NodeJS vs Python: Which Backend Framework To Choose in 2023?

Node.js and Python are the leading backend technologies that make your web application more robust. But the big question arises: Do both Python and Node JS have any similarities?

Node.js and Python are modern technologies for web app development, but there is some difference in many aspects you must know. So, to make it easier for you, we’ve come up with an article that depicts the difference between Node.js vs Python.

Whatever technology you prefer for your business, make sure you consider selecting the best technology that matches your business requirements.

What is NodeJS?

Node.js is an open-source JS framework that builds both client and server-side network apps. It has a robust reputation for creating scalable and high-performance apps with its rich tech stack and robust ecosystem.

Node.js is a feature-rich backend technology that stamps out the dilemma between client-side and server-side development.

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What is Python?

Created by Guido van Rossum, Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language that offers an extensive set of libraries and packages to build dynamic web, mobile applications, and desktop apps.

Python is a leading backend technology that supports many programming standards and is very convenient. As the creator said, the delight of Python as an object-oriented programming language is its short, readable, and concise classes that exhibit a lot of action.

Features of NodeJS vs Python

After having a look at the basics of Node.js vs Python, let’s highlight the top features of Python and Node.js in detail.

Top Features of Node.JS

Features of Node.JS

  • Single-threaded: Node.js is the technology that typically operates on Single Threaded Event Loop Model architecture. By enabling the Node.js server to work with all non-blocking operations seamlessly, the event loop mechanism contributes to the server’s increased scalability. In addition, unlike Apache HTTP servers, Node.js version 19.0 can handle multiple tasks, multiple client requests, and even supports the multithreading concept.
  • Asynchronous: Node.js API are asynchronous by design. Simply put, whenever a client requests a server, the request is dealt with by a single thread. If the request does not involve any interaction with the database, it will be processed, and you can quickly send the response.
  • Event-driven: The notification mechanism in Node.js is called “Events” and helps you receive and keep track of previous API requests from the server. This mechanism works the same as the callback mechanism found in asynchronous functionality. Once the Node.js application starts the server, you can efficiently declare its functions, begin setting its variables, and then wait for the event to occur.
  • NPM: The Node Package Manager is the most comprehensive online repository for the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment. You can efficiently develop, install, and publish node programs. The NPM registry possesses 1.3 million different packages and effectively allows your business to manage private web development.
  • Highly scalable: Node.js operates asynchronously and supports only one thread. It utilizes child processes to partition applications horizontally. It enables organizations to customize app versions following individual customers’ preferences more easily.
  • Performance: Node.js is built with the Google Chrome javascript engine V8 JavaScript Runtime environment model, contributing to more rapid code execution. With the assistance of C++, the JavaScript code used in Google’s app engine (V8) is compiled into machine code. Moreover, the code implementation is more streamlined and quicker with the help of Node.js.

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Top Features of Python

Features of Python

  • Free and Open-Source: Developed under an OSI-approved open source license, Python is free to use, even for commercial purposes. You can easily download Python from the official Python website. You can freely modified and re-distribute the code as per your business needs.
  • Powerful Standard Library: Python is an interpreted language that comes up with an extensive standard library, making it easy for you to develop application without writing too much code for every single thing. You’ll find different libraries for image manipulation, databases, unit-testing, expressions, and other functionalities.
  • Interpreted: When a programming language is interpreted, the source code is executed line by line and not all at once. Programming languages and compiled languages such as C++ or Java are not interpreted, so they must be compiled first to run them. You do not need to compile Python repeatedly, as it is processed at runtime by the Python interpreter.
  • Portable: You can efficiently run Python code that is the same on different machines, whether Windows, Linux or Mac. You do not need to make any specific changes to the code. Simply put, you do not need to write a program multiple times for several platforms.
  • Extensible: Python is a completely extensible language, as you can easily extend Python code to other languages. As compared to Node JS, Python code can also be written in languages like C++, making it a highly extensible language.

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When To Use: Python vs NodeJS

When to Use NodeJS?

NodeJS helps you build scalable network applications like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as the platform is entirely built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime environment. Moreover, it is the best option for developing data-intensive real-time applications as it comes up with innovative features like event-driven architecture and even event-driven non-blocking I/O models.

If we compare NodeJS with Python performance, NodeJS plays well in terms of application performance and speed. NodeJS allows you to quickly develop messaging or chat applications.

So, if you’re planning to develop heavy-load applications, eCommerce platforms, enterprise applications, or Machine Learning apps, business websites, NodeJS is the one-stop solution for your business needs.

When To use Python?

Python is a robust platform that comes up with a list of libraries like open-source data analysis tools, web frameworks, and testing instruments. So, Python’s structured programming methods language ecosystem is more substantial in communities available globally.

With such a sizable community support, Python language comes up with multiple resources, making it a highly preferred option for you to deal with creating applications and performing data analytics smoothly.

By comparing Python vs Node.js, Python is essential in dealing with terminologies like features consistency, stability, and ease of use. But, I must say that Python is the most highly preferred programming language for developing scientific applications, big data solutions, government projects, and other large projects.

