a language like a Microsoft’s TypeScript language that compiles to JavaScript.

The Angular frameworks typically consists of multiple libraries, intending to make web applications more responsive and secure.

When we talk about building an Angular application, it means that the developers usually compose HTML templates, write component classes to manage those templates, add application logic in services, and box components and services in modules.

Top Features of Angular Framework

Top Features of Angular Framework

  1. MVC Architecture

    MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Model typically manages your application data, while data display is handled by View. The primary role of the Controller is to play as an intermediator between View and Model.

    The MVC architecture in the Angular framework easily splits the application and writes the code for connecting the same approach. The AngularJS developers need to break the entire code and leave the rest to the Angular framework. With the help of this component-based architecture, it saves a significant amount of coding time.

  2. Two-Way Data Binding

    The View layer in the Angular framework represents the Model layer, and it remains in perfect synchronization. Therefore, if the developer makes any consecutive change in the model, the users can see it in the view model automatically. Thus,data binding is one such approach that is solely responsible for minimizing crucial development time.

  3. Few Code Framework

    Compared to other front-end frameworks, Angular is considered a low code framework. In simple words, we can say that the developers need not write different code to link the MVC layers.

    Moreover, they don’t require specific code to view manually also. In addition, the directives are isolated from the app code. These all together automatically minimize the development time.

  4. Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)

    The Angular CLI plays a vital role in AngularJS development services. It includes various built-in AngularJS features like SCSS support or routing features making the application more responsive.

    However, many Angular CLI available in the market makes the Angular development easy for the developers. Some of the standard Angular CLI are as follows:

    • ng new: To initialize Angular app development or to create a new workplace, this command plays an important role.
    • ng generate: With the help of this command, the developers can quickly create new components, services, routes, and pipes. Not only that, it allows you to create simple test shells for your Angular applications.
    • ng serve: This command allows you to test your Angular app on a local server.
    • Test, Lint: The developers can efficiently perform smart unit and end-to-end tests for your entire coding structure. And ng lint helps to run programs to analyze code for possible errors.
  5. TypeScript

    Angular strictly follows TypeScript language. With its active support of TypeScript, Angular offers a persistent experience to the developers. Moreover, the developers find it easy to identify bugs and reduce developing time. TypeScript development services help you get high-performance mobile and web applications for business

    The primary role of TypeScript is to populate the root file configuration for easy compilation automatically. TypeScript has richer enums, interfaces, generics, hybrid types, union/intersection types, access modifiers, etc. than JavaScript technology.

  6. Directives

    Being an integral part of Angular applications, Directives allow the developers to create custom HTML tags that usually serve as custom widgets. Developers can use these to decorate behavior-driven User Interfaces elements. Angular developers can efficiently handle the DOM manipulation as per the project needs.

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Angular Architecture

The Angular application architecture or we can say Angular’s component-based architecture typically includes the eight essential building blocks.

Angular architecture patterns

  • Modules: Every Angular application has a mandatory root module, defined by the  name “AppModule”. It is nothing but the bootstrap terminology that is responsible for launching the application.
  • Components: At least one component is essential for the Angular project that needs to be built. The root component and root component are two main components that connect the component hierarchy with a page document object model (DOM).
  • Templates: The primary role of Angular template language is to simply combine the HTML attributes with Angular markup that can quickly modify HTML elements before they are displayed.
  • Metadata: Metadata is functionality that informs Angular for class processing. It’s essentially used to decorate the class so that it can configure the expected behavior of a class.
  • Data Binding: Data binding plays an important role in communication that acts as an intermediatory between a template and its related component.
  • Directives: We can say that Angular components are nothing more than that of functional and logical components that contain directive with the template. Directives are the building blocks of Angular projects.
  • Services: Service classes are created that play a vital role in data or logic presentation that isn’t associated with a specific view. The @Injectable decorator immediately precedes the service class definition.
  • Dependency Injection: Dependency injection (DI) lets you keep your component classes lean and efficient. DI does not fetch all the data from a server, validate the user input, or log directly to the console instead they delegate such tasks to the services.

Pros and Cons of Angular Framework

Pros Cons
 Google-Supported framework  Limited SEO Options
 Third-Party Integration Support  Difficult to Learn
 Faster Load Time  Time Consuming
  Customizable Framework  Application Scaling
 Dependency Injection  Not Good For Simple Web App

Pros of Angular

  • Google-supported Framework: Angular is a leading framework that is usually supported by Google, making it easy for the developers to build a dependable, trustworthy program. Moreover, the application works as per Google’s latest updates and announcements.
  • Third-Party Integration Support: The good part of the Angular framework is that the developers can easily include third-party integration supports for the application. In addition, the developers can quickly utilize more Angular development tools to improve the overall form and function of their product.
  • Faster Load Time: Faster load time and enhanced security are additional and essential features that Angular offers. With its “ahead-of-time” compiler functionality, Angular compiles HTML and TypeScript into JavaScript during the entire Angular development lifecycle. All the code is compiled before the browser even loads your web app.
  • Customizable Framework: Angular supports various elements and modules, giving more power to the developer and designer. Apart from building elements and modules, it allows the Angular JS developers to include such elements directly to projects that were created using another framework.
  • Dependency Injection: It’s the most advantageous for the developers, if and only if, they are aware of its usage. Designing and building multiple dependencies can be time-consuming for the developers, but it can be used well, especially for large-scale projects.

