Ways AI And IOT Are Leading to Better Healthcare Development

As the global population surpasses 8 billion, there is an urgent demand for enhanced, efficient, and swift healthcare systems worldwide. The escalating population and recurrent pandemics like COVID-19 pose substantial challenges to healthcare systems globally, hindering the achievement of the ‘quadruple aim’ in healthcare: improving population health, enhancing the patient’s care experience, elevating caregiver satisfaction, and mitigating the escalating cost of care.

In addition to the quadruple aim, the challenges posed by aging populations, the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and the soaring global healthcare expenses compel governments, payers, regulators, and providers to innovate and overhaul healthcare delivery models. The healthcare industry desperately needs help from AI and IoT to streamline healthcare operations and offer more efficient healthcare services.

Furthermore, in the current context accelerated by the global pandemic, healthcare systems face the dual challenge of delivering effective, high-quality care (performing) and implementing widespread care transformations. This transformation involves integrating real-world data-driven insights directly into patient care. The pandemic has underscored not only the deficiencies in the healthcare workforce but also the disparities in access to care, as previously emphasized by The King’s Fund and the World Health Organization.

AI and IoT Can Revolutionize the Healthcare Industry Globally

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare holds promise for tackling supply-and-demand challenges. The growing accessibility of multi-modal data encompassing genomics, economic factors, demographics, clinical information, and phenotypic data, combined with technological advancements in mobile technology, IoT, computing power, and data security, marks a pivotal moment of convergence between healthcare and technology.

This convergence has the potential to fundamentally reshape healthcare delivery models through AI-augmented healthcare systems. Together, AI and IoT can revolutionize the healthcare and medical industry for the betterment of humans and their healthcare needs.

Moreover, cloud computing is facilitating the integration of efficient and secure AI systems into mainstream healthcare services. This amazing integration of two different technologies offers the computational capabilities necessary for analyzing substantial volumes of data at faster speeds and lower costs than traditional ‘on-premises’ infrastructure used by healthcare organizations.

Notably, many AI healthcare apps and software development services companies are actively pursuing partnerships with healthcare organizations to propel AI-driven medical innovation facilitated by cloud computing and technology-driven transformations.

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How AI and IoT are Contributing to the Healthcare Industry?

As each day unfolds, Artificial Intelligence continues to advance, becoming increasingly sophisticated and valuable. It adeptly performs tasks that were once exclusive to humans, achieving heightened precision at a reduced cost. The expansive potential of AI and IoT in the healthcare sector is significant, and shortly, the combined forces of AI and IoT are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping our healthcare ecosystem.

How AI and IoT Is Contributing to the Healthcare Industry?

  • AI is Helping People Stay Fit and Healthy: AI holds tremendous promise in proactively supporting individuals in maintaining good health, potentially reducing the frequency of doctor visits. The integration of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) in consumer health applications is already demonstrating tangible benefits for people.
  • AI is Helping in the Early Detection of Diseases: AI is used to detect diseases, including cancer, with increased accuracy, especially in their early stages. The utilization of AI allows for the review and translation of mammograms at a rate 30 times faster, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 99%. This not only enhances the efficiency of diagnostics but also significantly reduces the necessity for unnecessary biopsies.
  • AI is Helping in Decision Making: Enhancing healthcare necessitates the synchronization of extensive health data with timely and well-informed decisions. AI, coupled with predictive analytics, plays a crucial role in supporting clinical decision-making and actions while also prioritizing administrative tasks.
  • AI is Helping in Diagnosis: AI plays a vital role in scanning health records, aiding providers in identifying individuals with chronic illnesses who may be at risk of adverse episodes. Additionally, it assists clinicians in adopting a more comprehensive approach to disease management, facilitating improved coordination of care plans. Moreover, AI supports patients in better managing and adhering to their long-term treatment plans.
  • AI is Helping in Training: AI enables trainees to engage in naturalistic simulations in ways that simple computer-driven algorithms cannot replicate. Furthermore, the training program can learn from the trainee’s previous responses, ensuring that challenges can be continuously adjusted to meet their evolving learning needs.

Examples of Application of AI Improvising the Healthcare Industry

The integration of AI in healthcare is revolutionizing medical treatment and enhancing patient experiences, from expediting diagnoses to assisting in robot-assisted surgeries. Artificial intelligence streamlines the responsibilities of patients, doctors, and hospital administrators, performing tasks traditionally carried out by humans but with increased efficiency and reduced costs.

In healthcare, AI manifests in various forms, including uncovering novel connections in genetic codes, empowering robots in surgery, automating administrative functions, personalizing treatment options, and beyond.