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Detailed Comparison: NodeJS vs Python

  1. Scalability: NodeJS vs Python

    Scalability is an essential factor you need to consider while developing business web applications. It helps you decide on resource requirements and brings a major impact on creating MVP for your business.

    If you’re creating a lightweight application, any specific language or coding environment will work fine. But what happens when you need to include additional functionalities in your business application? You’ll need more resources to deal with such a situation, and that’s what makes a huge difference in selecting the best back-end tech stacks for your needs.

    Node.js provides you with great flexibility, where you do not have to create a core, instead, you need to create multiple microservices and modules. So, once your Node application is scaled well, microservices and multiple modules help you run their process dynamically.

    Scaling your application horizontally becomes smoother by efficiently adding nodes to the existing ones and vertically by adding more and more resources to your business application.

    But with Python, the scenario is entirely different. Python faces various challenges with threads. With its Global Interpreter Lock functionality, Python does not allow it to operate several threads simultaneously.

    So, the best recommendation is that you are not allowed to run another process before the sequentially historical process is over. Above all, Python is a dynamically typed language, making it a challenging factor for a larger development team to deal with code maintenance activities.

  2. Application Performance & Speed: NodeJS vs Python

    Once you scale an application, every bit of efficiency plays a vital role in minimizing operating costs. So, I can definitely say that in terms of node vs python, performance and speed are crucial factors, especially while assessing a programming language or environment.

    Node.js strictly follows non-blocking architecture, so the execution process is simpler and faster. Moreover, if we talk about Python vs Node JS performance, Node.js is solely responsible for executing the asynchronous code outside the web browser, making it a solid contender.

    So, the Node applications that typically run on web browsers process at a faster speed and of course, perform well on efficiency.

    Python’s application architecture usually forbids multithreading and is a major challenge in this aspect as well. This dynamically typed language is solely responsible for slowing down the processing speed as processes don’t run parallelly.

    With the help of Python’s easy-to-learn syntax, it becomes difficult for your applications that frequently recall data from the web server. So, in terms of Node JS vs Python speed, we can say that Node js is the ultimate winner.

  3. Syntax & Learning Curve: Node vs Python

    ‘Syntax’ typically performs a massive set of functions with as minimum code as possible, and that’s what plays an essential role in maintaining language efficiency. You can quickly achieve it by granting popular operations into specific inbuilt functions.

    I must say that it’s an easy way to deal with assessment for the learning curve, mainly associated with the primary languages. In simple words, the easier the Javascript syntax, the more chances there are of flattening the learning curve.

    If you are an expert in JavaScript technology, NodeJS’s learning curve is not steep. However, many times, it happens that you find it challenging to install NodeJS using the documentation file, and it is just due to the event-driven programming concept. And that’s what make Node.js scalable and efficient.

    With Python’s syntax, Python’s USP has greatly impacted the various industry-wide fact that the length of code is relatively smaller in Python program. So, if I compare NodeJS with Python, writing and maintaining code using Python’s syntax is a straightforward process, especially when you’re dealing with other programming languages and a runtime environment.

  4. App Architecture: NodeJS vs Python

    Architecture means following best practices or principles to strictly adhere to the framework/environment or language.

    To put it simply, Nodejs follows single-threaded architecture. It means that you can efficiently handle multiple requests with a single thread. And if I talk about Python, it usually follows “cpython” – a standard implementation utilising interchangeable code modules.

    And as we know, Node.js deal with server-side asynchronous programming, making a huge impact on the input-output functionality that is not blocked because a certain process is still underway.

    NodeJS is a robust and dynamic typing platform that typically adopts parallel processes, making the deployment process faster. With its event-driven architecture, Node.js allows you to perform actions as and when an event occurs.

    Compared to Node.js, Python is not dependent on a multithreading process and doesn’t provide such functionalities. As a result, it becomes your prime duty to initiate and finish one process before others, making Python development a little more stringent programming language.

    You’ll come across various data analysis tools that help you create asynchronous apps using Python. Unfortunately, you would wind up using workarounds in your business applications and not actually get the desired asynchronicity.

  5. Community: Node vs. Python

    Programming community is a platform that helps you decide which language suits your backend web development services best. Based on the information provided in the Node.js vs Python community, every community member and developer actively updates the existing tools, runs debugging operations, and even releases brand-new features.

    As we are talking about Node JS vs Python, Node.js is not a traditional and multipurpose programming language like Python, but it is a universal programming language that possess an extensive community. As a part of NodeJS vs Python backend terminology, Node.js is an open-source backend technology that always returns to the community for support.

    For Node.js developers, finding peer support is made possible. But on the other hand, business owners need to always rely on hiring Node.js developers from a reputed organisation.

    Python is a veteran language and has a larger community of experienced Python developers.

    Since anyone can benefit from the supportive community, Python allows you to hire dedicated developers and boost your business by using it.