Cons of Angular

  • Limited SEO Options: One of the major disadvantages that come with Angular is that it has limited SEO options and weak accessibility for search engine crawlers. Being that Google is the number one search engine globally, this issue persists for much longer before a comprehensive solution is presented in another Google update.
  • Difficult to Learn: Another drawback that comes up with the Angular framework is that it can be quite difficult to learn.
  • Time-Consuming: Angular framework is equipped with multiple web modules, coding languages, integrations and customizing capabilities. Initially, the developers require some amount of time to learn the basic structure of Angular. Once they are aware of the framework, it becomes easy to build a new Angular application from scratch.
  • Application Scaling: Unless you’re working on a project of appropriate size and complexity, Angular can easily weigh you down. Save this one for the big-ticket assignments and you’ll fare just fine.
  • Not Good For Simple Web App: To design and build simple web applications, Angular is not a good choice.

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Understanding Components of Angular vs AngularJS

The one thing that usually separates Angular from AngularJS is the Components. We all know that AngularJS is a JavaScript-based framework while Angular 2+ versions is a TypeScript-based framework, and AngularJS Components is one such terminology that differentiates between AngularJS Vs Angular.

Angular typically uses TypeScript language, which is a superset of ES6. It supports backward compatibility with ES5. On the other hand, Angular JS, a framework that typically supports JavaScript, uses terms of scope and controllers, while Angular uses a hierarchy of functional and logical components. In addition, Angular is component-based, while AngularJS apps uses directives.

Use of Directives Between Angular vs AngularJS

You can use directives in both Angular and AngularJS. But the main question that arises here is how to use them. And that’s what really matters. Angular has standard Directives, while AngularJS has a pack of them. One has to be cautious while using the Directives. 

Let’s go through a simple example to deal with data binding. You can use “ng-model” in AngularJS to create two-way data binding in your application. At the same time, you can use “ng-bind” for creating one-way data binding in Angular applications.

In Angular, you will find only the ngModel. You can use the symbols for one-way binding as:” []” and two-way binding as:” [()].”  “[]” is for property binding, while “()” is for event binding.

Difference Between Angular vs AngularJS

The following table of Angular Vs AngularJS comparison depicts the complete difference between angular and angularjs the two front-end development technologies.

Features Angular AngularJS
Language It is written in Microsoft TypeScript language. It is written in JavaScript language.
Architecture Angular typically uses components and structural directives as an architectural design Model-View-Controller.
Mobile-Support The Angular applications built are entirely mobile-supported applications. The applications developed with AngularJS are not mobile-friendly.
Expression Syntax ( ) and [ ] are the two common attributes that are used for two-way data binding between view and model. {{ }} expressions are typically used for a two-way binding that exists between view and model. ng-bind can also be used to do the same.
Dependency Injection Angular application supports hierarchical dependency injection. There is no usage of dependency injection in the AngularJS application.
Routing Functionality @RouteConfiguration {(…)} is the coding that the Angular team typically utilizes for defining routing information. @routeProvider.when ( ) is the coding that AngularJS development utilizes for configuration and routing information.
Management Angular code has a better structure, and it is easy to create and manage large Angular applications. AngularJS project is difficult to manage with increasing the size of the source code.
Speed Angular applications are faster compared to AngularJS applications. With its two-way data binding feature, AngularJS applications are fast.
Flexibility More flexible and scalable as compared to AngularJS. Less manageable and scalable as compared to Angular.

Related Post: Angular best practices

Angular vs AngularJS : Which is Better For Your Business Needs?

AngularJS is a leading framework that supports wide scope for developing single-page web applications for your business needs.

On the other hand, Angular versions are highly preferable as a robust front-end tool supplying AngularJS components that becomes a boon for Angular developers to deal with:

  • Write and re-write
  • Easy-to-use
  • Readable
  • Maintainable code

With its valuable concepts and functionalities, it gets the application to run fast and be stable. In fact, the Angular version provides several benefits to front-end developers, and that Angular makes the popular reason that many companies use Angular for their projects.

Albiorix provides Angular development services to easily design and build dynamic desktop, mobile, web, and single-page applications. Contact us today with your web idea.

Angular vs React : Which JS Framework Should You Select For Your Project in 2023?

Do you know that more than 100 frameworks and languages are available in the market to create robust and secure web applications? But the most challenging part for the developers is to keep pace with the latest changes and trends hitting the industry. 