Examples of Application of AI Improvising the Healthcare Industry

  1. AI Applications in Improving Medical Diagnosis

    Every year, around 500,000 hospitalized patients suffer preventable harm, with more than 100,000 deaths. Under such circumstances, the commitment to enhancing the diagnostic process is one of AI’s most exciting healthcare applications. Incomplete medical histories and large caseloads can lead to deadly human errors. Immune to those variables, AI can predict and diagnose disease at a faster rate than most medical professionals.

  2. AI’s Role in Speeding up Drug Discovery

    The pharmaceutical sector grapples with escalating development expenses and extensive research demands, consuming thousands of human hours. The average cost of subjecting each drug to clinical trials is estimated at $1.3 billion, with only 10% successfully reaching the market. Recognizing the efficiency, accuracy, and knowledge that AI can offer, biopharmaceutical companies are swiftly embracing breakthroughs in technology.

  3. Transforming Patient Experience with AI

    Time holds significant value in the healthcare industry. Streamlining the patient experience efficiently enables hospitals, clinics, and physicians to attend to more patients daily. Research indicates that hospitals with patients reporting positive experiences tend to achieve higher profits, whereas negative reviews can result in financial setbacks.

  4. AI’s Management of Healthcare Data

    Healthcare is often recognized as one of the next major frontiers in big data management. In the vast forest of trillions of data points, highly valuable information can occasionally be lost. Moreover, the challenge of connecting crucial data points hampers the progress in developing new drugs, preventive medicine, and accurate diagnoses. To address this issue, many in the healthcare sector are turning to AI as a solution to halt the hemorrhaging of data. This technology dismantles data silos, enabling the connection of information in a matter of minutes that previously took years to process.

  5. AI in Performing Robotic Surgery

    The popularity of robot-assisted surgery is soaring, with hospitals deploying robots for tasks ranging from minimally invasive procedures to open-heart surgery. As per the Mayo Clinic, robots empower doctors to execute complex procedures with precision, flexibility, and control, surpassing human capabilities. Surgeons can manipulate a robot’s mechanical arms while seated at a computer console, benefiting from a three-dimensional, magnified view of the surgical site that surpasses what can be achieved with human eyes alone. The use of robots in surgery has resulted in reduced surgery-related complications, diminished pain, and faster recovery.

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How AI Will Help the Healthcare Industry in the Future?

AI-driven solutions in the healthcare industry have created numerous opportunities. Are you eager to discover what lies ahead for AI in healthcare? Explore the anticipated trends shaping the future.

How AI Will Help the Healthcare Industry in the Future?

Diagnosis and Disease Prediction

  • Image Analysis: AI can analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with remarkable accuracy. This can aid in the early detection of diseases like cancer and facilitate quicker diagnosis.
  • Pathology: AI algorithms can assist pathologists in analyzing tissue samples, leading to faster and more accurate diagnoses.

Personalized Treatment Plans

  • Genomic Medicine: AI can analyze genomic data to identify genetic markers associated with diseases. This information can be used to create personalized treatment plans based on an individual’s genetic makeup.
  • Drug Discovery: AI accelerates drug discovery by analyzing vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates and predict their efficacy.

Predictive Analytics and Preventive Care

  • Predictive Modeling: AI can analyze patient data to predict disease trends and identify individuals at risk of certain conditions. This enables proactive and personalized preventive care strategies.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: AI-driven devices can monitor patients remotely, providing real-time data to healthcare providers and alerting them to potential issues before they become critical.

Virtual Health Assistants and Chatbots

  • Patient Engagement: AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots can assist patients in managing their health, providing information, medication reminders, and answering queries.
  • Appointment Scheduling: AI-driven systems can optimize appointment scheduling, reducing wait times and improving overall patient experience.

Administrative Efficiency

  • Billing and Coding: AI can automate billing and coding processes, reducing errors and improving the efficiency of healthcare administration.
  • Supply Chain Management: AI can optimize inventory management, ensuring that hospitals have the right supplies at the right time, and reducing waste and cost.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Clinical Documentation

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): NLP enables the extraction of meaningful information from unstructured clinical notes, improving the accuracy and completeness of electronic health records.

Robotics in Surgery

  • Surgical Assistance: AI-powered robots can assist surgeons in performing complex procedures with precision. This can lead to shorter recovery times and reduced risk for patients.

Continuous Learning and Research

  • Data Analysis: AI can analyze large datasets from diverse sources, facilitating medical research and contributing to a deeper understanding of diseases.
  • Clinical Trials: AI can identify suitable candidates for clinical trials more efficiently, speeding up the development of new treatments.

While the integration of AI in healthcare presents immense opportunities, it also raises ethical and regulatory challenges, such as data privacy, security, and the responsible use of AI in decision-making. Addressing these issues will be crucial to realizing the full potential of AI in healthcare.

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