  6. Extensibility: NodeJS vs Python

    Extensibility is a feature that allows you to quickly add new features and functionalities to a language or framework. So, to make a robust functionality to your application, you can include more frameworks, data structures, and functions on to the base platform

    Let’s see how Node JS vs Python deal with the extensibility support.

    Node.js has achieved huge success by having maximum downloads in previous years, and this has given more business benefits. You’ll be surprised to know that a new framework or tool pops up with Node as a base on daily basis.

    Here are some of the best ones that are mostly used by leading businesses globally.

    • Babel is the compiler for JavaScript and is primarily used for front-end development services.
    • Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework specifically used for testing applications.
    • is typically used for project management and handles real-time log monitoring in your browser.
    • Webpack is a tool that bundles JavaScript files for usage in a browser.

    Python is a technology that is a rage for efficient backend development that provides huge extensibility with multiple frameworks for web development as per your business needs.

    • Robot is a keyword-driven acceptance testing framework that makes the testing process smoother.
    • Flask is a micro web framework that makes your web applications for your business needs.
    • Web2py typically follows agile development to create, modify, deploy and manage business applications from anywhere using your browser.
    • Django is the most popular web development framework that makes your backend development services efficient.

    And if I talk about the extensibility support for both Node JS vs. Python, both Node.js and Python are the winners in this specific category.

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  7. Universality: NodeJS vs Python

    Universality is a feature that typically defines the total number of different applications a functional programming language supports.

    And if we are talking about universality, it’s quite challenging to identify who is the best in Python or Node js. In fact, both Node.js and Python come up with multiple use cases and can be helpful across many platforms.

    As compared to Python, Node is a popular tool that typically uses JavaScript as a primary language. In addition, you can quickly deal with frontend and backend development with the same popular programming language.

    With its cross-platform support functionality, Node.js allows you to use the same desktop app on Mac. Linux and Windows OS. In addition, this technology has multiple use cases for web apps, mobile development, and even cloud and IoT solutions.

    Like Node.js, Python is universal and can be used for both frontend and backend development. Moreover, you can use Python for cross-platform development as pre-configured Python is already available on Linux and Mac platforms. But, for Windows, you’ll require the installation of a Python interpreter.

    The excellent part of Python is that you can efficiently build IoT and Natural Language Processing (AI and ML). So, both Python and Node JS are the ultimate winners in terms of Universality perspectives.

  8. Libraries & Tools: NodeJS vs Python

    Libraries play a vital role in the web development process. You must be aware that many websites come up with thousands of lines of code, making it challenging for developers to select a language with libraries.

    So, you can efficiently minimize the burden as machine code reusability would be the key to time-efficient development.

    Node Package Manager (NPM) is the library and the package manager of Node.js. If you install NPM and Node.js on Windows and Mac OS, you can efficiently develop scalable applications smoothly.

    You’ll be surprised to know that there are over a million packages available in NPM. Node.js documentation is huge just due to its popularity, and this helps Node.js developers to create a smooth learning curve for the language.

    And if we talk about libraries and tools in Python programming language, PIP (Pips installs Python) is the library and package manager. The excellent part of PIP is that developers find it easy and most reliable to work with it.

    With its huge documentation and multiple library support, its a favorite language for Python developers having clean, compact code. However, not all newer frameworks have that much documentation.

NodeJS vs Python: The Comparison Table

NodeJS Python
NodeJS is the best option for dealing with asynchronous programming concepts. Python is not an ideal option to write asynchronous code execution for your programming needs.
Node.js brings convenience to the developers to perform coding; hence it’s pure JavaScript. Python framework allows developers to write fewer lines of code to get more functionalities.
By using Node.js, you’ll find it needing more clean coding standards. So, it’s not a good option for larger projects. It works well for large projects as you can do anything using PHP code.
Node.js is an ideal platform for dealing with real-time web applications and mobile applications for your business needs. Python is not ideal for developing real-time web applications for your business.
NodeJS is a language well suited for small projects to enable functionality that needs less scripting. Python is a back-end programming language that is well-suited for developing larger projects.
NodeJS is the best option for memory-intensive activities. You, as a business owner, cannot use Python for performing memory-intensive activities.
Node.js is an ideal option for designing and developing web application development. With the help of Python, you can easily perform things like web applications, integration with back-end applications, machine learning systems, and network programming.
Node.js typically uses a JavaScript interpreter as a primary source CPython is an interpreter for Python programming language.
Node.js is an ideal programming language that strongly supports callback, entirely based on an event/callback that makes it process. Python supports generators, making it a simpler process to deal with web app development.

NodeJS vs Python: Which is the Best Option for Back-End Development?

Which is the best technology for backend development: Node.js or Python? Of course, it’s a challenging question, especially when your business needs a full-flagged product.

The answer to this question typically impacts both Python and Node.js features and benefits.

I recommend you, as a business owner, must opt for Node.js if you need a memory and data-intensive project, and that tool does not require too much coding.

On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a larger project bundled up with multiple integrations and calculations, Python is the best option for your business.