Selecting the one that makes your work easier becomes the prime duty. Angular and React are the two leading and most popular web frameworks considered the most popular front-end development frameworks for mobile and web application development. 

The real struggle starts with selecting the best framework for your next project, like Angular vs React. You must consider various essential factors before choosing the perfect one for your project needs.

What is Angular?

In 2010, Angular was released under the name AngularJS which typically follows MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. It is a web development framework, typically developed and maintained by Google.

Angular is a TypeScript-based JavaScript framework equipped with a suite of developer tools to build and scale projects from single-developer size to enterprise-grade applications.

Angular is mainly known for its features like two-way data binding and dependency injection, and of course, for being backed by a tech giant.

From 2010 till date, Angular 15 is the newest version (as of now) that comes up with more advancements in building SPAs for your business needs. And if I say what’s new in Angular 15 as compared to the previous version, it has more and more specific Angular feature that have brought major changes in the latest one.

What are the essential factors that make Angular deal with web app development?

  • You can quickly build scalable and complex applications as it contains a component-based framework.
  • The angular framework includes a list of fully-functional programming and require additional libraries, covering a wide variety of features of Angular, including routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more.
  • A suite of software developer tools to help you develop, build, test, and update your code.

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What is Angular Good For?

After looking at the basic concept of what is Angular, it’s time to explore the potential benefits of the Angular framework.

  • Angular is a one-such framework developed especially for designing and building dynamic modern websites for your business needs.
  • The Angular framework helps you build interactive and dynamic SPAs with robust features like templating, two-way data binding, bidirectional data binding process, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling.
  • Angular is the best for web designers too. Designers can use HTML as a template language and even extend HTML syntax to convey the application’s components easily. You also don’t need to rely on third-party libraries to build dynamic applications with Angular.

And if we talk about what web application developers like about Angular, then the following diagram answers your question.

Reasons You Need Angular

What are the Advantages of Angular?

advantages of angular

  1. Boosts App Performance

    Angular is the leading framework that has the ability to create single-page applications (SPAs). The applications developed with Angular include instantaneous changes, which, in turn, make the website faster.

    With its reusable component, the developers easily eliminate the need to continually reload the page. Besides, Angular delivers excellent and seamless boosting performance on mobile devices, especially smartphones, regardless of screen sizes, interfaces or hardware.

  2. Two-Way Data Binding

    Angular makes two-way data binding an integral function of its architecture. Consequently, there’s little need for sequential callbacks to handle modified data or developer interventions.

    Angular synchronizes the data between Model and View. In simple words, once the data is changed or modified, these two subsequent components automatically get updated using two-way data binding functionality. And such data synchronization process take place in real-time, preventing developers from putting extra effort into manual modifications.

  3. POJO-Mode

    Angular’s coding structure is completely handy and independent as it utilises the Plain Old Javascript Objects (POJO) Model. So, the Angular developers are freed from adding complex functions or methods in the coding structure. 

    Additionally, it eliminates dependencies on external frameworks or plugins. With the help of this Angular feature, all your codes remain clean, and most importantly, you require less coding.

  4. Angular Material

    The Angular Materials strictly follows the Material Design guidelines as created by Google. Inside it, the Angular Material, you’ll find various features like in-built components such as navigation elements, layout, buttons, indicators, and data tables. 

    Remember, Angular Material is not only a means for creating an eye-catchy user interface, but it develops applications like Google. For instance, apps like Google drive, Android OS, Gmail, and many others have become the daily needs of users.

  5. Angular Testing

    In the AngularJS framework, all the essential JS codes typically go through a series of tests. The convenience offered in testing allows us to make the project from scratch and seamlessly test and identify components.

    The overall management of scopes and controllers is done with the help of dependency injections. Angular’s unit test functions can force dependency injection to perform testing by injecting mock/dummy data into the controller.

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What is React?

React frontend development framework managed explicitly by Facebook and a community of individual developers and communities. The first React version was initially released in 2013.

It’s a JavaScript library that lets you build a secure user interface (UI) for your website. React is one of the well-known Javascript frameworks used explicitly for front-end development.

The UI development is made easy by its component-based and declarative structure. React is the front-end development framework managed explicitly by Facebook and a community of individual developers and communities. The first React version was initially released in 2013.

What are the essential factors that make React deal with web development?

  • React makes it easy for any React developer to create interactive UIs. They can smoothly design simple views for every state in the web application. The excellent part of React is that it allows you to update efficiently and renders just the right components when your data changes.
  • You can build encapsulated components, allowing developers to manage their states. Moreover, the entire component logic is written in JavaScript rather than on templates; passing rich data through the web app becomes relatively smooth for the whole React application development.
  • With its prime principle, “Learn Once, Write Anywhere”, React developers can quickly develop fast, scalable, and complex apps for all business verticals.

What is ReactJS Good For?

I hope you are now clear with what is ReactJS, it’s time to explore the potential benefits of the ReactJS framework.

  • ReactJS is a multi-purpose, open-source library that is mainly used in front-end development, focusing on building user interfaces.
  • React is a JavaScript framework that is specifically designed to help you deal with an innovative way of rendering websites, evolving the responsive nature of web pages.
  • React framework is the perfect choice when you want to develop Single Page Applications (SPAs) as it can rewrite and update content on a web page without requiring to reload or refresh the page.
  • React Native, the best React framework for creating native mobile apps and Native development.
  • Large social media sites, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit use ReactJS for front-end website development needs.
  • Newspaper agency New York Times, streaming service Netflix, and Customer relation system SalesForce also use ReactJS for the development of their mobile app.

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What are the Advantages of React?

After having a look at the basic concept of what is ReactJS, it’s time to explore the top advantages of using ReactJS for web app development.

react advantages

  1. Composable

    React framework allows you to easily divide multiple lines of code and input them as reusable components. Such components can then easily be integrated into one place, and the developers can efficiently utilize components with one-way data-binding functionality to make robust applications.

  2. Declarative

    React framework allows you to develop interactive user interfaces by transforming the component state. DOM (Document Object Model) is entirely declarative, meaning React is solely responsible for updating the DOM per your needs.

    The developers do not interact with DOM directly. Moreover, it allows you to make UI design and debugging process changes more quickly. We can change the program’s state and see how the UI will look at that time. This makes our code more predictable and easier to debug with its one-way data-binding feature.

  3. Write Once, Learn Anywhere

    The good part of React framework is that you are entirely free from writing the existing code again and again. You need to develop one component and can reuse the same in different functionalities. 

    We have an option to render code reusability function on the server using Node and develop mobile apps using React Native.

    In simple words, you can easily create IOS, Android, and Web applications simultaneously using React.

    Related Post: jQuery vs Angular
  4. Simple

    React is a JavaScript-based and new framework with a component-based approach and automatic rendering and uses plain JavaScript. In other words, we can say that React is relatively simple to learn, build a web (and mobile applications), and support.

    Furthermore, with its special syntax named JSX, you can combine both Javascript and HTML in one code to make it easier to grasp and work with.

  5. SEO-Friendly

    SEO brings convenience to you in searching for the right content for the user. Once the user search for any specific topic on the search engine, leading platforms like Google, Yahoo, Bing or Baidu provides you with the best ranking pages based on the particular search.

    React framework affects the SEO by giving you a SPA (Single Page Application) which requires Javascript to show the content on the page, which can then be rendered and indexed.

  6. Fast & Easy to Learn

    React contains pre-built patterns and functions that can be selected and combined like building blocks to create fast, appealing and scalable projects in less time as compared to building the entire application. 

    Also, unlike other frameworks, which are referred to as ‘Domain-specific Language’, React only requires to need a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS fundamentals to start working with it.

You May Also Like To Read: Best React UI Frameworks

What are The Differences Between Angular Vs React?

It’s time to explore some of the main differences between Angular and React framework to make it easy for you to select the best one for your project in 2023.

  1. AngularJS vs React JS In Terms of Popularity Growth

    Well if I talk about the popularity growth as a personal preference for Angular vs React, both are best in dealling with gaining high popularity in the discussion forums and also the developers’ community.

    Do you know that Angular occupies a fifth place among the top 10 most used web frameworks among developers worldwide, as of 2022, with 20.39% of web developers using this framework?

    However, just like Angular, Reactjs is a library against a fully-fledged framework. Likewise, Angular has always maintained an average number to be high on getting stars as compared to the library framework Reactjs.

    As per a recent study by TechBehemoths Study, it has been found that React is used by 75% of all IT companies globally leaving far behind Angular and Vue.

  2. Application Performance: Angular Vs React

    In terms of application performance, both Angular and ReactJS hold a good reputation. Angular best practises is to optimises coding and lead to an established level of programming that continually enhances performance. Therefore, evaluating Angular Vs React is essential, especially for the developers to consider.

    You can even use older versions of Angular to serve projects that don’t require the facilitation of two-way data binding, which significantly reduces complexity.

    The $cacheFactory that Angular offers is better at memorisation and can ultimately be utilised to recalculate data that is calculated later.

    Here’s the example of a popular payment gateway using Angular:

    With over 300 million clients and use in over 200 countries, PayPal is a well-known payment gateway that utilises Angular and has proven to be the safest transactions platform in the world.

    I frequently participate in high-level tasks with developers at Albiorix, working on various projects. The biggest problem they encounter is being unable to reuse them in subsequent projects when dealing with sophisticated reasoning. This problem is resolved by reactjs, which can reuse system parts.

    Designers frequently reuse react components because it doubles the productivity and improves coding methods. In addition, Reactjs is renowned for its versatility in reusing the components; for example, starting with the finer components, such as checkboxes and buttons, then moving to the wrapper components, and finally reaching the root components.

    Despite the level of project complexity, adopting such habits ultimately improves app performance consistency and makes code quality and maintenance easier.

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  3. Testing Scenarios in React Vs Angular

    Attempting to reach 100% of testing objectives is challenging when using a dynamically typed language like Javascript. Because of this, code created in Javascript needs to have a robust set of tests. Angular included several characteristics, including isolation of the unit of code and was created with testability in mind.

    For instance, dependency injection is an Angular built-in support that makes it simple to pass in dependencies of components and even mimic the components.

    It is better to simulate any missing components from the testing environments when writing tests. Tests can observe the other components of the function and forecast how they will interact. It is helpful to avoid data fetching flakiness because it is mocking data or functional. The availability of copying capabilities in Reactjs makes tests more predictable.

    As part of the development process, Reactjs continuously runs test suites to perform the test cases. Additionally, React offers test execution tools like Mocha, Ava, and Jest, which enable testing to proceed concurrently with development.

    Jest is widely compatible with different features such as mock modules, timers, jsdm support, and more. In addition, libraries like Mocha are consistent with browser-specific requirements and has long term support for real browser-like simulations.

  4. For Code Quality : Angular Vs React

    At Albiorix, we have employed specialised tools like AngularCLI to raise the grade of our coding and increase the quality of everything we create with Angular. Since we are accustomed to using AngularCLI, it has allowed us to produce projects with incredible integrations. Our project deliveries have been made simple by integrations like Angular Core, Angular Material, etc., while maintaining the level of code quality we had hoped for.

    Unlike React, the learning curve for Angular has been slashed thanks to AngularCLI, which also enables you to anticipate compilation behaviour. With its easier learning curve, it makes it possible to provide smooth builds and to have engineers spend less time iterating, which ultimately results in poor JavaScript code quality.

  5. Code Maintenance in Angular vs React

    The most popular use of Angular is to create single-page applications. Single-page applications’ complex structures and numerous programming modules are the cause. Program files are frequently placed in different files as a result.

    To maintain such a complicated system while maintaining the richness of the application, the best and complete framework that supports complex maintainability and can handle complex naming conventions must be chosen. However, in most situations where SPAs necessitate a full-proof standard practice of managing a code, we adhere to the best practices outlined in the Angular style guide.

    For instance, Weather.com is one of the most prominent examples of using Angular as its primary tech stack.

    According to Similarweb, one of the most popular websites worldwide is weather.com. They were able to acquire timely weather updates for the widgets thanks to Angular. It combines widgets with UI elements and reuses the components for improved code maintainability.

    When creating rich web clients, where mixing HTML and Javascript is challenging because of less modularization, we frequently see developers dealing with major maintainability issues.

    The nice part is that Angular solves these issues by creating maintainable javascript. In addition, it offers an HTML extension to address these issues, which provides you with some relief and results in significant time savings.

    Tech consultants frequently ask for advice on maintaining the source code and making the habit of writing clean code from scratch. However, writing clean code without slowing down production seems challenging. With the same amount of work and good production hours, Reactjs demonstrated to be a better way to write clean React code.

    It has demonstrated that developers avoid repeating themselves or becoming perplexed by code review remarks. Instead, Reactjs has forced programmers to create features that integrates with the little modules without being redundant.

    Reactjs prohibits you from writing split code, making it incredibly computer-usable and understandable for other developers. In addition, it makes it easier for code to be reused by providing a way to build UI components that are completely reusable.

    Since Reactjs enables the creation of bespoke Reactjs components, rendering uncontrolled input fields is simple and distinguishing the components with their specific naming conventions is simple.

  6. Server Rendering in Angular vs React

    By creating pleasant, readily searchable static versions of the application, Angular helps web crawlers. Before the application becomes completely interactive, Angular renders it by building a static view using server-side rendering. Then, you decide how to use JSON and client-side caching skillfully to improve server-side speed. When it comes to minimising client-server traffic, Angular is unmatched.

    Angular is designed in a pattern with built-in testing requirements such as dependency injection and object mocking. However, we cannot distrust Angular’s future advances because it has Google as a backup. It can also reduce code by eliminating the need for recompilation and instantly reflecting changes in the front end.

    To make your application SEO-friendly, you should render it to the server. Reactjs makes it simple with the aid of a few particular functions. Instead of calling Render, you can use the RenderToString function in the server side rendering functions. Unlike other javascript and so many frameworks, Reactjs is not a rigid JavaScript library that will prevent you from reaping the benefits.

    You may also use renderToStaticMarkup if you don’t want to create DOM properties like data-react-id, which is excellent for building a simple static page generator using server side rendering.

  7. Bundle-file Optimization in Angular and React

    Working with Angular made handling single-page applications a breeze. They are, however, a little complicated when it comes to the bundle file size and rendering optimizations.

    Most websites that do not load on the first click will not have an acceptable click-through rate, nor will they be appealing to search engine traffic. Because the item that must be downloaded on the first page is a bundle file, it is critical to optimise it as much as possible.

    Angular employs a compiler to bridge the gap between a browser and the code in the bundle file. As a result, it accelerates browser compilation and makes it easier to understand. However, the additional bundle size as a result of HTML code placed in components can be taken into account to improve efficiency.

    Ahead-of-Time (AOT) is employed as part of the workflow. It is not, however, the default option from Angular, although it can always be activated using the CLI by switching to production mode.

    When designing a large-scale application, the bundle file size is important. I learned from my users that the most important thing to do while optimising the application codebase is to analyse the bundle file size.

    When it comes to a software stack like React, ignoring the bundle size means passing up an existing opportunity. Reactjs apps frequently contain suggestions about components.

    It eventually became a massive production file that began with a few components. Since adding new features and dependencies over the new business requirements, it is critical to gauge the file’s size regularly.

    Related Post: resolver in Angular
  8. Learning Curve in Reactjs Vs Angular

    Angular is expansive and dynamic. You may find it challenging to cover a wide range of topics in Angular at first, but it is worthwhile to devote effort to this phase to enjoy developing the apps more.

    It begins with fundamental pieces, including directives, modules, components, services, dependency injections, and more. Angular has a steep learning curve.

    Select any of the tech stacks based on the needs of your prospective projects. However, when handling the most challenging problems in large-scale applications, Angular is on top.

    Writing components, maintaining internal states, and using props for configuration are the most fundamental and fundamental things to learn in Reactjs. Unlike Angular, React developers may find it strange to write in the early stages, but because it adds no complexity, it’s a good tech stack.

    Reactjs will not ask developers to learn and fall into the complexities of learning logical structures (which may be why the increased Reactjs demand in developers). But knowing the basics, along with state management libraries and component-based routing libraries, will put you on the right track to begin building apps.

    Both of these technologies have a lot to offer in terms of functionality, a suite of tools, and runtime performance, making it difficult for development teams to choose one over the other.

Angular vs React: The Comparison Table

Let’s highlight the wonderful comparison between Angular and React framework.

Angular React
Founder Misko Hevery Jordan Walke
Best For Building highly active and interactive web apps for your business needs Creating large scale apps with subsequent variable data
DOM Angular supports Real DOM React utilizes Virtual DOM
Pricing Model Open-Source Open-Source
Data Binding Supports two-way data binding Supports one-way data binding
Best For Building highly active and interactive web apps for your business needs Developing large web apps with subsequent variable data
App Size React application developed are small in size React application developed are small in size
Performance The performance of Angular apps is high The performance of React apps is high
Learning Curve Angular has steeper learning curve The learning curve is moderate
Scalability Modular development structure Component-based approach
Programming Language TypeScript JavaScript

Prominent Use Cases: Angular vs React

organization using angular and react

Angular or React: Which is Better?

So, whatever you choose, Angular or React, both are meant for front-end development. React is simply a JavaScript library used for developing robust UI, while Angular is a full-fledged mobile and web development framework.

React is a lighter framework compared to Angular. Moreover, it takes less time to start working on a React project. On the other hand, Angular is somewhat complex and takes additional time for the developers to master. In short, we can say that React outperforms Angular.

Still, if you find any complexity in identifying the framework for your project requirements. Albiorix is a one-stop and complete solution for front-end development services.

Being a prominent AngularJS development company, Albiorix has a team of expert developers who strive to provide the best possible solutions. Apart from Angular development, we are among the best ReactJS development company where our React developers are experts in dealing with your development needs.

What is Angular Ivy: Next-Generation Compilation and Rendering Pipeline

Since the launch of the Angular 9+ version, the performance of the Angular runtime is quite good but the loading time is longer because of the large file size which affects the overall performance of the application.

So the question arises in the mind: Is there any specific solution to get rid of it? Yes, Angular IVY is the one-stop solution that takes the responsibility to make your application faster and smaller. But what exactly does this new technology do? Let’s start by understanding the basic definition of Angular Ivy.

What is Angular Ivy?

Before we start to understand the concept of the Angular framework, let’s first understand what is Angular. Angular is one of the leading frameworks that help you to design and build robust web applications for your business needs.

Ivy is a complete redrafting of Angular’s rendering engine. In simple words, we can refer to it as a fourth rewrite of the engine and the third since the launch of the Angular 2 version. But if I talk about what is Angular IVY, Ivy in Angular is one parameter solely responsible for considerably improving your web application.

The primary goal of Angular Ivy is to compile components more independently of each other quickly. So, it will aid the developers working with AngularJS development company in efficiently improving development times since recompiling an application will only involve compiling the changed components.

Ivy compiler also has been more concentrated on the concept of tree-shaking. If we talk about tree-shaking, it’s a process where the TypeScript compiler looks at your code, identifies the list of needed libraries, and, most importantly, eliminates any unused code.

Create a Feature-Packed Web Application Using Angular

We are dedicated to working closely with our clients to ensure that the project is completed on time, on budget, and meets or exceeds all expectations.

9 Essential Features of Angular Ivy

After having a look at the basic concept of Angular Ivy, it’s time to explore its features of Ivy Angular in detail.

  1. Lazy-Loaded Components

    Angular Ivy makes it pretty easy for developers to implement lazy load components in Angular development. The excellent part about Angular Ivy is that the developers can easily create lazy load components without requiring a NgModule.

    Angular Ivy will typically reduce the number of components that are specifically required for an application to load. In addition, once the developers implement lazy loading patterns in the application, your application’s initial bundle sizes become smaller, which in turn helps decrease load times.

    Moreover, any Ivy component can be lazy-loaded and dynamically rendered. In simple words, the developers can easily opt for lazy loading and rendering a component without using routing or Angular modules.

    However, in practice, the developers typically make use of component render modules or feature render modules that help to link a component’s template to its declarable dependencies. Libraries that are only used by a lazy-loaded component are even bundled in lazy-loaded chunks.

  2. Amendments to Differential Loading

    In Angular 9, the build process usually runs once specifically for the ES5 bundle and once for the ES2015+ bundle during the implementation of the differential loading. Whereas in the case of Angular 9+ versions, an ES2015+ bundle is an output first. That bundle is then transpired to a separate ES5 bundle.

  3. AOT Compilation Everywhere

    AOT is enabled in application builds, the development server, and tests by default. However, if we talk about AOT compilation, it works significantly slower than JIT compilation, so JIT plays an essential role in application development and testing.

    By using AOT compilations, the developers have the freedom to quickly build and rebuild time improvement during the entire Angular application development.

    Suppose the developer uses JIT compilation in some phases of the project application and only AOT compilation in the last build. In that case, the chances of having errors to be evoked during the project build or worse, specifically at runtime.

  4. Bundle Sizes

    As Angular Ivy utilizes an Instruction Set that is nothing but a set of tree-shakable runtime rendering instructions, the developers can efficiently enable smaller. In addition, such bundles will only be responsible for including the rendering instructions developers typically use in projects.

    It is the best option for Angular developers when they need to deal with the use cases like micro frontends, Angular Elements and web apps. In simple words, we can say that it works well when Angular is not controlling the entire document.

    And let’s talk about the fundamental difference in bundle sizes between View Engine and Ivy. It will vary based on the size of our application and the 3rd party libraries we use.

    Generally, we can say there will be a considerable decrease in bundle size, especially in the case of Small and simple applications.

    But on the other hand, there will be an increase in the main bundle for complex applications. And yes, a decrease in lazy loaded bundle sizes is recorded in the complex applications.

  5. Globalization

    For locales like number formatting, date formatting, and other regional settings, the Angular developers usually perform dynamically loaded at runtime instead of having to be registered at compile time.

    // main.ts 
    import '@angular/localize/init';
    import { loadTranslations } from '@angular/localize';
      '8374172394781134519': 'Good Morning, {$username}! You’re Welcome to {$appName}.',
  6. Compile-Time Inlining

    In Angular 8, a localized application will only be compiled by the developers once. So, rather than dealing with multiple builds to produce a bundle per language, a bundle per language is developed by simply replacing $ localize placeholders with translated texts.

    Once done, the developers can move ahead to add the package @angular/localize to support localization (multiple languages).

    The excellent part about this feature is that the developers no longer have to include Angular’s localization code in the bundles if they only have a single language. If we don’t use localized templates, the i18n* Ivy instructions are tree-shaked from the bundle.

    Related Post: angular route resolver

  7. Additional Provider Scopes

    The applications developed with the Angular framework always include the Angular module scope for providers.

    With the launch of Angular version 6, a concept like ‘root’ provider scope and tree-shakable providers for root and Angular module scope providers came into action. In addition, Angular version 9 introduces the ‘platform’ and ‘any’ provider scopes.

    The Angular developers can quickly utilize Platform-scoped providers that can be shared between multiple Angular applications in the same document. The ‘any’ provider scope will share a provider per module injector.

  8. Improved Developer Experience

    Ivy plays a vital role in improving the working experience of the Angular developers. It typically enables the Angular Language Service to support additional checks while developing. Till now, it is considered to be the biggest improvement to the developer experience.

    • File Path Checks

    All the component stylesheets and template paths are regularly verified by the Angular Language Service to provide the best developer experience. The developers can efficiently design and build robust web applications using proper file path checks.

    • Template Type Checks

    Templates are type-checked, meaning member names and types are usually verified, even in embedded views. As a result, the runtime errors are now detected easily while developing and building.

    Moreover, it doesn’t seem to have added the same options as if we would set “strict”: true in the compilerOptions object. It becomes essential to compare the Angular workspace strict option with the TypeScript compiler strict option.

    • Strict Template Type Checking

    Since Angular version 5, the developers have an option to enable template type checking s by setting “fullTemplateTypeCheck”: true in the angularCompilerOptions object.

    Ivy comes up with strict template type checking. When this new Angular compiler option is set, the value offullTemplateTypeCheck is ignored.

      "//": "tsconfig.json",
      "angularCompilerOptions": {
        "strictTemplates": true

    The principle of strict template type checking is verifying the types of property bindings and respecting the strictNullChecks option. It also checks the types of template references to directives and components, including generic types.

    Template context variables’ types are also being verified, which is excellent for NgFor loops. The $event type is checked for event bindings and animations. The type of native DOM elements is verified with strict template type checking.

  9. Improved Styling Experience

    The community has performed a complete reworking of the styling in Angular Ivy. The combination of static HTML classes with NgStyle and NgClass directives is now fully supported with the invention of Angular Ivy.

    As part of the Ivy styling rewrite, binding CSS Custom Properties is now supported. CSS Custom Properties have a scope, so this CSS property would be scoped to the component’s DOM.

Top 6 Advantages of Using Angular Ivy Compiler

  1. Smaller Apps

    As compared to ViewEngine, Angular Ivy is much more efficient. For each component in Angular, the developers typically use less code to generate applications since the compiler removes the unused parts of Angular.

    Moreover, it brings a significant impact on the web application size. For example, the difference in bundle size between Angular 9+ apps and post versions of Angular 9 apps is almost 40%.

    It’s a big deal since the app size is one of the main drawbacks of Angular compared to other libraries like React and Vue. Also, the drop in bundle sizes improves the overall performance of the apps you build.

  2. Efficient Testing

    With the implementation of Ivy, the developers and users can quickly expect a 40-50% boost in test speeds of web applications. It is made possible with the help of TestBed, which has been completely revamped and is now much more efficient.

    So the developers become free from recompiling all components during each test cycle. The primary role of TestBed in Ivy is to avoid recompilation between tests unless a component has been manually overridden.

  3. Debugging Tools

    Application debugging becomes much easier for developers. And it is made possible by utilizing Angular Ivy for application development.

    For example, the developers use the new ng object for debugging while running an application in Development Mode. This will help the Angular developers gain access to instances of your components, directives, etc.

  4. Enhanced Handling of Styles and Style Merging

    The handling of styles has been dramatically improved in Ivy. Usually, if there were two competing definitions for a style, those styles would destructively replace each other. Now they are just merged predictably.

    In Ivy, bindings do not depend on the timing of changes to these expressions; instead, there is a clear, consistent order of precedence, with the most specific style having the highest importance. For example, a binding to [style.color] overrides a conflicting binding to [style].

  5. Lazy Loading

    Angular Ivy is solely responsible for any component to be lazy-loaded and dynamically rendered. Components can be lazy-loaded and rendered without Angular modules or routing.

    Moreover, the libraries that are utilized by a lazy-loaded component are bundled into lazy-loaded chunks.

  6. AOT Compilation

    The AOT Compiler has seen a great deal of improvement because of Ivy’s new architecture. Till Angular 8, JIT compilation was preferred the preferred compiler since AOT was too slow.

    Now in Ivy AOT is the default compiler thanks to the huge improvements in build and rebuild times.

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How To Enable Angular Ivy?

Ivy can be enabled in an existing project with the latest Angular version but also directly scaffold a project with Ivy.

Enable Ivy in an existing project

Having an existing Angular project run:

$ ng update @angular/cli@next @angular/core@next 

Both the Angular core and the CLI will be updated at the latest release candidate. One interesting thing to notice is the “aot”: true in the angular.json workspace configuration file:

AOT compilation with Ivy is faster and should be used by default.

Then add the angular compiler options in the tsconfig.app.json:

   "compilerOptions": { ... },
  "angularCompilerOptions": {
    "enableIvy": true

Generating new project with Ivy
To start a new project with Ivy run:

$ new my-angular-app --enable-ivy

How To Disable Angular Ivy?

To disable Ivy:
In angular.json set “aot”: false;
in tsconfig.app.json remove the angularCompilerOptions option or set “enableIvy”: false.

Drive Your Business Growth With Single Page Application

As a prominent AngularJS development company, Albiorix possesses strong expertise in building single-page applications for small, medium, and large-scale businesses.


I hope you got a clear idea of the concept of what is Ivy in Angular and how Ivy Angular help your build robust web applications for your business needs.

Angular’s future is entirely dependent on IVY that comes up with incredible features that Angular with every new version. In Angular 11+, Ivy completely takes over the compiler (Ivy Angular compatibility compiler) and provides a stronger core structure than ever.

Ivy is a very important stepping stone in Angular history. It changes how the framework internally works, without changing Angular web app development and it also sets the ground for Angular Elements to become much more popular in our Angular applications.